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Collapse GAITSKELL - Gaitskell PapersGAITSKELL - Gaitskell Papers
Expand A - Gaitskell, Family and Personal PapersA - Gaitskell, Family and Personal Papers
Expand B - Gaitskell, Early life and CareerB - Gaitskell, Early life and Career
Expand C - Gaitskell, Political CareerC - Gaitskell, Political Career
Collapse D - Gaitskell, EngagementsD - Gaitskell, Engagements
Expand 1 - Papers relating to a conference on National Savings, Inflation and Economic Progress, at the University of Minnesota May 19521 - Papers relating to a conference on National Savings, Inflation and Economic Progress, at the University of Minnesota May 1952
2 - Lecture visit to Israel, Jan 1953, and subsequent UK lectures
3 - Correspondence relating to Israel: visit in Jan 1953, people and organisations and engagements Feb-Sep 1953
4 - Papers relating to a visit to Germany, May 1953
5 - USA and Canada 1953
6 - Correspondence and papers relating to Gaitskell's USA and Canada Visit Jul - Aug 1953
Expand 7 - Correspondence & Post - Conference Papers7 - Correspondence & Post - Conference Papers
8 - European Parliamentary Conference, Paris, Apr 1954
9 - Anglo-German Conference, Koenigswinter 22-25 Apr 1954
Expand 10 - Visit to Denmark and Sweden Sep 195410 - Visit to Denmark and Sweden Sep 1954
Expand 11 - Milan Conference 'The Future for Freedom11 - Milan Conference 'The Future for Freedom
12 - Milan Conference: post-conference correspondence
13 - Socialist Economic Experts Conference on the Technique of Government Economic Planning
Expand 14 - Proposed American visit14 - Proposed American visit
15 - Photographs
16 - Visit to NATO and SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers in Europe), Paris May 1956
17 - Visit to Zurich to address an International Press Institute luncheon 31 May 1956
18 - Cancelled visit to Paris, Sep 1956
19 - Visit to Bonn and Dusseldorf Sep 1956
20 - Photograph of with Wilhelm Mellies and Dr Adolf Arndt of SPD
21 - Cancelled visit to Strasbourg
22 - Asian Socialist Conference, Bombay
23 - Conference of MPs from the NATO countries, Paris, Nov 1956
24 - Conference of Socialist International, Copenhagen 1956
25 - Correspondence with W Colston Leigh
Expand 26 - US Tour 195726 - US Tour 1957
Expand 27 - Visit to the US to deliver the Godkin Lectures and tour 195727 - Visit to the US to deliver the Godkin Lectures and tour 1957
Expand 28 - Broadcasting engagements28 - Broadcasting engagements
29 - Photographs (Visit to the US to deliver the Godkin Lectures)
30 - Congress of the Dutch Labour Party, The Hague 6-9 Mar 1957
Collapse 31 - Visit to Berlin, March 195731 - Visit to Berlin, March 1957
32 - Photographs
33 - Visit to Rome Apr 1957
34 - Visit to Rome: Photograph
35 - Visit to Rome: Lecture
36 - Visit to Hamburg (Socialist International Congress) Jul 1959
37 - Socialist International Congress, Vienna 2-6 Jul 1957
38 - Visit and holiday to Yugoslavia 1957
39 - Pamphlets and papers on Yugoslavia, all in English
40 - Visit to USA Sep 1957
Expand 41 - Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, New Delhi Dec 195741 - Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, New Delhi Dec 1957
42 - Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference: Photographs
43 - Lecture to the Swiss-British Society, Zurich June 1958
44 - Visit to Germany May 1958
45 - Congress for Cultural Freedom International Seminar Rhodes, Oct 1958
46 - 'A Note on Opposition in the Older Democracies'
47 - Notes following research visit to Paris, Jan 1959
48 - Visit to Frankfurt and Heidelberg 13-15 Feb 1959
49 - Visit to Stockholm and Harpsund 17-19 Apr 1959
