
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Education
Reference Number YMA/WF/147
TitleInternational Falcon Movement - Socialist Educational International: Second World War
DescriptionPapers relating to the International Falcon Movement - Socialist Educational International in the period 1939-1945 and the immediate aftermath of the war, including:

Woodcraft Folk 'Special International Newsletter' to groups, focusses on camps. 1947.
Press cutting 'Freundschaft' on 'the international study week on socialistic problems' from Volksrecht, 14 September 1946.
Pamphlet 'Centraal Vriendschafpsfeest', Amsterdam 1946.
List of filmstrip images for 'International journey and the Zurich School & conference September, 1946'.
Suggestions for discussion at the Zurich conference on the Socialist International of Education (S.E.I.), by Dyno Löwenstein.
Page 2 of a document on history of the S.E.I. conference.
Draft consitutition for proposed 'International Association of Democratic and Progressive Educational Organisations for Children', nd.
Programme for SEI Summer School, 1946.
Meeting report papers for the S.E.I.
HEIO, monthly magazine of the Swiss Red Falcons, May 1949. In German.
Letter in French to Henry Fair from the Societe Generale Cooperative, regarding the Red Falcon camp, 1946.
Letter from Dr K. A. Andriesse, Nederlandse Verbruikscooperaties, regarding socialist youth movements in the Netherlands.
'Tasks of the S.E.I.'.
'S.E.I. supplement 1940-1946'.
SEI Bulletin, 1 May 1945.
Report of SEI meeting, Brussels, attended by Willi Hocke and Henry Fair (Koodoo).
Black edged card in French. Translation 'Mara and Dyno Löwenstein express all their gratitude to you for the affection you have shown in the bereavement that has struck them'.
'The work of the SEI', memorandum by Anna Siemsen. c1946.
Woodcraft Folk report from SEI Committee meeting, Brussels, 1947.
Delegate list of the Sozialistishe erziehungs-Internationale, Koferenz der Kinderfreunde-organisationen, 1946.
'Help for Austria', things the Woodcraft Folk could do.
Basil Rawson's delegate card for LASKO conference, and various travel documents/receipts, handwritten notes, programme, conference papers in German and French, 1946.
'Principles of Socialist Education after the collapse of Fascism', by Anton Tesarek, Vienna.
German press cutting re 25th anniversary of the IFM-SEI's children's camps, c1952.
Typescript 'The Woodcraft Folk', a history of the organisation.
Extent1 folder
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