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GASTER - Gaster Papers
1 - Personal papers
A - Ephemera
1 - Visiting cards and other miniature cards
2 - Invitations, leaflets and programmes
1 - Abelson and Joseph: Wedding invitation
2 - Aldela and Shashoua: Wedding invitation
3 - Abouhab, Albert: Bar Mitzvah invitation
4 - Abrahams and Lewis: Wedding invitation
5 - Abrahamson and Schwartz: Wedding invitation
6 - Abramovitch and Fox: Wedding invitation
7 - Achi-Tuv Friendly Society: Dinner menu
8 - Adath Yisroel Hebrew and Religious Classes: Souvenir Programme of Garden Party
9 - Afriat and Ohana: Engagement Announcement
10 - Albania Postcard with Note by M.Gaster
10a - Albu and Eichholz: Wedding invitation
11 - Aldspecter and Lozowsky: Wedding invitation
12 - Aletrino and Denys: Wedding invitation
13 - Alexander and Snowman: Wedding invitation
14 - Alexandresco and Lahovary: Wedding invitation
15 - Richman Altman, Addie
16 - Alvarez and Moss: Wedding invitation
17 - Anglo-Jewish Association: Dinner menu
18 - Anglo-Jewish Association: Dinner menu
19 - Anglo-Jewish Association: Ticket/Invitation for a Meeting
20 - Anglo-Palestinian Club: Reception invitation
20a - Anglo-Palestinian Club: Anniversary Dinner Plan
20b - Anglo-Palestinian Club: Anniversary Dinner Table Plan
20c - Anglo-Palestinian Club: Anniversary Dinner Brochure
21 - Amzalak and Levy: Wedding invitation
22 - Apfel and Brandon: Wedding invitation
23 - Arbib and Arbib: Wedding invitation
24 - The Article Club: Menu
25 - Association Culturelle Oriental Israélite de Paris Rite Espagnol: Invitation for Sermon during festival of Simhat Torah
26 - Au Fruit d'Or: Advertisment Card
27 - Azauley and Gould: Wedding menu
28 - Baalbek Ruins: Entry Ticket
29 - Baensch-Drugulin: New Years Card
30 - Bahar: Poem 'To the Jewish Woman'
31 - Bailor Herculane: Flyer for Spa Town
32 - Baker, Ezra Cecil: Bar Mitzvah invitation
33 - Barlow and Perloff: Wedding invitation
34 - Barnett and Ereira: Wedding invitation
35 - Barnett: Double Wedding invitation
36 - Barrow-Sicree, Edward: Bar Mitzvah invitation
37 - Beck and Kanner: Wedding invitation
38 - Behagen and Frohlich: Wedding invitation
39 - Belasco, Philip Seth Emanuel: Bar Mitzvah invitation
40 - Belisha, B I: Bar Mitzvah invitation
41 - Beloff, Max: Bar Mitzvah invitation
41a - Ben-Abba Mari, Machir: Copy of a Page from a Book
42 - Ben-Uri Art Gallery: Programme
43 - Bender: New Year Card
43a - Benzimra and Beneluz: Wedding invitation
44 - Benjamin and Nabarro: Engagement invitation
45 - Bensinger and Snowman: Wedding invitation
46 - Berg and Salzedo: Wedding Menu
47 - Berliner and Lambert: Wedding invitation
48 - Berman, Josef: New Year card
49 - Bernays, Louis: Theatrical Performance Programme
50 - Bernstein and Rivlin: Wedding menu
51 - Bernstein and Wilenkine: Wedding invitation
52 - Betesh and Olswang: Wedding invitation
53 - Beth Hasepher Synagogue: Prize giving programme
54 - Beth Jacob Schools: Invitation to Hanukkah celebration
55 - Bevis Marks Synagogue: Admission Ticket
55a - Bevis Marks Synagogue: Present from the Bicentenary
55b - Bevis Marks Synagogue: Seal
56 - Bevis Marks: Grand Prix
57 - Bienenzucht and Vecht: Wedding invitation
58 - Binderman, Ernest: Bar Mitzvah invitation
59 - de Bitton and Lee: Wedding invitation
60 - Birmingham Jewish Young Men's Association: Ticket
61 - Blank and Lindenberg: Wedding invitation
62 - Blau and Breszlauer: Wedding invtiation
63 - Bloch Publishing Company: Catalogue No. 21
