StorageSite | UCL Institute of Education |
Level | File |
Reference Number | UWT/F/80/2 |
Title | 'NUWT Middlesex County Association' |
Date | 1926 - 1956 |
Description | Correspondence between members of the Middlesex County NUWT Association and Ethel Froud and A. Muriel Pierotti (NUWT) regarding: Circulars from Head Office requesting that Middlesex Branches take action regarding County Council plans to reduce the number of welfare assistants employed in infant schools. Notice of the Central Council member appointed as liaison officer between the County Association and Headquarters. Letters of thanks from the General Secretary to County Secretaries and Officials for all the work they have done. Notices of members who have retired and letters from the General Secretary to them thanking them for their commitment to the NUWT and asking them to consider continuing membership. Notice of applications for membership and of members who wish to resign from the NUWT. Arrangements for meetings. Notification of changes of address. Requests for literature from Head Office which could be used for propaganda. Equal pay for women teachers - reports from members of action they have undertaken to promote the cause of equal pay. Requests for applications for membership for the Boots Booklovers Card . Notice from members who have retired regarding continued as Associate members and/or continuing subscriptions and delivery of 'The Woman Teacher'. Discussion of motions and resolutions and arrangements regarding who will move and second them. Update of news from individual members, for example news on illness in their family, retirement from the teaching profession, resignation from the union, and other changes of circumstances. Notice of the disbanding of the Brentford branch due to a fall in numbers. Agendas for County AGMs. Constitution and appointments to the County Association. Typed lists of members and unattached members in the County. Requests for stationery for the County Office. Requests for the NUWT organiser to visit branches in the county. Requests for Central Council visits to the County Association. Bookings for conference - includes booking forms for accommodation. Reports of instances of inequality and poor treatment of women teachers. Notices of deaths of NUWT members from the County. Notices from teachers who have been evacuated of where they are now based. Reports of disagreements and disputes between the NUWT, the National Union of Teachers and the Education Committee in the County. Requests for use of Headquarters rooms for County meetings. Formation of a new branch in Twickenham, 1938. Biographical information on Nancy Lightman (NUWT) for use by the Chairman at a meeting she is speaking a.t Suggestions of non-members to whom visits should be made. Notice of Air Raid Precautions action taken by Local Education Committees. Headships in Mixed Schools - reports of actions the County have taken on reorganisation and amalgamation of schools. Notice of regional meetings. Equal pay for women teachers - reports from members of action they have undertaken to promote the cause of equal pay. Central Council reports after attending County AGMs and quarterly meetings - includes notes of the number of branches represented, and any special difficulties affecting the region. Typed and handwritten reports of visits by NUWT members to schools in the County to try and recruit new members - includes comments on the reaction of teachers to the aims of the NUWT.
'Appeal for the Relief of German Teachers' - leaflet. Leaflets from NUWT meetings held in the County. |
Extent | 2 folders |
AccessStatus | Open |
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