Description | Index volume to the drawings, and manuscript case notes, chiefly by Carswell but some in other hands. There are three bound volumes which give case notes for each drawing, arranged in the same order. Volume one contains the case notes for sections A, B, Ca and Cb; volume two has the notes for sections D, E,Fa and Fb, and Volume three has notes for sections Fc, Fd, G, Ha, Hb, Hc, I, K, and L. In addition there is a box of loose case notes which have a different system of numbering. These have not yet been matched up with the drawings. |
AdminHistory | The case notes relate to the drawings in that they describe the condition(s) depicted and occasionally give additional details about the patients. They have two different numbering systems. Each case was individually numbered (No. 20, No. 17 etc), presumably in chronological order. These numbers do not correspond to the system used for the drawings. There is an additional alphanumeric system (A1, Ca30, etc) which does correspond to the drawings; these numbers have been added to the bound case notes retrospectively and can usually be found at the top of the page. Occasionally a single case may correspond to several drawings, in which case all of the relevant drawing numbers will be noted. It appears that the case notes were made on loose folios and later bound into volumes. They are arranged according to the later alphanumeric system, and do not run in their original case number order. There is a note at the start of the first volume stating that five drawings corresponding to notes were not found in June 1864, this is presumably when the drawings were arranged into series and the volumes were compiled. In addition to the bound volumes there is also one box of loose notes. They have the same format as the bound folios but have only their original case numbers; they have not been arranged into the same alphanumeric system as the drawings. Therefore, it is not clear whether these notes have any relation to the existing drawings. There are case notes for which it has not been possible to identify a corresponding drawing; similarly there are drawings for which there do not appear to be case notes. |