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CARSWELL - Carswell Drawings
1 - Case Notes and Index
A - Drawings of Heart and Blood Vessels
B - Drawings of Breast and Glandular System
Ca - Drawings of Larynx, Tongue and thyroid
Cb - Drawings of Lungs, Pleura, Bronchi
D - Drawings of Brains, Spinal Cord
E - Drawings of Organs of Locomotion (Lower Limbs)
Fa - Drawings of Oesophagus and Stomach
Fb - Drawings of Intestines, Peritoneum
57 - Melanosis of Intestines
109 - Diphtheric Ulcers of Mucous Membrane of Large Intestine
149 - Scirrhus Tumour of the Mesenteric Glands and Intestine
151 - Softening and Perforation of Caput Caecum Coli
152 - Fistulous Communications between the Rectum and Uterus
153 - Abscess in the Groin
154 - Ulceration of the Ileum
155 - Caecum: Tumour in the Caput Coli
156 - Ulceration of the Caput Coli
159 - Cancer Cerebriformis of the Jejunum and Intestine Laid Open
166 - Diverticulum from the Ileon
167 - Diverticulum from the Ileon.
168 - Tubercles of the Intestine
169 - Peyer's Patches
170 - Tuberculous Ulceration and Perforation of the Ileum
171 - Intestinal ulceration
172 - Enteritis
173 - Strictures of the Ileon
174 - Ulceration of the Glandulae Peyeri
175 - Perforation of the Ileon in Chronic Enteritis
176 - Ulceration of the Plandulae Peyeri and Perforation of the Intestine
177 - Ulceration of the Ileon
178 - Ulceration of the Glandulae Peyeri. Perforation of the Intestines. Mesenteric Glands Diseased.
179 - Softening of the Mucous and Muscular Coats of the Duodenum
180 - Cancer of the Jejunum with Perforation
181 - Perforation of the Termination of the Ileon
182 - Cerbriform Tumour: Caput Caecum Coli. Perforation: Ileon, Colon, Peritoneum.
183 - Ulceration of the Intestines
184 - Acute Gastritis, Chronic Enteritis
185 - Ulceration of the Glandulae Peyeri, Enlargement of the Mesenteric Glands
186 - Ulceration of the Glandulae Peyeri with Enlargement of the Lacteals.
187 - Tuberculous: Enlargement of the Mesenteric Glands, Ulceration of Large and Small Intestines, Perforation of the Ileon, Ulceration of the Duodenum.
188 - Intestines: Dysentery
189 - Entero-colitis. Enlargement of the Glandulae Peyeri and Solitariae
190 - Great Enlargement of the Glandulae Agminata and Solitariae
191 - Intestines: Ulceration, Perforation and Mucous Membrane
192 - Perforation of Ileum. Ulceration of Agminated and Solitary Glands
193 - Haemorrhoidal Tumours and Excrescences from the Anus
194 - Ulceration of the Rectum
195 - Stricture of the Rectum
196 - Cancer of the Rectum
198 - Spurious Melanosis of the Colon
199 - Scirrhus of the Intestines
200 - Congenital Hernia
332 - Tumours in the Duodenum
333 - Phthisis: Ulceration of the Ileum
334 - Ulceration and Discolouration of Duodenum
335 - Ulceration: Triple Perforation and Stricture of the Jejunum
336 - Sarcomatous Tumour attached to the Small Intestine
337 - Peritonitis Ulceration and Perforation of Jejunum
338 - Phthisis: Tuberculous Ulceration of the Large Intestines
339 - Ulceration and Perforation of the Appendicula Coli Vermiformis, peritonitis and ulceration of Intestines
340 - Thickening and Induration of Descending Colon and Rectum
341 - Ulceration of Extremity of Rectum and Anus, Haemorrhoidal Tumours.
342 - Fistula in Ano, Perforation of Rectum and Vagina
343 - Inguinal Hernia, Peritonitis
345 - Chronic Peritonites, Intestines, mesentery omentum united by false membranes
351 - Gallstones, Perforation of Duodenum and Gall Bladder
352 - Perforation of Gall Bladder and Duodenum
417 - Softening of the Mucous Membrane and Ulceration of the Follicles of the Colon and Rectum
418 - Ulceration of the Rectum
419 - Ulceration of the Rectum
450 - Perforation of the Ileum. Peritonitis.
451 - Ulceration and mortification of intestine: ulceration of peritoneum
457 - Ulceration and Perforation of Ileum and Band of Adhesion between Coils
601 - Tubercular Ulceration of the Termination of Ileon
602 - Chronic Ulceration, Thickening and Contraction of the Ileon
603 - Thickening of Submucous Membrane of Colon
604 - Intestine: Oedema of Submucous Tissue of Jejunum
605 - Tubercular Peritonitis
606 - Tubercular Peritonitis, Abscess and Perforation the Abdomen
607 - False Membrane: Cavity of the Pelvis
619 - Tubercles in Mesentery
620 - Chronic Diarroea, Enlarged Glandulae Aggregatae & Enlarged Mesenteric Glands. Intus-susception.
621 - Rectum: Cancer
622 - Monkey: Inflammation and Follicular Exudation of Large Intestines, Three Tricocephali Caecum
791 - Malformation of Jejunum
792 - An Intussusception with Jejunum / Ileum
793 - Inflammation and Ulceration of Mucous Membrane of Caput Coli
794 - Perforation of the Duodenum by a Gall Stone
795 - Internal Surface of Ileum, Small Ulcers in Mucous Follicles
796 - Inflammation and Ulceration of Mucous Membrane of Ileum in Typhus
797 - Inverted Portion of Ileum Representing Deep and Ragged Ulcers
798 - Inflammation of Serous Membrane of Bowels
799 - Inflamed Intestines covered in by Coaguable Lymph
800 - Inflammation of Mucous Membranes of Jejunum
801 - Ulceration and Inflammation of Mucous and Serous Membrane of Bowels
802 - Venous Congestion and Inflammation
803 - Enlargement and Ulceration of the Solitary and Agminated Glands
804 - Chronic Inflammation of Serous Membrane of Intestines with Adhesions
805 - Ulceration of the Serous Membrane of the Ileum
806 - Ileum: Ulceration and Sloughs
807 - Ulceration of the Ileum
808 - Muco-enteritis with Enlargement of the Follicles
809 - Ulceration of Colon in Phthisis
810 - Deep Ulceration of the Colon
975 - Intestines: Hyperaemia, Haemorrhage
976 - Hypertrophy of a Gland of Peyer
977 - Intestine: Acute Inflammation
978 - Colon: Ulceration
980 - Intussusception: Intestine
981 - Tumour: Intussusception
982 - Tubercles in Epiploon, Kidneys of Monkey
984 - Cadaveric Congesting of a Portion of Small Intestine
985 - Intussuscepted Portions of Intestine Palped by Stool
986 - Spurious Melanosis: Small Intestine
987 - Inflammation and Mechanical Congestion of a Portion of Small Intestine, in Strangulated Hernia
988 - Rabbit: Fibrinous Vascular Tumour from a Coagulum in the Peritoneum
UN - Drawings of Intestines, Peritoneum (Unnumbered Drawing)
Fc - Drawings of Liver, Spleen and Pancreas
Fd - Drawings of Skin
G - Drawings of Urinary System
Ha - Drawings of Generative System - Male
Hb - Drawings of Generative System - Female
Hc - Drawings of Venereal Diseases
I - Drawings of New Formations
K - Drawings of Wounds and Injuries
L - Drawings of Miscellanea (Glanders, Diabetes, Cretin, Typhus, Worms)
U - Unnumbered Drawings