Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse E S PEARSON - Egon Sharpe Pearson PapersE S PEARSON - Egon Sharpe Pearson Papers
Expand 1 - Personal and Family Papers1 - Personal and Family Papers
Collapse 2 - Lectures and Class Papers2 - Lectures and Class Papers
Collapse 1 - Department of Statistics Lectures1 - Department of Statistics Lectures
Expand 1 - Lectures on Interpolation, Quadrature, Probability, Variation, and Epidemiology1 - Lectures on Interpolation, Quadrature, Probability, Variation, and Epidemiology
Expand 2 - Lectures on Fitting Curves to Distribution of Barometric Heights2 - Lectures on Fitting Curves to Distribution of Barometric Heights
Expand 3 - Notes on Variance and Fisher's Correlation Theories3 - Notes on Variance and Fisher's Correlation Theories
Expand 4 - Elementary Course Lectures4 - Elementary Course Lectures
Expand 5 - Departmental Lectures5 - Departmental Lectures
Expand 6 - Lectures on Frequency Distributions and Normal Curve6 - Lectures on Frequency Distributions and Normal Curve
Expand 7 - Departmental Lectures, 1921-1922 and 1931-19337 - Departmental Lectures, 1921-1922 and 1931-1933
Expand 8 - Departmental Lectures Following Karl Pearson's Retirement8 - Departmental Lectures Following Karl Pearson's Retirement
Expand 9 - Departmental Lectures, 1935-19399 - Departmental Lectures, 1935-1939
Expand 10 - Lecture Notes and Book Chapter Drafts10 - Lecture Notes and Book Chapter Drafts
Collapse 11 - Lectures for Evening Course in Statistics11 - Lectures for Evening Course in Statistics
12 - Post War 1st Year Statistics Lectures II, 1948-1960, and Class Papers
13 - Departmental Lectures 2nd Year and Postgraduate Course, 1946-1951
14 - Frequency Curve Lectures
15 - Lecture Slides
Expand 2 - Department of Statistics Class Papers2 - Department of Statistics Class Papers
Expand 3 - Public and Special Lectures3 - Public and Special Lectures
Expand 3 - Statistical Work3 - Statistical Work
Expand 4 - Department of Statistics, University College London4 - Department of Statistics, University College London
Expand 5 - Publications5 - Publications
Expand 6 - Biometrika6 - Biometrika
Expand 7 - Committees and Societies7 - Committees and Societies
Expand 8 - Karl Pearson Material8 - Karl Pearson Material
Expand 9 - Jerzy Neyman Material9 - Jerzy Neyman Material
Expand 10 - William Sealy Gosset Material10 - William Sealy Gosset Material
Expand 11 - E S Pearson's Retirement11 - E S Pearson's Retirement
Expand 12 - E S Pearson Correspondence12 - E S Pearson Correspondence