
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number UWT/F/87/1
Title'NUWT Nottinghamshire County Association'
Date1930 - 1952
DescriptionCorrespondence between members of the Nottinghamshire County NUWT Association (including Hilda R. Walmesley), the Institute of Education at the University of Nottingham, and Ethel Froud and A. Muriel Pierotti (NUWT) regarding:
Letters of condolences
Nominations for Central Council
Nominations for the Committee of Management of the University of Nottingham Institute of Education
Advice from the General Secretary regarding a dispute between the Head Teachers and District Education Committee in Hucknall
Arrangements for a visit by Muriel Pierotti to the Nottingham County Association
Equal pay for women teachers - reports from members of action they have planned to promote the cause of equal pay
Requests for advice on renewing and updating National Insurance contributions
Cover letter sent with a deposit of a branch Minute Book and a printing block used for the cover of a conference handbook - sent by a County member to Head Office
Decision to disband the South Nottinghamshire branch of the NUWT due to a fall in numbers
Lists of members and unattached members in the County
Notice of 'Valentine Cards' that have been sent by members (an image of one of the cards from this campaign can be seen in 'The Story of the NUWT', A. M. Pierotti, p64)
Notice of applications for membership and of members who wish to resign from the NUWT
Arrangements and notices of County meetings
Arrangements and appointments for the position of Secretary of the County Association
Subscriptions to 'The Woman Teacher'
Requests for NUWT headed notepaper and stationery
Discussion of issues of concern to teachers in the area, for example the employment of children in agriculture
Letter of thanks from the General Secretary to Secretaries of the County Association thanking them for all their work
Notification of changes of address and changes of place of employment
Agendas of AGMs of the County Association
Visits from Central Council staff to the County Association
Rules booklet for the County Association
Reports of work done by County NUWT members, for example visits to potential members
Requests for copies of NUWT produced pamphlets and reports
Plans for the formation of the Nottinghamshire County Association
Central Council reports after attending County AGMs and quarterly meetings - includes notes of the number of branches represented, and any special difficulties affecting the region
Typed and handwritten reports of visits by NUWT members to schools in the County to try and recruit new members - includes comments on the reaction of teachers to the aims of the NUWT

NUWT leaflets on Equal Pay, Provident Sick Fund
Extent2 folders

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