50 - Visit to Nigeria and Ghana May 1959
51 - Photographs of Gaitskell's Visit to Nigeria and Ghana May 1959
52 - Visit to the USSR and Poland, Sep 1959
53 - Visit to Canada, USA and the West Indies 28 Dec 1959-25 Jan 1960
54 - Visit to the USA Apr 1960
55 - American Society of Newspaper Editors
56 - Official visit and holiday to Yugoslavia Aug 1960
57 - Visit to the USA Jan 1961
58 - SFIO (French Socialist Party) Congress, Paris May 1961
59 - Institute of Social Studies, Florence
60 - New Party Founding Convention, Ottawa Jul-Aug 1961
61 - Visit to Berlin 3-6 Jan 1962
62 - Visit to the USA and Bermuda 16-25 Feb 1962
63 - Liberal Party lunch, New York, 17 Feb 1962
64 - Reception in Bermuda
65 - Visit to Italy and Poland Aug 1962
Expand 66 - Conference of the World Parliament Association, Paris 23-26 Oct 196266 - Conference of the World Parliament Association, Paris 23-26 Oct 1962
67 - Visit to Paris for an Anglo-American Press Association Luncheon 2-4 Dec 1962
68 - Proposed visit to the US Feb 1963
69 - Proposed visit to USSR, 1-8 Jan 1963
70 - Invitations, programmes and menus
Expand 71 - Correspondence and papers concerning Gaitskell addressing Labour Party events71 - Correspondence and papers concerning Gaitskell addressing Labour Party events
72 - Correspondence, and papers about an address by Gaitskell
73 - Lecture: 'The Economics of Coal' at Trinity College, Oxford, 15 Oct 1949
74 - Proposed Lecture: 'Competition and Rivalry'
75 - Correspondence with regional and local Labour Parties and Labour Party central office, and papers concerning engagements, mainly 1952
76 - Correspondence relating to engagements
77 - Correspondence relating to engagements (Mar-Dec 1952)
78 - Booklets and Leaflets
79 - Correspondence about lectures 1953
80 - Correspondence regarding engagements 1953
Expand 81 - Correspondence81 - Correspondence
Expand 82 - Correspondence82 - Correspondence
83 - Correspondence relating to unconfirmed engagements, 1952-1953
84 - Correspondence
Expand 85 - Correspondence relating to engagements, 195485 - Correspondence relating to engagements, 1954
86 - Correspondence relating to declined engagements 1954
87 - Engagement lists
88 - Nuffield College Private Conference, 1-3 July 1955
Expand 89 - Correspondence regarding engagements, 1955.89 - Correspondence regarding engagements, 1955.
Expand 90 - Correspondence relating to declined engagements90 - Correspondence relating to declined engagements
91 - Conference in London organised by the working party of the magazine, 'Occident-Western World', 1958
Expand 92 - Correspondence regarding engagements92 - Correspondence regarding engagements
Expand 93 - Correspondence regarding engagements93 - Correspondence regarding engagements
Expand 94 - Correspondence regarding engagements94 - Correspondence regarding engagements
Expand 95 - Correspondence regarding engagements95 - Correspondence regarding engagements
Expand 96 - Correspondence regarding engagements,96 - Correspondence regarding engagements,
Expand 97 - Correspondence regarding engagements97 - Correspondence regarding engagements
Expand 98 - Correspondence regarding engagements98 - Correspondence regarding engagements
Expand 99 - Correspondence regarding engagements99 - Correspondence regarding engagements
100 - East Midlands Labour Women's Rally, Derby 20/10/62
101 - Correspondence regarding engagements
Expand E - Gaitskell, Constituency Visits and CasesE - Gaitskell, Constituency Visits and Cases
Expand F - Gaitskell, General Correspondence.F - Gaitskell, General Correspondence.
Expand G - Gaitskell, Pamphlets and Printed PapersG - Gaitskell, Pamphlets and Printed Papers