
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number WEF/A/VII/295
Title'Education for the New Era' Vols. 1-2
DescriptionNos. 1-8. Indexed.
An International Quarterly Magazine for the Promotion of Reconstruction in Education.

- 'The Outlook Tower' (note from the Editor) - No.1 (page 3)
- 'Philosophy and Education; The Witness of Art and Some Reflections on Education' (by E. Sharwood-Smith, Headmaster of Newbury Grammar School)
- 'Montessori' (Montessori and the New Era, by Claude A. Claremont)
- 'In Quest of Truth; A Scottish Experiment' (by Sophie Yates, Headmistress of the Infant Dept.,Strathbungo Council School,Glasgow)
- 'The Hall School, Weybridge' (by Muriel Mackenzie)
- 'Educational Notes' (news from America, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, England, Hungary, Mesopotamia, New Zealand, Switzerland)
- 'Questions and Answers' (International History - The Art of Inspiring)
- 'The Children's Corner - The Starry Flower'

- 'The Outlook Tower' (notes from the Editor) - No.2 (page 33)
- 'Montessori' (The Opening of a Montessori School; Age 2+half to 11 Years, by Anna Maccheroni)
- 'In Quest of Truth; At Windyheath' (by Charles S. Green)
- 'The Hall School, Weybridge' (by Muriel Mackenzie)
- 'The School Commonwealth' (by E.A. Craddock, Northern Polytechnic Secondary Day School, Holloway)
- 'Jacques-Dalcroze' (An Interview; his Dalcroze Eurhythmics by Muriel Mackenzie)
- 'International Notes' (United States,India,Germany, Belgium)
- 'Questions and Answers' (The Value of Art; The Study of Latin)
- 'Reviews' (books - The Curriculum by Kenneth Richmond)
- 'The Children's Corner - The Story that the Wise Man Told', by Cecil R. Bernard

- 'The Outlook Tower' (notes from the Editor) - No.3 (page 63)
- 'Psycho-Analysis' by J.A.M. Alcock
- 'School Visits' by A. Teacher (Tiptree Hall, Inworth, Essex; Brackenhill Home School, Highland Road, Bromley, Kent; Continuation School at Debenhams; Dutch Schools)
- 'Corporate Learning' by T.R. Coxon
- 'Book Reviews' (The Joy of Education by William Platt, The New Children by Sheila Radice, The Nursery School by Margaret McMillan, How to Teach English Compositon by Robert Finch)
- 'Montessori' (Has Montessori made a True Contribution to Science?, by Claude A. Claremont)
- 'International Notes' (The International School of Philosophy at Amersfoort by J.D. Reiman)
- 'Casting Out Fear' - A Play in One Act by A.S. Neill

- 'The Outlook Tower' (notes from the Editor) - No.4 (page 93)
- 'The Multiple Personality of the Child' by C. Jinarajadasa (A Lecture given to the Theosophical Fraternity of Education Conference,Letchworth, August 1920)
- 'New Paths in Reformatory Education' by Dr Karl Wilker)
- 'School Without a Teacher' by Norman MacMunn
- 'International Notes' (Education in France Old and New)
- 'Psychology of the Flogger' (comment on the punishment by teacher, by A.S.N.)
- 'Montessori' (Has Montessori made a True Contribution to Science? - continued, by Claude A. Claremont)
- 'What Is - What Might Be', by Agnes M. Day
- 'Book Reviews' (Principles of Self-Government in State and School, by I.A. Hawliczek; Psycho-Analysis, by Barbara Low; Hints on School Discipline, by Ernest F. Row)

- 'The Outlook Tower' (notes from the Editor) - No.5 (page 125)
- 'How the Work Came About', by E.F. O'Neill
- 'Unhand me, grey-beard loon!', by Alice Woods on young generation of tomorrow.
- 'The Next War' (extract from The New Age, November 4, 1920)
- 'John Dewey and His Influence', by Prof. Herbert W. Schneider
- 'International Notes' (Austria, New South Wales)
- 'Book Reviews' (The New Education, by L. Haden Guest; A Dominie in Doubt, by A.S. Neill; The New Psychology and its Relation to Life, by A.G. Tansley)
- 'The New Schools', by Ad. Ferriere
- 'Corporal Correction League' (comments on punishment)
- 'The Teaching of Citizenship' (extracts from an address by Dr Boyd, President of the Educational Institute of Scotland)

- 'The Outlook Tower' (notes from the Editor) - No.6 (page 155)
- 'Self-Government Schools' (Symposium)
- 'International Notes' (Bolshevik Education, Self-Government in the United States, Self-Governing School in Germany)
- 'Book Reviews' (The Child's Path to Feedom by Norman MacMunn; Educational Experiments in England by ALice Woods; A Young Girl's Diary, Preface by Freud)

- 'The Outlook Tower' (notes from the Editor) - No.7 (page 185)
- 'The Psychological Bases of the Montessori Method', by Margaret Drummond
- 'Escaped', by Enid Leale,L.L.A.
- 'Our Neglected Legacy', by H. Brown Smith,Goldsmith College
- 'International Notes' (America; Cases in a Psychological Clinic-Lincoln School,Ohio; The Macabe School; Russia,by a Russian Lady)
- 'Book Reviews' (Schools with a Message in India, by Daniel Johnson Fleming; Psychanalysis in the Class Room, by George H. Green; Suggestion and Auto-Suggestion, by Charles Bandouin; Education for Self Realisation and Social Service, by Frank Watts, University of London Press)
- 'Handwriting', by John W. Benton
- 'The Piper Passes' - A Play in One Act by A.S. Neill
- 'RIght and Wrong' (a note to The New Era Editor)

- 'The Outlook Tower' (notes from the Editor) - No.8 (page 217)
- 'The New School', (Summary of the Lecture given 5th August 1921 held in Calais, by Ad. Ferriere)
- 'The French Child at Home and at School', by Cloudesley Brereton, L.C.C. Inspector of Schools
- 'The Value of the Drama in Education', by Isabelle M. Pagan
- 'The Liberation of Creative Faculty by Education', by Major L. Haden Guest
- 'Education and Life', by Violet M. Potter (A Report of the New Ideals in Education Conference held at Stratford-on-Avon, August 1921)
- 'A Blunder in Analysis', by William Platt
- 'From Our German Correspondent, Dr Elizabeth Rotten' (International Reconciliation through Education)
- 'Book Reviews' (Give me the Young by Edmond Holmes, The Care of the Adolescent Girl by Phyllis Blanchard, The Joy of Mountains by William Platt, The Reign of Relativity by Viscount Haldane)
Extent1 volume.
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