
StorageSiteUCL Institute of Neurology
Reference Number NHNN/HIST/5
TitleHistory of the National Hospital: synopses and articles
DescriptionCopy of article from Sunday at Home, published 1887, entitled 'Hospitals and Hospital Work', by Mrs Brewer, dealing with the National Hospital; copy of extract from book entitled 'Bloomsbury and St Giles's by George Clinch, published 1890, relating to the National Hospital and other medical institutions in the area, including the Hospital for Sick Children, The Alexandra Hospital, Queen Square, French Hospital and Dispensary, The Italian Hospital (Ospedale Italiano), and The London Homoeopathic Hospital; copy of article entitled 'Hospital Neighbourhoods' and subtitled 'Part 1 - Queen Square', published in The Hospital, 2 April 1921, with illustrations, containing a brief history of Queen Square and referring to the National Hospital; copy of extract from the Rockefeller Foundation Appeal entitled 'History of the Hospital' [1935]; copy of appeal for recognition by the University of London, nd; copy of 'Historical Note' by Macdonald Critchley; copy of article entitled 'The Beginnings of the National Hospital Queen Square (1859-1860)' by Macdonald Critchley, British Medical Journal, 18 June 1960; typed copy and cutting of printed version of article entitled 'Century's Background to Nursing' by Miss G Rubin, printed in Nursing Mirror, 29 July 1960; article entitled 'Hughlings Jackson, the man; and the early days of the National Hospital', by Macdonald Critchley, reprinted from the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, August 1960; copy of article entitled 'Early days of the National Hospital, Queen Square', by Macdonald Critchley, reprinted from Cerebral Palsy Bulletin, Volume 2 Number 1, 1960; copy of article entitled 'The case notes of the National Hospital for the Paralysed and Epileptic, Queen Square, London, before 1900', reprinted from Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 1961 (inscribed to Matron Ling by one of the authors); copy of 'Notes on the History of Maida Vale Hospital for Nervous Diseases' by Marguerite M C Herbert, 1966; synopsis of the history of Maida Vale Hospital, June 1966; note on the various addresses of Maida Vale Hospital, c1960s; copy of article entitled 'The National Hospital, Queen Square, and the Development of Neuropathology', by W Blackwood, reprinted from World Neurology, Minneapolis, April 1961; copy of article on medical history entitled 'Centenary of Maida Vale Hospital' from the British Medical Journal, July 1966; copy of article entitled 'Neurological and Neurosurgical Nursing', reprinted from RN, May 1966 (including reproduced photograph of Hospital exterior, and five of nurses in training); copy of article entitled 'Advanced teaching in Neurological and Neurosurgical nursing at the National Hospital, London', by Christine Rubin SRN, Nursing Clinics of North America, June 1969; leaflet entitled 'The National Hospitals for Nervous Diseases. A Brief History', c1985; copies of other articles; chronologies;

See also NHNN/HIST/35 - box of articles in Library office.
Extentc30 items [Box 79]
AccessConditionsThe papers are available subject to the usual conditions of access to Archives and Manuscripts material, after the completion of a Reader's Undertaking.
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