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Collapse GAITSKELL - Gaitskell PapersGAITSKELL - Gaitskell Papers
Expand A - Gaitskell, Family and Personal PapersA - Gaitskell, Family and Personal Papers
Expand B - Gaitskell, Early life and CareerB - Gaitskell, Early life and Career
Collapse C - Gaitskell, Political CareerC - Gaitskell, Political Career
1 - Correspondence and Papers: Personal, Constituency and Labour Party 1931-1953
Expand 2 - Correspondence and Papers: Constituency and Labour Party 1934-19702 - Correspondence and Papers: Constituency and Labour Party 1934-1970
Expand 3 - Correspondence and Papers: Speeches, Lectures, Constituency Cases and Visits3 - Correspondence and Papers: Speeches, Lectures, Constituency Cases and Visits
Expand 4 - Letters and papers concerning Gaitskell's adoption as candidate for South Leeds DLP and subsequent constituency meetings and activities 1937-19394 - Letters and papers concerning Gaitskell's adoption as candidate for South Leeds DLP and subsequent constituency meetings and activities 1937-1939
5 - New Fabian Research Bureau Distribution Committee: draft for a book on distribution, by Peter Vinter, annotated (?by Gaitskell) [post 1938]
6 - Correspondence: 1944
7 - Correspondence: Arthur Gaitskell 1944
Expand 8 - Correspondence and Papers: General Election Material8 - Correspondence and Papers: General Election Material
9 - Correspondence and Papers: Finance 1942-1946
10 - Correspondence and Papers: Various 1942-1946
11 - Press Cuttings: Fuel Crisis and Ministry of Fuel and Power 1946-1947
12 - Speeches: 1945-1950
13 - Ministry of Fuel and Power: 1947
14 - Ministry of Fuel and Power: 1947-1949
15 - Labour Party Annual Conference 1948
16 - Nationalised Industries: 1947-1949
Expand 17 - Nationalisation of Industries: 1947-195017 - Nationalisation of Industries: 1947-1950
18 - Ministry of Fuel and Power: 1948-1949
19 - Speeches: Gaitskell and Others 1948-1949
20 - Correspondence: Various 1948-1949
21 - Demilitarisation of Germany: 1948-1949
22 - Correspondence: Monica Felton 1949
23 - Correspondence: Michael Young 1949
24 - Correspondence: (Benjamin) Ifor Evans 1949
25 - Correspondence: Labour Party 1949
26 - Papers: Devaluation 1949
27 - Papers: Socialist Europe Group 1948-1950
28 - Correspondence and Papers: 1949
29 - Articles and correspondence 1948-1950
30 - Correspondence and Papers: General Election Dec 1949 - Feb 1950
31 - Correspondence: Michael Young 1949-1951
32 - Labour Party Circular 1949
33 - Speech: Douglas Jay 1950
34 - Correspondence: Labour Party Research Department 1950
35 - Questionnaire on coal for a 'Daily Herald' article 1950
36 - Article for the 'Yorkshire Observer' 'Can we dispense with the rationing system?' 1950
37 - Correspondence and papers concerning articles for the Labour Press Service
38 - Correspondence: British Electricty Board, The Gas Council, National Coal Board
39 - Minister of Economic Affairs Appointment
40 - Press Cuttings: Formation of the New Cabinet 1950
41 - European Payments Union
42 - Birthday Honours List 1950
43 - Speeches: Minister of State for Economic Affairs
44 - Gaitskell's appointment as Chancellor of the Exchequer 1950
45 - Letters of congratulations on Gaitskell's appointment as Chancellor of the Exchequer, mostly selected letters from politicians and special friends and family (54 and 3 Gaitskell replies) Oct-Dec 1950.
