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BENTHAM - Bentham Papers
1 - Annuity notes
2 - Annuity notes
3 - Annuity notes and other subjects
4 - Considerations on the Insolvent Discharge Arct; 1816, and other subjects
5 - Subscriptions and other subjects
6 - Church of Englandism examined, with a view to Catholic Emancipation, and other subjects
7 - Church catechism, and other subjects
8 - Emancipation [Spanish], and other subjects
9 - Correspondence and other papers
10 - Correspondence
11 - J B to H Brougham-suggestions as to Modus Procedendi in law reform motion, and other papers
12 - Venezuela-Caracas. Necessity of an all-comprehensive Code, and other subjects
13 - Correspondence
14 - Introduction, Happiness and Unhappiness, Stations of Jurisprudence in the Map of Knowledge, and other subjects
15 - [Politics] Protest ag't Land Taxes with letter on Mr. Perceval [fragment], and other subjects
16 - Duelling
17 - Usury 2d [Edition]-Preface, postscript, and other subjects
18 - Chrestomathia-Plan of New Essay, Telophantic table, and other subjects
19 - Suitors' money in Chancery, To the Editor of the Literary Panorama, and other subjects
20 - Escheat vice taxation, or Supply without burthen, and other subjects
21 - J B's [illeg.] for Caracas Code Venezuela-Advantages from English birth and Education, and other subjects
22 - Correspondence with the Portuguese Cortes, and other papers
23 - Constitutional Code-United States two-house system, and other papers
24 - Bey of Tripoli-Proclamation, and other papers
25 - [International law] Projet matire-Entregens principes, and other papers
26 - Inquerenda concerning Grand Juries in London, and other papers
27 - [Critical elements of jurisprudence]-Prefat, and other papers
28 - Comment on the Commentaries-conduct of the work, and other papers
29 - [Elements of Critical Jurisprudence]; Of laws in general, and other papers
30 - Civil code-marginals, and other papers
31 - Blackstone or civil code-universal jurisprudence, and other papers
32 - Civil code-four ends, and other papers
33 - [Traits]-Civil-rubrique genrale-projet forme, and other papers
34 - Constitutional Code, and other papers
35 - Jury trial, and other papers
36 - First Lines of a proposed Code, and other papers
37 - Civil Code, and other papers
38 - Constitutional Code, and other papers
39 - Leading principles of a constitutional code for any State, and other papers
40 - Constitutional code-Defensive force, and other papers
41 - Constitutional Code-Ministers collectively, and other papers
42 - Constitutional Code-Ministers collectively, and other papers
44 - Parliamentary reform, and other papers
45 - Introductory view of evidence, and other papers
46 - Evidence C, and other papers
47 - Evidence-Perjury, Theft, and other papers
48 - Evidence-circumstantial-marginalia, and other papers
49 - Evidence, and other papers
50 - Procedure, and other papers
51 - Procedure, and other papers
52 - Procedure, and other papers
53 - Procedure Code
54 - Procedure Code
55 - Procedure Code
56 - Procedure Code, and other papers
57 - C[ivil] P[rocedure], and other papers
58 - Evidence, and other papers
59 - Evidence, and other papers
60 - Police bill, and other papers
61 - Law amendment, and other papers
62 - Systeme figur, and other papers
63 - Penal Code, and other papers
64 - Penal Code
65 - Penal Code
66 - Penal Code, and other papers
67 - Penal Code, and other papers
1-28 - [Penal Code] Introduction-Definition of offences
29-43 - [Libel Law] Press-Liberty of the Press; [chiefly marginal outlines]
44-55 - [Libel Law] C. of defamation
56 - Penal Code-Dumont-Code
57-89 - Penal Code-Political defamation
90-93 - Penal Code-collectanea
94-98 - Penal Code-Offences
99-113 - Law Amendment or Penal Code-Codification
114-163 - Penal Code-Wrongs
164-183 - Penal Code-Plan of the work
