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Description | Content warning: Please note that some material in this file includes outdated terms which are now considered discriminatory, harmful or offensive. Some of this terminology has been quoted directly here in the catalogue in order to provide an accurate and representative description of the material, and to inform users of viewpoints at the time. It does not reflect the current views of UCL. For further information on the history of this terminology, please see [link to Glossary]
Circulars, press releases and cuttings, souvenir programmes and song sheets illustrating Woodcraft Folk camp, 29 July - 19 August 1933. Some relate to Shefstanthing, Contains two copies of 'The Woodcraft Folk Song Sheet' 1933, published on the ocassion of the camp and including the songs; 'Who are these folk?'; 'Under totem bold'; 'Song of the way'; 'Hi-Roger Rum'; 'The vow we have made'; 'Youth song'; 'There is a factory in the town'; 'Song of the trailbreakers'; 'Marianina'; 'The Campfire Carol'; 'The Internationale'; 'Waltzing Matilda'; 'The Virtuous Life'; 'I went to the animals fair'; 'A wayfarer's life'; 'The "darkies" sunday school'; 'Vagrant Song'; 'Oh the World's All Right' and 'William Brown'. |