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Collapse GALTON - Galton PapersGALTON - Galton Papers
Collapse 1 - Personal and Family Papers1 - Personal and Family Papers
Collapse 1 - Family History and Correspondence1 - Family History and Correspondence
1 - An Account of the Emancipation of the Slaves of Unity Valley Pen, In Jamaica
2 - Two Letters from Charles Booth
Expand 3 - Darwin, Charles Robert3 - Darwin, Charles Robert
Expand 4 - Darwin, Erasmus4 - Darwin, Erasmus
Expand 5 - Memorial to Erasmus Darwin in Lichfield Cathedral5 - Memorial to Erasmus Darwin in Lichfield Cathedral
Expand 6 - Papers Concerning Galton Family History6 - Papers Concerning Galton Family History
Expand 7 - Galton, Samuel Tertius7 - Galton, Samuel Tertius
Expand 8 - Biographical Material Relating to the Galton and Darwin Families8 - Biographical Material Relating to the Galton and Darwin Families
Collapse 9 - Biographical Material Relating to the Galton Family9 - Biographical Material Relating to the Galton Family
Expand 1 - Galton Book Volumes I and II, and Related Papers1 - Galton Book Volumes I and II, and Related Papers
2 - Galton I Notebook
3 - Typescript Extracts from Miss Galton's Diary
4 - Drawings of The Larches and The Manor House, High Ham
Collapse 5 - Papers and Correspondence from Edward Galton Wheler-Galton's Family Book5 - Papers and Correspondence from Edward Galton Wheler-Galton's Family Book
1 - Biographical Notes regarding Galton Ancestry
2 - An Extract of a Letter from a Merchants Daughter in London to her Correspondent in the Country
3 - Certificate of Erasmus Galton's Ascent of Mount Blanc
4 - Epitaphs
5 - University of Aberdeen 400th Anniversary Celebration Invitation
6 - Allerdice, Robert Barclay to Erasmus Galton
Collapse 7 - Darwin, Charles Robert to Francis Galton7 - Darwin, Charles Robert to Francis Galton
8 - Darwin, Emma [ne Wedgwood] to Emma Galton
9 - Darwin, Erasmus to Violetta Galton
10 - A Plan of an Intended Navigation Joining up Ports of Hull & Liverpool, With Some General Remarks on Inland Navigation
11 - On Inland Navigation
12 - Recipe for Elderflower Wine
13 - Notes on the Presence and Actions of Air Bubbles in Water
14 - Darwin, Sir Francis to Francis Galton
15 - Darwin, Sir George Howard to Francis Galton, and Edward Wheler-Galton
16 - Darwin, William Erasmus to Edward Galton Wheler-Galton
17 - Farmer, Mary to the Friends of the Mens Meeting at Bristol
18 - Galton, Cornelius to Samuel Galton
19 - Galton, Douglas Strutt to Emma Galton
20 - Galton, Sir Francis to Various Family Members
21 - Galton, Hannah [ne Alloway] to James Farmer
22 - Papers of Samuel John Galton
23 - Galton, Samuel Tertius to Charles Capper
24 - Galton, Sophia to Samuel Tertius Galton
25 - Galton, Theodore Howard to Elizabeth Anne Wheler [ne Galton]
26 - Gurney, Hudson Mrs to Elizabeth Anne Wheler [ne Galton]
27 - Huydecoper, C to Arthur Galton
28 - Stonestreet, George Stonestreet Griffin to Galton Family
29 - Wheler-Galton, Edward Galton to Emma Galton
6 - Typescript Extracts from Galton Books
Expand 10 - Biographical Notes Relating to the Galton Family10 - Biographical Notes Relating to the Galton Family
Expand 11 - Genealogies11 - Genealogies
Expand 12 - Portraits12 - Portraits
Expand 2 - Biographical Papers2 - Biographical Papers
Expand 3 - Francis Galton's Travels3 - Francis Galton's Travels
Expand 4 - Francis Galton's Family Correspondence4 - Francis Galton's Family Correspondence
Expand 5 - Acquired Papers and Books5 - Acquired Papers and Books
Expand 2 - Scientific Papers2 - Scientific Papers
Expand 3 - Correspondence3 - Correspondence