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Collapse GALTON - Galton PapersGALTON - Galton Papers
Expand 1 - Personal and Family Papers1 - Personal and Family Papers
Collapse 2 - Scientific Papers2 - Scientific Papers
Expand 1 - Papers in Connection with Apparatus and Instruments1 - Papers in Connection with Apparatus and Instruments
Expand 2 - Meteorology2 - Meteorology
Expand 3 - The Reader3 - The Reader
Collapse 4 - Heredity in Man4 - Heredity in Man
Expand 1 - Hereditary Genius1 - Hereditary Genius
Expand 2 - English Men of Science: Their Nature and Nurture2 - English Men of Science: Their Nature and Nurture
Expand 3 - Research into Twins3 - Research into Twins
Expand 4 - Papers Relating to Galton's "Inquiry into the Relation between Vigour in the Offspring and Age in the Parents"4 - Papers Relating to Galton's "Inquiry into the Relation between Vigour in the Offspring and Age in the Parents"
5 - Newspaper Cuttings Regarding Marriage, Heredity, and Galton's Work
Expand 6 - Inquiries into Birth, Marriage and Death Registration6 - Inquiries into Birth, Marriage and Death Registration
Expand 7 - Papers Relating to the Record of Family Faculties Investigation7 - Papers Relating to the Record of Family Faculties Investigation
Expand 8 - "Feasible Experiments on the Possibility of Transmitting Acquired Habits by Means of Inheritance"8 - "Feasible Experiments on the Possibility of Transmitting Acquired Habits by Means of Inheritance"
9 - Notes on Ancestral Relationships
Expand 10 - Statistical Work on Heiresses10 - Statistical Work on Heiresses
11 - A Diagram of Heredity
Expand 12 - Papers Relating to the Establishment of the Eugenics Record Office, and Early Research12 - Papers Relating to the Establishment of the Eugenics Record Office, and Early Research
Collapse 13 - Index to Achievements of Near Kinsfolk of Fellows of the Royal Society13 - Index to Achievements of Near Kinsfolk of Fellows of the Royal Society
Expand 14 - Noteworthy Families14 - Noteworthy Families
Expand 15 - Investigation into Sequestrated Church Property15 - Investigation into Sequestrated Church Property
Expand 16 - Social Stability Ruling Motives16 - Social Stability Ruling Motives
17 - Desiderata in Hereditary Science
Expand 18 - Anthropology and Anthropometry18 - Anthropology and Anthropometry
Expand 19 - Eugenics19 - Eugenics
Expand 5 - Heredity in Plants and Animals5 - Heredity in Plants and Animals
Expand 6 - Statistical Papers6 - Statistical Papers
Expand 7 - Psychometry7 - Psychometry
Expand 8 - Photography and Portraiture8 - Photography and Portraiture
Expand 9 - Fingerprints and Personal Identification9 - Fingerprints and Personal Identification
Expand 10 - Miscellaneous Scientific Papers10 - Miscellaneous Scientific Papers
Expand 11 - Memoirs and Books by Francis Galton11 - Memoirs and Books by Francis Galton
Expand 12 - Notes from Books Read by Francis Galton12 - Notes from Books Read by Francis Galton
Expand 13 - Newspaper Cuttings and Other Printed Matter13 - Newspaper Cuttings and Other Printed Matter
Expand 3 - Correspondence3 - Correspondence