184-362 - Penal Code-Book II Offences
68 - Penal Code
69 - Crit[ique] [of] Jurisp[rudence] Crim[inal], and other papers
70 - Laws in general, and other papers
71 - Laws in general
72 - Laws in general, and other papers
73 - Laws in general, and other papers
74 - [Sexual] Nonconformity, and other papers
75 - Law in general, and other papers
76 - J B and Real property commissioners, and other papers
77 - Law in general, and other papers
78 - Review of Humphreys, and other papers
79 - Digest
80 - Codification
81 - Judicial reform, and other papers
82 - Letter to the electors of Great Britain and Ireland, and other papers
83 - Evidence, and other papers
84 - Codification
85 - Constitutional law, and other papers
86 - Equity Dispatch court
87 - Indirect legislation
88 - Limits
89 - Court of Lords delegates, and other papers
90 - 'Standing Orders relating to Writs of Error and Appeals in the House of Lords', and other papers
91 - Scotch reform
92 - Scotch reform
93 - Scotch reform
94 - Scotch reform
95 - Turnpike Act
96 - Comment on the Commentaries, and other papers
97 - Legislation-raw materials-obstacles, and other papers
98 - Penal Code, and other papers
99 - Pannomion, and other papers
100 - Digest of laws, and other papers
101 - Political economy, and other papers
102 - Logic, and other papers
103 - The book of fallacies
104 - Fallacies
105 - Fallacies
106 - Brissot's London Lyceum plan, and other papers
107 - Chymistry, and other papers
108 - Draft letter to Pole Carew, and other papers
109 - War and Peace, and other papers
110 - Heads of a pamphlet, proposed to have for title 'Rid yourselves of Ultramaria', and other papers
111 - Government, and other papers
112 - Law reform, and other papers
113 - Official aptitude
114 - Official aptitude
115 - Proposal for maintaining and employing convicts, and other papers
116 - Panopticon versus New South Wales, and other papers
117 - Account of the working convicts, and other papers
118 - Memorial of Jeremy Bentham, and other papers
119 - View of the Hard Labour bill, and other papers
120 - Panopticon
121 - Panopticon
122 - Panopticon
123 - Panopticon
124 - Panopticon
125 - Parliamentary reform
126 - Parliamentary reform
127 - Parliamentary reform
128 - Parliamentary reform
129 - Parliamentary reform
130 - Parliamentary reform
131 - Parliamentary reform
132 - Parliamentary reform
133 - Paedotrophium, and other papers
134 - Mathematics
135 - Mathematics, and other papers
136 - Conic sections on J B's plan, and other papers
137 - Miscellanea grown out of Letters to Erskine, and other papers
138 - Religion
139 - Religion
140 - Punishment, and other papers
141 - Punishment, and other papers
142 - Punishment, and other papers
143 - Punishment
144 - Official aptitude maximized, and other papers
145 - Bible clippings
146 - Civil code, and other papers
147 - Sinecures
148 - Spanish code, and other papers
149 - Plan for a government newspaper, and other papers
150 - Police
151 - Poor plan
152 - Poor Law
153 - Poor Laws, and other papers
154 - Poor plan
155 - Benthamiana, and other papers
156 - Bergmann
157 - Dumont's Traits, and other papers
158 - Evidence, and other papers
159 - Punishment
160 - Libel law, and other papers
161 - Sextus, and other papers
162 - Emancipation
163 - Private correspondence
164 - Emancipation Spanish
165 - Chrestomathic correspondence, and other papers
166 - Short view of economy, and other papers
167 - Punishment, and other papers
168 - [Court of] Lords Delegates proposal abridged, and other papers
169 - List of projects, and other papers
170 - France
171 - J B to E Chadwick, and other papers
172 - Emancipation Spanish, and other papers
173 - Letter from J B to Jeremiah Bentham, and other papers
174 - Letters from P E L Dumont to R L Edgeworth and Maria Edgeworth
175 - Annuity note plan and correspondence dealing with it