Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse BA - Papers of George and Judith BainesBA - Papers of George and Judith Baines
Expand 1 - Eynsham County Primary School1 - Eynsham County Primary School
Expand 2 - Talks/courses2 - Talks/courses
Expand 3 - Correspondence3 - Correspondence
Expand 4 - Published material4 - Published material
Expand 5 - Ashwell County Primary School5 - Ashwell County Primary School
Expand 6 - Brize Norton6 - Brize Norton
Expand 7 - Strathmore Infant School7 - Strathmore Infant School
Collapse 8 - Material relating to Robin Tanner	8 - Material relating to Robin Tanner
Collapse 1 - Memorabilia1 - Memorabilia
1 - Programme for 'The necessity of poetry'
2 - 'Towards a philosophy for 1964'
3 - Froebel Journal, Number 5
4 - Programme for Oxfordshire/West Riding Primary Heads Conference
5 - 'The pursuit of excellence'
6 - 'Et in Arcadia Ego: Robin Tanner - Master Etcher', by Barley Roscoe
7 - Letter from Robin Tanner to Judith and George Baines
8 - Pamphlet advertising an exhibition of etchings by Robin Tanner at the Stroud Festival
9 - 'Towards a philosophy for 1983'
10 - 'Etched on the Mind', an article by Denis Thomas
11 - 'Robin Tanner talks to John Kemp'
12 - 'Poems for September: an anthology compiled for the occasion of the eightieth birthday of Edith Moorhouse'
13 - Letter from Robin Tanner to George and Judith Baines
14 - Letter from Robin Tanner to George and Judith Baines
15 - 'Memorable words: an anthology for our guests from Towson State University, Maryland, USA'.
16 - Obituary of Robin Tanner
17 - Catalogue for an exhibition of Robin Tanner's work
18 - Obituary of Robin Tanner
19 - 'Robin Tanner as a teacher', by James Fairbairn
20 - 'If you would understand the invisible look closely at the visible'.
21 - 'Beyond what words can utter, an 'anthology in thanks for Robin Tanner'
22 - 'Tributes to Robin Tanner, 1904-1988'
23 - Order form for 'From Old Chapel Field', the selected letters of Robin Tanner
24 - 'Memorable speech: in verse and prose from the personal anthology of Robin Tanner'
25 - Double Harness: an autobiography, by Robin Tanner (Impact Books, 1987).
26 - Posters relating to exhibitions of work by Robin Tanner and his pupils.
Expand 2 - Photographs2 - Photographs
Expand 3 - Robin Tanner Memorial Day3 - Robin Tanner Memorial Day
Expand 4 - Audio tapes4 - Audio tapes
Expand 9 - George Baines Personal Papers9 - George Baines Personal Papers