
StorageSiteUCL Special Collections
Reference Number MS PHILL/56
TitleSwiss Government Texts
Date17th century-18th century
DescriptionManuscript volume containing five texts bound together:
(1) Deliberationen der Bernerschen Regierung ber den Bund von 1775 mit Frankreich [18th century] (6 leaves)
(2) Der 5 altt. Cathol. Orthen unvergriffliche Bedencken und rationes ber den Badischen Project 1659 (12 leaves)
(3) Memoriale der Stadt Arauw ber ihre Berechtigung Brger, die ihren Einzug nicht bezahlen, auch sonst ihre Ordnungen aus den Augen setzen oder Brgerrecht auszuschliessen 15 Mrz 1760 (6 leaves)
(4) Zwei Schreiben, das eine vom stand Uri an Luzern, das andere an Muhlhausen, beydes de 1768 (2 leaves)
(5) Anmerkungen uber die Observationen 1776 (10 leaves).
Extent1 volume containing 35 leaves
CustodialHistoryThe manuscripts belonged to Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), baronet, an antiquary and bibliophile whose collection included c60,000 manuscripts of various kinds, some relating to the administration of Swiss towns. Various manuscripts were sold after Sir Thomas's death, some to the German government, and were dispersed to several libraries. Formerly Phillipps MSS (respectively 3442a, 3447, 3451, 3456c, 3464c); (5) was also an Engel MS.
AcquisitionThe Phillipps Manuscripts at University College London were given to the College by the German government in 1912.
AccessConditionsThe papers are available subject to the usual conditions of access to Archives and Manuscripts material, after the completion of a Reader's Undertaking.
FindingAidsDorothy K Coveney, 'A Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Library of University College London' (London, 1935); handlist at University College London Special Collections.
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