46 - Press cuttings: 1950-1951
47 - Correspondence and Papers: Chancellor's Cocktail Party 1951
48 - Correspondence and Papers: Chancellor's Dinners and Lunches 1950-1951
49 - Correspondence and Papers: Labour Party 1950-1951
50 - Correspondence and Papers: US Aid and Rearmament 1950-51
51 - Speeches: Chancellor of the Exchequer 1948-1951
52 - General Election: 1951
53 - Speeches and Articles: 1951-1952
54 - Papers: Budget, Economics, Miscellaneous 1951-1952
55 - Political Papers: 1951-1952
56 - Press Articles and Letters: 1951-1952
57 - Various Correspondence, Papers and Articles: Jun-Jul 1952
58 - Newspaper Clippings: 1951
59 - Various Papers and Newspaper Clippings: 1951-1953
60 - Speech by the UN Secretary General in Oslo, 16 Feb 1952
61 - Gaitskell MS notes on the Budget and Utility Prices [1952]. Labelled 'Group Dinners'
62 - Notes for Parliamentary speeches
63 - Papers of the Select Committee on the Civil List
64 - Letters from individuals and constituency parties reacting to Gaitskell's Stalybridge speech (October 1952)
65 - Correspondence mainly with Kingsley Martin of the 'New Statesman' and others
66 - Correspondence
67 - Speeches and articles 1952
68 - Papers relating to the Labour Party
69 - Labour party papers
70 - Labour party and general correspondence and papers
71 - Papers mainly on the nationalised industries
72 - Papers concerning lectures, speeches and articles
73 - Speeches
74 - BBC radio broadcasts 1952-53
75 - Correspondence about press articles
76 - Articles for newspapers and magazines
77 - Cuttings mostly of press articles by Gaitskell
78 - Loose magazines and newspapers
79 - Pamphlets and Budget speech notes : 1953
80 - Speeches: 1953
81 - Papers: Budget Leaks 1953
82 - Papers: Budget and Finance Bill
83 - Correspondence: Budget 1953
84 - Miscellaneous papers
85 - Miscellaneous papers
86 - Papers and publications on America
87 - Members Parliamentary Committee report on the results of a questionnaire on Payments, Privileges, Amenities and Working Conditions of Foreign Members of Parliament 1953
Expand 88 - Labour Party policy statement 'Challenge to Britain'88 - Labour Party policy statement 'Challenge to Britain'
89 - Papers relating to the Margate Conference 1953
90 - Various reports and letters 1953
91 - European movement and centre europeen de la culture
92 - Articles, speeches and related correspondence
93 - Articles for the 'Daily Herald'
94 - Article for the American magazine 'The Reporter'
95 - Papers relating to house of commons business
96 - Correspondence with labour MPs 1953 unless otherwise stated
97 - Various 1953 publications
Collapse 98 - Papers and correspondence: Unions and Labour Party  1953-195498 - Papers and correspondence: Unions and Labour Party 1953-1954
99 - Communism and Communist Countries
100 - Correspondence and Papers: Finance and Economics
101 - Papers: British Industries
102 - Papers: Education
103 - Correspondence: Government Departments
104 - Notes for the Commonwealth Debate 4/2/54
105 - Correspondence and Notices: Commons Debate on Take-over bids [11/2/54]
106 - Budget 1954
107 - Budget 1954
108 - Correspondence from members of the public about the Budget, many with Gaitskell replies, many from Old Age Pensioners (165) Apr 1954
109 - Correspondence and reports
110 - Notes for the Debate on the Address 1954
111 - Annual Conference Scarborough 1954
112 - Papers on broadcasting
113 - File marked 'Any Questions'
Expand 114 - Speeches 1954114 - Speeches 1954
115 - Notes and papers for an article by Gaitskell on the Berlin Conference 1954
Expand 116 - Articles116 - Articles
117 - Parliamentary correspondence 1954
118 - Correspondence regarding nomination as the Treasurer of the Labour Party 1954
119 - Articles and reports 1954-55
120 - Pamphlets and papers on agriculture
121 - Papers on pensions
122 - Papers on America and Anglo-American relations
123 - Addresses and lecture
123.5 - Correspondence 1960s
124 - Text of addresses on the Commonwealth Relations Conference in Lahore and correspondence
Expand 125 - Papers and correspondence concerning Gaitskell's Eleanor Rathbone Memorial Lecture at Somerville College, Oxford: 'Population Trends and the Social Services' (13/11/53)125 - Papers and correspondence concerning Gaitskell's Eleanor Rathbone Memorial Lecture at Somerville College, Oxford: 'Population Trends and the Social Services' (13/11/53)
Expand 126 - Press cuttings126 - Press cuttings
127 - Papers concerning German Rearmament, Eurpean unity and security
128 - Papers on the Commonwealth and colonies
129 - Papers relating to Bevan's explusion from the Labour Party
130 - Monopolies Debate
Expand 131 - Papers and correspondence: Budget 1955131 - Papers and correspondence: Budget 1955
Expand 132 - General Election 1955132 - General Election 1955
133 - MS notes and papers relating to the Debate on the Address
134 - Economic Debate 26 Jul 1955
Expand 135 - Finance bill and autumn budget 1955135 - Finance bill and autumn budget 1955
Expand 136 - Labour party treasureship136 - Labour party treasureship
137 - Papers on Israel
Expand 138 - Newspapers and press cuttings138 - Newspapers and press cuttings
139 - Speeches 1955
140 - Correspondence and papers concerning BBC broadcasts
141 - Correspondence and papers concerning BBC broadcasts
142 - Correspondence 1955-1963
Expand 143 - Articles and published speeches 1954-1955143 - Articles and published speeches 1954-1955
144 - Press articles
Expand 145 - Letters of congratulation on Gaitskell's election as Leader of the Labour Party145 - Letters of congratulation on Gaitskell's election as Leader of the Labour Party
146 - Party Political Broadcast following Gaitskell's election as LP leader.
