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CARSWELL - Carswell Drawings
1 - Case Notes and Index
A - Drawings of Heart and Blood Vessels
B - Drawings of Breast and Glandular System
Ca - Drawings of Larynx, Tongue and thyroid
Cb - Drawings of Lungs, Pleura, Bronchi
D - Drawings of Brains, Spinal Cord
E - Drawings of Organs of Locomotion (Lower Limbs)
Fa - Drawings of Oesophagus and Stomach
141 - Stricture of the oesophagus
142 - Ulceration of the Oesophagus
143 - Aphtha of the Tongue, Softening and Perforation of the Stomach
144 - Aphtha of the Tongue, Follicular Inflammation and Ulceration of the Stomach
145 - Petechia of the Mucous Membrane of the Stomach
146 - Petechia on the Mucous Membrane of the Stomach
147 - Perforation of the Stomach and Black Discolouration of the Blood
150 - Scirrhus of the Stomach
157 - Cancer: Perforation of the Stomach and Transverse Arch of the Colon
158 - Cancer of the Stomach
160 - Inflammation and Ulceration of the Stomach
161 - Stomach and Cancer of the Epiploon
162 - Sarcomatous Tumour in the Stomach and Duodenum
163 - Cancer of the Stomach
164 - Scirrhus, Gangrene and Perforation of the Stomach. Chronic Peritonitis
165 - Cerebriform Cancer of the Stomach
223 - Cancer of the Stomach with Tumours in the Liver
323 - Cancer of Pyloric Orifice of Stomach
324 - Cancer of Stomach and Lymphatic Glands
325 - Cancer of Stomach, Liver and Lymphatic Glands
326 - Cancer of stomach, Chronic Peritonitis
327 - Prolongation of the Mucous Membrane near the Pylorus
328 - Softening and Perforation of the Stomach
329 - Cancer of the Stomach
330 - Cancer of the Stomach, Liver Duodenum and Lymphatic Glands
331 - Cancer of Stomach: Perforation
413 - Haemorrhage into Stomach and Mucous Glands Enlarged
414 - Congestion of the Mucous Membrane of the Stomach
415 - Dissolution of the Stomach with Discolouration of the Blood
416 - Dissolution of the Fundus of the Stomach
452 - Tumours of the Mucous Membrane of the Stomach
453 - Perforation of Stomach and Diaphragm
454 - Scirrhus of Pylorus: Hypertrophy of Muscular Coat of Stomach
455 - Cancer of Pylorus with Great Distension of the Stomach
456 - Scirrhus of the Pylorus, Softening of the Mucous Membrane, Discolouration of the Blood
457 - Stomach: Scirrhus
458 - Ulceration of the Pharynx
460 - Scirrhus of Pylorus: Lymphatic Vessels and Glands Enlarged
596 - Chronic Ulceration of Stomach
597 - Cancer of the Stomach, Perforation of Stomach and Colon, Gangrene of liver
598 - Cancerous Ulceration of the Stomach
599 - Cancer of Stomach
600 - Cancer of Oesophagus
608 - Circumscribed Yellow Discoloration of Mucous Membrane of Stomach
609 - Cancer of stomach, tubercular peritonitis
610 - Cancer of Stomach Terminating in Gangrene.
611 - Pultaceous Matter in the Oesophagus (Typhoid Fever)
612 - Ulceration and Perforation of Stomach
613 - Rabbit: Perforation of Stomach
614 - Cow: Reticulum
615 - Poisoning by Iodide of Arsenic
616 - Poisoning by Iodide of Arsenic (Introduced into a Wound)
617 - Poisoning by Corrosive Sublimate
618 - Poisoning by Tartarised Antimony
779 - Inflammation of Pharynx
780 - Thrush: White Matter Lingin pharynx and Oesophagus
781 - Extensive Ulceration of Oesophagus
782 - Ulcers and Strictures of the Oesophagus
783 - Stomach: Inverted, Mucous Lining Affected by Inflammation
784 - Extensive Ulceration of the Stomach near the Pylorus
785 - Inflammation of the Mucous Membrane of Stomach
786 - Sero-gastritis
943 - Softening of the Stomach
944 - Rabbit: Softening of the Stomach, Discolouration of Blood
945 - Inflammation of Stomach: Ulceration and Haemorrhage of Duodenum
946 - Chronic Inflammation and Ulceration of the Stomach and Duodenum
947 - Stomach: Perforation of the Fundus
948 - Stomach: Perforation of the Fundus
949 - Pharynx: Phlegmonous Inflammation
950 - Rabbit: Softening and Perforation of Stomach, Softening of Peritoneum
951 - Gangrene & sphacelus of pharynx, epiglottis and oesophagus, from large dose of Ant. Tartar: given in pneumonia
952 - Cellular & Fibrous Tissue from Submucous Coat of Stomach
953 - Perforation of Coronary Artery, Stomach.
954 - Heart Disease, Mechanical Congestion and Haemorrhage
955 - Gastritis: Gangrene of Colon
Fb - Drawings of Intestines, Peritoneum
Fc - Drawings of Liver, Spleen and Pancreas
Fd - Drawings of Skin
G - Drawings of Urinary System
Ha - Drawings of Generative System - Male
Hb - Drawings of Generative System - Female
Hc - Drawings of Venereal Diseases
I - Drawings of New Formations
K - Drawings of Wounds and Injuries
L - Drawings of Miscellanea (Glanders, Diabetes, Cretin, Typhus, Worms)
U - Unnumbered Drawings