64 - B'nai B'rith District Grand Lodge: Dinner menu
65 - Bodenhem, Alexander: New Year Card
66 - Bohemian String Quartet's Second & Last Concert: Ticket
67 - Bolle and Martin: Wedding invitation
68 - Bonny and Hann: Wedding invitation
69 - Botibol, S L and D: New Year card
70 - Brecher and Bernays: Wedding invitation
71 - Breslau Gymnastics Club: Moses Gaster Membership Card
72 - British Academy: The Schweich Lectures on Biblical Archaeology ticket
73 - British Museum Reading-Room: Ticket
74 - British Museum Reading-Room: Ticket
75 - British Museum Reading-Room: Ticket
76 - Brondesbury Synagogue and Religious Classes: Donations Card
77 - Brondesbury Synagogue: Invitation to prize giving
78 - Brondesbury Synagogue: Invitation to prize giving
79 - Bronkhorst, Alfred Wolf: Bar Mitzvah invitation
80 - Bronkhorst, Morris: Bar Mitzvah invitation
81 - Bruhl and Zadoc Kahn: Wedding invitation
82 - Brunauer: Chocolate and Pastry Advertisement
83 - Btesh and Hazan: Wedding invitation
84 - Btesh and Asriel: Wedding invitation
85 - Btesh and Anzarut: Wedding invitation
86 - Buchdruckerei Stamfel: Envelope
87 - Busnach and Mendoza: Wedding invitation
88 - Calfon: Kosher Restaurant Advertisement
89 - Cafe Pruckel: Advertisement
90 - Calderon and Cansino: Wedding invitation
91 - Cansino: Acknowledgment of Bereavement Sympathy card
92 - Cardiff Dorshei Zion Association: Gaster Lecture Announcement Card
93 - Cardozo, J: New Year card
94 - Cardozo: New Year Card
95 - Carnival De Nice: Programme and Railway Timetable
96 - Castello, Daniel Percy: Bar Mitzvah Menu
97 - Central Jewish Literary & Debating Society: Gaster Lecture invitation
98 - Charkoff and Lipschitz: Wedding invitation
99 - Chatto & Windus Publishers: List of New Books
100 - Chazan and Harris: Wedding invitation
101 - Chemins de fer de Paris à Lyon et à la Méditerranée: Railway ticket
102 - Church Army: Invitation to the Lord Kitchener Memorial Hut
102A - Circle of Scientific, Technical, & Trade Journalists: Invitation
103 - Cohen and Altaras: Wedding invitation
104 - Cohen and Altaras: Wedding menu
105 - Cohen and Lieberman: Wedding menu
106 - Cohen and Valentine: Wedding invitation
107 - Cohen and Valentine: Wedding menu
108 - Cohen and Besso: Fiances Announcement Card
109 - Cohen and Laserson: Wedding invitation
110 - Cohen and Bonny: Wedding invitation
111 - Cohen, Leon: Bar Mitzvah invitation
112 - Cohen, David: Bar Mitzvah invitation
113 - Riquez and Cohen: Wedding invitation
114 - Riquez and Cohen: Wedding postponement announcement
115 - Cohen, S.J: Wedding Toast List
116 - Cohen and Casorla: Wedding invitation
117 - Cohen and Allatini: Wedding invitation
118 - Cohen and Bauml: Wedding invitation
119 - Colleanu and Ursin: Wedding invitation
120 - Coman, Ph. U. C. George: PhD Awarding Announcement Card
121 - Comite Israelita de Lisboa: New Synagogue Inauguration
122 - Comitetul: Iuliu Barasch Historical Society
123 - Cook's Hotel Coupons: Booklet
124 - Countess of Warwick: Invitation to meet the Committee for the Economic Preservation of Birds
125 - Crespin and Barki: Wedding invitation
125a - Cromer: Note
126 - Da Costa: Confirmation invitation
127 - Daiches and Zinkin: Wedding invitation
128 - Daiches and Mindel: Wedding invitation
129 - Davidovitz and Schweitzer: Wedding invitation
130 - Davis and Pinto: Wedding invitation
131 - De Casseres, Percy: Bar Mitzvah invitation
132 - De Casseres and Lazarus: Wedding invitation
