Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse CLS - Records of the Centre for Longitudinal StudiesCLS - Records of the Centre for Longitudinal Studies
Expand 1 - Minutes1 - Minutes
Expand 3 - Surveys, research and fieldwork3 - Surveys, research and fieldwork
Collapse 4 - Funding 4 - Funding
Expand 1 - Research proposals, funding applications and awards1 - Research proposals, funding applications and awards
Expand 2 - Feasibility studies2 - Feasibility studies
Collapse 3 - Tenders  3 - Tenders
1 - Tenders for 'NCDS Feasibility Study Interviewer Surveys'
2 - 'NCDS Fourth Follow-up: Interview Survey 1981 Specification'
3 - 'NCDS Fifth Stage: Survey Specification'
4 - NCDS Fifth Stage: tender proposals
5 - 'Secondary Analysis of the NCDS V: perceptions of the utilisation of skills'
6 - 'Effective Provision of Pre-school Education'
7 - 'Longitudinal Analysis of the Effects of Poor Housing Using the NCDS'
8 - 'Returns to Higher Education Qualifications'
9 - 'Feasibility Study on Tracking Adult Learners'
10 - 'NCDS/BCS70 1999 Follow-ups
11 - 'Longitudinal Study of Young People with Special Educational Needs'
12 - 'Longitudinal Social Statistics: meeting government needs'
13 - 'Research Services to the Employment Service'
14 - Millennium Cohort Study Memorandum
15 - ''From School to Work: feasibility work for a longitudinal study of transitions among young people of different ethnic groups'
16 - 'Scoping study and development work for a new cohort study of young people (14-25)'
17 - MCS Second Sweep
18 - 'MCS Sweep 2'
19 - 'BCS70 and NCDS Follow-ups 2004'
20 - 'Longitudinal Study of Young People in England (LSYPE)'
21 - 'National Centre for Research Methods'
22 - 'UK Millenium Cohort Study 3rd and 4th Sweeps'
23 - 'Strategic Research Partner for the DfES Longitudinal Study of Young People in England (LSYPE) and Youth Cohort Study (YCS)'
24 - 'CLS Cohort Studies Archive: software to support scanned archive'
25 - 'NCDS & BCS70 2008 Follow-ups'
26 - 'Scoping the Work of the Cohort Resources Facility'
27 - 'Impact Evaluation of the MCS'
28 - 'BCS70 Age 42 Follow-up'
29 - 'NCDS Age 55 Follow-up'
30 - 'Continuous Adult Learning Survey'
Expand 4 - Contracts4 - Contracts
Expand 5 - Business plans and costings5 - Business plans and costings
Expand 6 - Reports6 - Reports
Expand 7 - Sponsors, donors and partners7 - Sponsors, donors and partners
Expand 5 - Publicity5 - Publicity
Expand 6 - Publications6 - Publications