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CARSWELL - Carswell Drawings
1 - Case Notes and Index
A - Drawings of Heart and Blood Vessels
B - Drawings of Breast and Glandular System
Ca - Drawings of Larynx, Tongue and thyroid
Cb - Drawings of Lungs, Pleura, Bronchi
D - Drawings of Brains, Spinal Cord
E - Drawings of Organs of Locomotion (Lower Limbs)
Fa - Drawings of Oesophagus and Stomach
Fb - Drawings of Intestines, Peritoneum
Fc - Drawings of Liver, Spleen and Pancreas
81 - Gunshot wound of Liver
98 - Adhesions of the Spleen
201 - Commencement of Fatty Degeneration of the Liver
203 - Softening and Congestion of the Liver
204 - Cirrhose of Liver Accompanied with Ascites
205 - Tumours of the Liver
206 - Suppuration of the Liver
207 - Abscess of the Liver
208 - Inflammation and Suppuration of the Liver.
209 - Abscess in the Liver. Perforation of the Diaphragm. Adhesion of the Lung, Pleurisy
210 - Encysted Abscess of the Liver
211 - Purulent Infiltration and Abscess of the Liver
212 - Gangrene of the liver
213 - Sloughing and Perforation of the Gall Bladder
214 - Gall Bladder Filled with Calculi
215 - Hypertrophy of the Reticular Structure of the Gall Bladder
216 - Obstruction and Dilatation of Hepatic and Common Gall Ducts
217 - Calculi in the Gall Bladder
218 - Double Perforation of the Diaphragm
219 - Cancerous Tumours in the Liver
220 - Cancerous Tumours in the Liver
221 - Cancerous Tumours in the Liver
222 - Cancerous Tumours in the Liver
224 - Cancerous Tumours in the Liver
225 - Cyst of the Liver, Perforation of the Diaphragm, Pleura Pulmonalis.
226 - Cyst formed between the Diaphragm and Spleen, filled with Hydatids
227 - Hodgkins' Disease, Fungus Haematodes of the Spleen
228 - Abscess of the Spleen
229 - Ulceration and Gangrene of a part of the Spleen
230 - Enlarged Spleen with Tumours formed of a Fibrinous Substance
346 - Commencement of Gangrene and Purulent Infiltration of Liver
347 - Longitudinal Depression in the Substance of the Liver
348 - Oedema of the Liver
349 - Hypertrophy of Liver, Enlarged Openings of Blood Vessels
350 - Enlarged Gall Bladder
420 - Case of Jaundice. Disease of Liver and Gall Bladder
421 - Biliary Concretions situated under the Mucous Membrane of Gall Bladder
422 - Biliary Calculi
473 - Ossification of the Gall Bladder
474 - Dilatation of Hepatic and Pancreatic Ducts
481 - Perforation of the Spleen
623 - Cancerous Deposit in Lacteals and Mesenteric Glands
624 - Perforation of Gall Bladder and Colon
625 - Ox: Gall Stones
626 - Rabbit: Tubercle in the Liver
627 - Cirrhosis of Liver of a Zebu
628 - Fibrinous Tumour of the Spleen
811 - Tubercle in the Liver
812 - Liver: Tubercular Deposit and Abscesses
813 - Fungus Encephalodes of the Liver
814 - Cancer of the Liver
815 - Indurated and Cancellated Liver
816 - Granular: Nutmeg Liver
817 - Hydatids of the Liver
818 - Granulated Liver
819 - Cyst of the Liver
820 - Fungus of Liver
821 - Early Stage of Fatty Liver
822 - Effusion of Lymph on Serous Membrane of Liver
823 - Scirrhus of Liver
824 - Abscess in the Liver
825 - Fungus of Liver
826 - Enlargement of Biliary Ducts
827 - Scrofulous Tubercles of the Spleen
878 - Melanosis of the Liver
991 - Inflammation of Liver, Brain and Membranes
992 - Liver: Formation of Tissue
993 - Liver: Inflammation and Softening
994 - Haemorrhage of Spleen
995 - Inflammation of Liver
996 - Biliary Ducts containing Tuberculous Matter
997 - Carcinoma of Gall Bladder
998 - Liver: Anaemia
999 - Ox: Biliary Calculi
1000 - Rabbit: Biliary Ducts of the Liver
1001 - Tubercles in the Spleen
1002 - Liver: Cirrhosis
1003 - Liver: Cirrhosis
1004 - Liver: Cicatrices
1005 - Liver: Cirrhosis
1006 - Carcinoma and Melanosis of Liver, Melanosis of Pleura
Fd - Drawings of Skin
G - Drawings of Urinary System
Ha - Drawings of Generative System - Male
Hb - Drawings of Generative System - Female
Hc - Drawings of Venereal Diseases
I - Drawings of New Formations
K - Drawings of Wounds and Injuries
L - Drawings of Miscellanea (Glanders, Diabetes, Cretin, Typhus, Worms)
U - Unnumbered Drawings