Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse BA - Papers of George and Judith BainesBA - Papers of George and Judith Baines
Collapse 1 - Eynsham County Primary School1 - Eynsham County Primary School
Expand 1 - Teacher diaries1 - Teacher diaries
Expand 2 - Teachers' Guides2 - Teachers' Guides
Expand 3 - Teachers' meetings3 - Teachers' meetings
Expand 4 - Pupil records4 - Pupil records
Expand 5 - Administrative materials5 - Administrative materials
Expand 6 - Oxfordshire County Council Education Department6 - Oxfordshire County Council Education Department
Expand 7 - Articles7 - Articles
Expand 8 - Newspaper cuttings8 - Newspaper cuttings
Collapse 9 - Pupil work9 - Pupil work
1 - 'An anthology for Mr Baines on the occasion of the first anniversary of our school'. Includes pieces of work on 'Our school'.
2 - 'Horse chestnut, by Caroline Price'.
3 - 'Small creatures, by Caroline Rainbow'.
4 - 'Things from Ghana, by Jacqueline Timms and Candida Church'.
5 - 'Elizabethan transport by Sarah Tibbetts'.
6 - 'Book about a crow, by Steven Jones'.
7 - 'A feather, by Stephen O'Neil'.
8 - 'My book on the human skull, by Peter Hough'.
9 - 'My book on a skull, by Nicholas Hastings'.
10 - 'My book on flowers, by Philippa Harris'; 'My book about our environment, by Alexandra Morley'. (Age 6)
11 - By Dawn Evans (Harvest Festival)
12 - 'An anthology from the East Wing for 10th April 1974'.
13 - 'An anthology to celebrate the 7th birthday of Eynsham Primary School…by the West Wing'.
14 - 'An anthology for Mr Baines on the occasion of the 7th birthday of our school, from the South Wing'. Includes list of 'Some of the things we can work at in school'.
15 - 'My book about a bottle, by Richard Smith'. (Age 6-7)
16 - 'My book about my fossils, by David Miles'. (Age 5+ or 6+)
17 - 'My book about the goggles, by Steven Morton'. (Age 6+)
18 - 'This book by Graham Wells on bones'. (Age 6)
19 - 'A book of bones by David Church'. (Age 5)
20 - 'My book about the sheep shears by Oliver Caunt'. (Age 5)
21 - 'Sedum spectabile, by Richard Jones'.
22 - 'A week in North Wales, by Sylvia Thomas'.
23 - 'A week in Wales, by Julia Nix'.
24 - 'Tanzania and an ebony carving, by Mark Buckle'. (Age 7+)
25 - 'My book about the potato, by Julie McHarg'. (Age 8+)
26 - 'My book of allsorts by Caroline Eggleton'.
27 - 'Ivy, by Jane Adlard'.
28 - 'A rusty old horseshoe, by Richard Wotherspoon'.
29 - 'A book about Rosemary, by Gail Evans'.
30 - 'A book about the horn, by Kathryn Smith'.
31 - 'My book about hyacinth, by Lynne Muttock'. (Age 10?)
32 - 'A study on rice, by Lynne Muttock'. Includes cooking.
33 - 'My folder about grass, by Caroline Egerton'. (Age 8+)
34 - 'A study on the history of Eynsham, by Julia Nix'. (Age 10+)
35 - 'The human body, by Robert Pimm'.
36 - 'The River Thames and Stoke Bruerne, by Alison Farmer'.
37 - 'A book about wood, by David Bannister'.
38 - Project book on steam engines, by Shona Towns.
39 - 'My book about a skull, by Warren Sharman'. (Age 6)
40 - 'My book about the face mask, by Matthew Battow'. (Age 5-6)
41 - 'My book about a jaw bone, by Neil Johnson'. (Age 6)
42 - 'My book about a bottle, by David Green'. (Age 6)
43 - 'My book about a piece of coal, by Keith Norton'. (Age 6+)
44 - 'My book about a fir cone branch, by Laura Wilkinson'. (Age 5-6)
45 - 'My book about a horn, by David Bannister'. (Age 6+)
46 - 'A book of the River Thames, by Lena Timms'.