147 - Correspondence and papers about the Cyprus situation (172) 1955-1960
148 - Papers concerning the Conference of Privy Councillors on Security
149 - Newspapers and Cuttings: 1956
150 - Records of Conversations
Expand 151 - Papers relating to the visit of Mr Khrushchev and Mr Bulganin Apr 1956151 - Papers relating to the visit of Mr Khrushchev and Mr Bulganin Apr 1956
Expand 152 - Suez Crisis152 - Suez Crisis
153 - Correspondence and papers concerning the Soviet aggression in Hungary 1956
154 - Party Conference Blackpool 1956
155 - Parliamentary Committee
156 - Labour Party press releases 1956
Expand 157 - Correspondence and papers concerning BBC broadcasts157 - Correspondence and papers concerning BBC broadcasts
158 - Articles
159 - Japanese Review 'Democratic Socialism' containing a summary of Gaitskell's essay 'In Defence of Politics' in Japanese (2 copies) and an exchange of letters with Julius Braunthal Jun 1956
160 - Papers about and correspondence with the press 1956
161 - Select Committee on Procedure, memoranda and related correspondence (4) with the Committee Clerk
162 - Press Conferences and releases
163 - Proscribed Organisations
164 - Correspondence with Selwyn Lloyd and Clement Attlee
165 - Party Conference Brighton 1957
166 - Parliamentary Committee 1957
167 - Press releases (Labour Party unless otherwise specified) 1957
Expand 168 - Correspondence and papers concerning BBC broadcasts168 - Correspondence and papers concerning BBC broadcasts
169 - Messages by HG and related correspondence and papers
170 - Correspondence concerning press interviews
171 - Articles 1957
172 - Tribunal of inquiry into the leaks about the raising of the Bank Rate and the Commons Debate
173 - Select Committee of Privileges May 1957 (Strauss Case)
Expand 174 - Papers related to broadcasting174 - Papers related to broadcasting
175 - Proposed article for 'Forward' on public attitudes 'The People and the Politicians'
176 - Correspondence and papers concerning the renationalisation of steel
177 - Correspondence relating to the House of Lords and a Bill to alter its composition
178 - Co-operative Briefing Conference
179 - Party Conference Scarborough 1958
180 - Parliamentary Committee 1958
Expand 181 - National Executive Committee181 - National Executive Committee
Expand 182 - Correspondence and papers concerning broadcasts182 - Correspondence and papers concerning broadcasts
183 - Messages and related correspondence and papers
Expand 184 - Press interviews184 - Press interviews
Expand 185 - Articles185 - Articles
186 - Papers relating to a biographical article in the 'Saturday Evening Post' by James O'Donnell
187 - Article for 'Illustrated' re. Gaitskell
188 - Correspondence and papers on defence policy
189 - Papers on the Radcliffe Committee on the Working of the Monetary System
190 - Correspondence and papers concerning the takeover of the British Aluminium Company
Expand 191 - 'Into Action' Campaign Committee papers (225) Nov 1958-Sep 1959191 - 'Into Action' Campaign Committee papers (225) Nov 1958-Sep 1959
Expand 192 - General Election 1959192 - General Election 1959
193 - Correspondence and papers concerning the Labout Party Youth Commission
194 - Party Conference Blackpool 1959
195 - Papers relating to Speaker [Herbert] Morrison's Retirement Bill
196 - Article by Anthony Crosland 'Is there a sterling problem?'
