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CARSWELL - Carswell Drawings
1 - Case Notes and Index
A - Drawings of Heart and Blood Vessels
B - Drawings of Breast and Glandular System
Ca - Drawings of Larynx, Tongue and thyroid
Cb - Drawings of Lungs, Pleura, Bronchi
D - Drawings of Brains, Spinal Cord
E - Drawings of Organs of Locomotion (Lower Limbs)
Fa - Drawings of Oesophagus and Stomach
Fb - Drawings of Intestines, Peritoneum
Fc - Drawings of Liver, Spleen and Pancreas
Fd - Drawings of Skin
G - Drawings of Urinary System
Ha - Drawings of Generative System - Male
Hb - Drawings of Generative System - Female
Hc - Drawings of Venereal Diseases
372 - Syphilitic Tubercles of Face
502 - Chancre of Glans Penis and Prepuce
503 - Chancre and Paraphimosis
504 - Chancre and Paraphimosis
505 - Buboes in Groin
506 - Chancre on Penis, Bubo
507 - Chancre and Bubo
508 - Phimosis and Chancre
509 - Chronic Paraphimosis
510 - Cauliflower Excrescence of Prepuce, Contraction of Orifice
511 - Hernia Humoralis
512 - Chancre: Bubo, Gangrene of Penis and Scrotum
513 - Skin of Penis and Scrotum Destroyed by Gangrene
514 - Pityriasis Versicolor
515 - Pityriasis versicolor
516 - Head: Tubercular Syphilis
517 - Tubercular Pustular Syphilis
518 - Tubercular Syphilis
519 - Tubercular Syphilis of the Face
520 - Pustular Syphilis
521 - Syphilitic Pustular Eruption of Skin
522 - Secondary and Horny Syphilis, Syphilitic Sore Throat
523 - Horny Syphilis
524 - Horny Syphilis
525 - Syphilitic Ulcerations of Tonsils
526 - Chancre of Upper Lip
527 - Cauliflower Excrescence of Anus
528 - Syphilitic Ulceration and Thickening of Cranium
661 - Lepra Syphilitica
662 - Rupia Echthyma
663 - Fauces and Pharynx: Cicatrices from Sypilitic Ulcers
849 - Glans Penis Ulcers
1034 - Tubercular and Bullous Syphilis
I - Drawings of New Formations
K - Drawings of Wounds and Injuries
L - Drawings of Miscellanea (Glanders, Diabetes, Cretin, Typhus, Worms)
U - Unnumbered Drawings