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CARSWELL - Carswell Drawings
1 - Case Notes and Index
A - Drawings of Heart and Blood Vessels
B - Drawings of Breast and Glandular System
Ca - Drawings of Larynx, Tongue and thyroid
Cb - Drawings of Lungs, Pleura, Bronchi
D - Drawings of Brains, Spinal Cord
E - Drawings of Organs of Locomotion (Lower Limbs)
Fa - Drawings of Oesophagus and Stomach
Fb - Drawings of Intestines, Peritoneum
Fc - Drawings of Liver, Spleen and Pancreas
Fd - Drawings of Skin
G - Drawings of Urinary System
Ha - Drawings of Generative System - Male
Hb - Drawings of Generative System - Female
Hc - Drawings of Venereal Diseases
I - Drawings of New Formations
45 - Cancerous Tumours of Cheek
49 - Carcinoma of the Submucous and Mucous Tissues of the Cavities of the Nose, Mouth and Fauces
55 - Ovarian Dropsy, Cancer of Epiploon
58 - Osteosarcoma
59 - Scirrhus Tumour from the Groin
60 - Serous Cyst Formed Under the Pectoralis Major
61 - Tumour of Thigh
236 - Diseases of Spleen and Kidneys
373 - Lipoma
438 - Cancer of Under Lip
439 - Mammary Sarcoma
488 - Haematoid Tumours of the Peritoneum
489 - Carcinoma [peritoneum, liver, ovary, vena porta, pulmonary lining]
490 - Tumour of Neck
664 - Haematoid Tumours of Peritoneum
665 - Fungus Haematodes of the Shoulder
666 - Spleen, Pleura, Bone (Monkey): Tubercle
667 - Tubercles in the Epiploon and the Kidneys (Monkey)
668 - Tubercles in the Monkey
669 - Melanosis from a Horse
866 - Encephaloid Tumour. Fungus Haematodes. Melanosis
869 - The Disease Called Encephaloid
879 - Subcutaneous Cancer?
1008 - Fibrous Tumour Found in the Abdominal Cavity
1017 - Bone and Spleen (Monkey): Tubercle
1018 - Temporal Bone: Cholesteatomata
1021 - Melanotic tumours (horse)
1022 - Melanotic Tumours (Horse)
1024 - Fibrous Tumour (Ulcerated) from Neck of Horse
1029 - Temporal Bone: Sarcoma
1035 - Medullary Sarcoma of Sternum: Obliteration and Perforation of Superior Vena Cava
K - Drawings of Wounds and Injuries
L - Drawings of Miscellanea (Glanders, Diabetes, Cretin, Typhus, Worms)
U - Unnumbered Drawings