47 - 'A history of river transport, by Julie Taylor'.
48 - 'My book about milk, by Sharon Fathers'. (Age 6+)
49 - 'Julia's feather'.
50 - 'Roman times, by David A'.
51 - 'A study of history, by Sasha Moyes'.
52 - 'Life in Roman Britain, by Caroline Berry'.
53 - 'My book about Wales, by Caroline Eggerton'. (Age 8+). With notes by Judith Baines.
54 - 'A folder on machines, by David Adlard'.
55 - 'Plants in the hedgerow, by Sarah Lawfull'.
56 - 'A book about Elizabethans, by Samantha Booker'.
57 - 'My book on plants, by Katy Walsh'.
58 - 'My book on Devon, by Jason Launchbury'.
59 - 'The life of insects, by Caroline Eggleton'.
60 - 'My work on bone china, by Heidi Barrass'.
61 - 'My study on Devon and the sea shore, by Jennifer Atkins'.
62 - 'My study about old kitchens, by Gavin Carter'.
63 - 'My study of the human body, by Nicky Murray'.
64 - 'My study of the new Eynsham bypass, by Jamie Wotherspoon'.
65 - 'A study on water, by Samantha Booker'.
66 - 'The human body, by Jenny Atkins'.
67 - 'Bone china and glass, by Maria Gunston'.
68 - 'Cogges, kitchens and bellows, by Kevin Godfrey'. (Age 8)
69 - 'The old clay jug, by Polly Bannister'.
70 - 'A book about a skate, by Kian Saedi'. (Age 5-6)
71 - 'Pippa's feather'.
72 - 'A feather by Shenda'.
73 - 'My book about a feather, by Judith Butler. (Age 6+)
74 - 'My book of old farm tools, by James D. Clennett'.
75 - Unnamed project book - feathers.
76 - 'The Winter Book, by Miss Purbrook's group'.
77 - 'Amy' (pumpkin)
78 - 'Gavin's book of witches'.
79 - 'Insects and other creatures, by Colin Davison'. (Age 9)
80 - 'My book about a piece of wood, by Richard Smith'. (Age 6)
81 - 'Jack's folder'. (New entrant)
82 - 'Adam C.' (New entrant)
83 - 'Hannah H.' (New entrant)
84 - 'Lawrence'. (Age 5. New entrant)
85 - Project book presented to George and Judith Baines by the pupils of the Seymour Heights School, North Vancouver, British Columbia.
86 - 'The Seasons - creative writing from the late 1960s to early 1980s by children from 5-11 years at Eynsham County Primary School'.
87 - 'Examples of creative writing. Poetry down the ages! Children celebrating and wondering at their world. Eynsham County Primary School'.
88 - 'Part of a series of work on a cherry tree in the grounds from which two 9 year olds created their own display - Eynsham County Primary School…'
89-106 - Lino blocks 'cut out by children' at Eynsham Primary School.
107-113 - Examples of colour printing with lino blocks.
114-117 - Examples of textiles and wools, pasted onto paper divided by colour.
118 - Textile picture of a fish
119 - Textile picture of a sheep
120-121 - Macramé work, including a macramé owl.
122-137 - Examples of tie-dyed and printed cloth.
138 - 'Wax writing tablet made by Julia Day, Lynn Collins and Louisa Foster…'.
139 - Cassette tape containing 'Music created by Eynsham children and a sharing of Stow-on-Wold trip'.
Expand 10 - School magazines10 - School magazines
Expand 11 - Photographs, slides and film11 - Photographs, slides and film
Expand 2 - Talks/courses2 - Talks/courses
Expand 3 - Correspondence3 - Correspondence
Expand 4 - Published material4 - Published material
Expand 5 - Ashwell County Primary School5 - Ashwell County Primary School
Expand 6 - Brize Norton6 - Brize Norton
Expand 7 - Strathmore Infant School7 - Strathmore Infant School
Expand 8 - Material relating to Robin Tanner	8 - Material relating to Robin Tanner
Expand 9 - George Baines Personal Papers9 - George Baines Personal Papers