197 - 'Parliamentary Committee Agendas 1959'
198 - Press releases
199 - Industrial Co-partnership Association
Expand 200 - Correspondence and papers concerning broadcasts200 - Correspondence and papers concerning broadcasts
201 - Messages by Gaitskell and related correspondence and papers
Expand 202 - Press interviews202 - Press interviews
Expand 203 - Articles203 - Articles
204 - 'Italian Political Situation'
205 - Correspondence with Guy Hannaford, British Embassy, Rome, concerning the PSI (Italian Socialist) Conference
Expand 206 - Papers about Defence206 - Papers about Defence
207 - Correspondence and papers relating to the Central Africa Commission of Inquiry into the troubles in Nyasaland
208 - Correspondence and papers concerning South Africa and the riots at Sharpeville
209 - Committee of Privileges
210 - Correspondence with the Treasury 1960
211 - Parliamentary Labour Party papers
212 - Papers and correspondence concerning Clause IV and the redrafting of the Labour Party Constitution
Expand 213 - Correspondence following the 1960 Scarborough Conference 213 - Correspondence following the 1960 Scarborough Conference
214 - Correspondence with James Callaghan MP
215 - Parliamentary Committee 1960
216 - National Executive Committee
217 - Press releases
218 - Oxford Preservation Trust Annual meeting
Expand 219 - Correspondence and papers concerning broadcasts219 - Correspondence and papers concerning broadcasts
220 - Message by Gaitskell and related correspondence and papers
Expand 221 - Articles221 - Articles
222 - Committee of Privileges
223 - Correspondence concerning Morgan Phillips' illness
224 - Correspondence and papers about unemployment in the shipbuilding industry, particularly in Northern Ireland
225 - Correspondence and papers about the drafting of a new defence statement, submitted jointly by the NEC, TUC and PLP, 'Policy for Peace. Labour's statement of principles'
226 - London County Council Election 13 Apr 1961
227 - Correspondence with Lord Home
228 - Notes and papers for the debate on Northern Rhodesia 1960-1961
229 - Notes and papers for the debate on the withdrawal of South Africa from the Commonwealth 1961
230 - Notes and papers for the Angola Debate, 5 July 1961
231 - Correspondence regarding Angola
232 - Notes and papers for the Katanga Debate (no notes by Gaitskell)
233 - Notes for a speech for the Allocation of Time (National Health Service) Motion 6 Mar 1961
234 - Notes and papers for the Budget speech 1961
235 - Notes and papers for Economics Debates
236 - Notes and papers for the Common Market Debate 2 Aug 1961
237 - Notes and papers for the Debate on the Queen's Speech 1961
238 - Notes and papers for the debate on the Commonwealth Immigration Bill (84) 1961
239 - Party Conference Blackpool 1961
240 - Papers relating to the Campaign for Democratic Socialism
241 - Correspondence and papers relating to the NEC International Sub-Committee (70) 1960-1962
Expand 242 - National Executive Committee (NEC) papers242 - National Executive Committee (NEC) papers
243 - Parliamentary Committee Agendas 1961
Expand 244 - Parliamentary Notes244 - Parliamentary Notes
245 - Press releases of Gaitskell speeches
Expand 246 - Correspondence and papers concerning broadcasts246 - Correspondence and papers concerning broadcasts
247 - Messages by Gaitskell and related correspondence and papers
Expand 248 - Correspondence and papers concerning press interviews248 - Correspondence and papers concerning press interviews
249 - Correspondence with Woodrow Wyatt concerning his plans for a Lib-Lab pact
250 - Correspondence with Arthur Skeffington and copy letter Skeffington to George Brown concerning LP organisation (3) Jan 1962
251 - Correspondence with and concerning G. Grant-Mackenzie
252 - Correspondence with Pam[ela Berry], Alastair Hetherington ('The Guardian') and George Brown concerning Lord Snowden and ?an appointment with 'The Sunday Times' (5) Jan 1962
253 - Notes and papers for the Universities Debate 27 Mar 1962
254 - Correspondence and papers about Spain 1959-1962
