
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number WEF/B/2
TitleSections' Papers
DescriptionCorrespondence and papers from and regarding the national sections of the Fellowship.
Extent10 boxes.
ArrangementArranged alphabetically by the current name of country, and then by Branch/Chapter/Regional Section (if applicable). Yvonne Moyse (General Secretary from 1965-1973) filed the papers from each section into correspondence; minutes; circulars and reports (mostly supporting papers for the minutes); papers regarding activities and conference; correspondence from individual members/officers; and files on particular projects. Branches of the large sections were also treated the same way. In 1973, Moyse's successor, Rosemary Crommlin, did not continue this system and filed all the papers by country into one file.
AccessStatusRestricted access
AccessConditionsAll records in the WEF collection are subject to 30 year closures. See individual entries for more information.
Related MaterialThe material in this series follows on from WEF/A/II.
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