255 - Notes and papers for the European Common Market Debate (44) 1962
Expand 256 - Common Market papers256 - Common Market papers
257 - Common Market: communications with USA
258 - Pamphlets, press cuttings and miscellaneous papers
259 - Party Conference Brighton 1962
260 - Copy of a statement by Harold Macmillan on the Cuba crisis and HG MS notes 25 Oct 1962
261 - Correspondence concerning the Cuba missile crisis 1962
262 - Christian Action Defence and Aid Fund
263 - Parliamentary Committee 1962
Expand 264 - National Executive Committee (NEC) papers264 - National Executive Committee (NEC) papers
265 - Notes for speeches
266 - Press releases
Expand 267 - Correspondence concerning broadcasts267 - Correspondence concerning broadcasts
268 - Electrical Trades Union College
269 - Messages by Gaitskell and related correspondence and papers
Expand 270 - Articles270 - Articles
271 - Miscellaneous Papers
272 - Correspondence and papers about the Speaker of the House of Commons
273 - Transport
Expand 274 - Labour Party policy documents and related correspondence274 - Labour Party policy documents and related correspondence
275 - Correspondence about Scotland
Expand 276 - Messages to candidates at by-elections and related correspondence, mostly with Transport House officers and candidates276 - Messages to candidates at by-elections and related correspondence, mostly with Transport House officers and candidates
Expand 277 - Papers concerning the press277 - Papers concerning the press
Expand 278 - Press correspondence278 - Press correspondence
279 - Correspondence with trade unions
Expand 280 - Correspondence with Labour Party officers280 - Correspondence with Labour Party officers
281 - Correspondence with Thomas Balogh
282 - Correspondence with Anthony Crosland
283 - Correspondence with Hugh Dalton and Miss Finch (Labour Party Finance Department)
284 - Correspondence with John Diamond
285 - Correspondence with Desmond Donnelly
286 - Correspondence with Dingle Foot
287 - Correspondence with and papers by John Murray
288 - Correspondence with Sir Hartley Shawcross
289 - Miscellaneous correspondence and papers
290 - Socialist International
291 - Socialist literature
292 - Correspondence mostly with officers of Socialist International about SI meetings and conferences, visits, publications and addresses by Gaitskell (94) 1956-1962
Expand 293 - Socialist International293 - Socialist International
294 - Bilderberg Group Papers (on American-European relations)
295 - Bilderberg Group Papers (on American-European relations)
296.1 - Bilderberg Group Papers (on American-European relations)
296.2 - Bilderberg Group Papers (on American-European relations)
296.3 - Bilderberg Group Papers (on American-European relations)
297 - Bilderberg Group Papers
298 - Bilderberg Group Papers
299 - Bilderberg Group Papers
300 - Bilderberg Group Papers
301 - Bilderberg Group Papers
302 - Bilderberg Group Papers
303 - Bilderberg Group Papers
304 - Bilderberg Group Papers
305 - Bilderberg Group Papers
306 - Bilderberg Group Papers
307 - Bilderberg Group Papers
308 - Bilderberg Group Papers
Expand 309 - Co-Operative Independent Commission309 - Co-Operative Independent Commission
310 - Correspondence with members of the Lords and Commons
311 - Correspondence with members of the Lords and Commons
312 - Correspondence with members of the Lords and Commons
313 - Correspondence with members of the Lords and Commons
314 - Correspondence with members of the Lords and Commons
315 - Correspondence with members of the Lords and Commons
316 - Correspondence with members of the Lords and Commons
317 - Correspondence with MPs, some with Gaitskell's secretary due to his illness, 1963
Expand D - Gaitskell, EngagementsD - Gaitskell, Engagements
Expand E - Gaitskell, Constituency Visits and CasesE - Gaitskell, Constituency Visits and Cases
Expand F - Gaitskell, General Correspondence.F - Gaitskell, General Correspondence.
Expand G - Gaitskell, Pamphlets and Printed PapersG - Gaitskell, Pamphlets and Printed Papers