133 - De Casseres and Lazarus: Wedding menu
134 - De Casseres and Lazarus: Wedding Programme
135 - De Casseres and Jay: Wedding invitation
136 - Defries and Porter: Wedding invitation
137 - Defries, Vanburgh and Craig: Perfromance Programme
138 - Dembo and Poumpiansky: Wedding invitation
139 - Deutschmeister and Fruchter: Engaegment announcement
140 - Deyong and Martyn: Wedding invitation
141 - Dreyfus: Programme of Demonstration in Hyde Park
142 - Drugulin's Kalender 1897
143 - East Cliff Lodge: Dinner Menu
144 - East London College Engineering Society: Dinner menu
145 - East-London Juvenile Blind Choir: Concert Ticket
146 - East London Orphan Aid Society: Concert Advertisement and Ticket
147 - East London Zionist Association: Notice of an Address given by Gaster
148 - Edinburgh University Jewish Society: Syllabus
149 - Englische und Franzosische Kostume: Advertisement
150 - Einzelverein Wein Des Zion: Ticket
151 - Emanuel and Freeman: Engagement celebration invitation
152 - Emanuel and Freeman: Wedding invitation
153 - English Zionist Federation: Flyer
154 - English Zionists: Banquet
155 - Enoch and Pofiti: Wedding invitation
156 - Eschelbacher and Marcus: Engagement Announcement
157 - 'Ettie': New Year card
158 - Farache and Levy: Wedding invitation
159 - Farhi and Dana: Wedding invitation
160 - Feldman: Brit Milah invitation
161 - Feldstein and Grunberg: Wedding invitation
162 - Fernandez and Herson: Wedding invitation
163 - Fichmann and Weissberg: Wedding invitation
164 - First London Achuzah Co. Ltd: Dinner invitation
165 - Fleischman and Homa: Wedding invitation
166 - Fermo and Elias: Wedding invitation
167 - Fermo and Fermo: Wedding invitation
168 - Foldvary Imre: Advertisment
169 - Foreign Jewish Ladies' Benevolent Society: Invitation to Special General Meeting and Yearly Balance Sheet
170 - Frank and Judah: Wedding invitation
171 - Franklin and May: Wedding invitation
172 - Franklin and Samuel: Wedding invitation
173 - Franklin and Samuel: Wedding ticket
174 - Fraser and Josephs: Wedding invitation
175 - Freimann, Aron: Wedding invitation
176 - Freund and Pinczower: Engagement announcement
177 - Freund and Frankel: Engagement announcement
178 - Friedlaender: Thank you card
179 - Fruchter and Singer: Wedding invitation
180 - Gadsby and Genese: Wedding menu
181 - Gaetan Fea: Advertisement
182 - Galatz: Lottery ticket
183 - Gaster, Leah: At Home invitation
184 - Gaster and Ludwig: Wedding invitation
185 - Gaster, Sacher and wife: Silver Wedding anniversary announcement
186 - Gaster and Mondschein: Wedding invitation
187 - Gater, Fanny: Engagement annoncement
188 - Dick and Gaster: Wedding invitation
189 - Gaster and Kluger: Engagement announcement
189A - Gastor's Benevolent Society: commemorative pin
190 - Gates of Hope School: Invitation to opening ceremony
191 - Gates of Hope School: List of Prizes
192 - Gates of Hope School: Invitation to the Annual Distribution of Prizes
192A - Gates of Hope School: Invitation to the Annual Distribution of Prizes
192B - Gates of Hope School: Invitation to the Annual Distribution of Prizes
192C - Gates of Hope School: Invitation to the Annual Distribution of Prizes
193 - Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaft des Judentums: Gaster Membership card
194 - Gestetner and Barnett: Wedding invitation
195 - Gestetner and Weil: Wedding inviation
196 - Gilbert and Layton: Wedding invitation
197 - Gold and Benson: Wedding inviation
198 - Gold and Benson: Wedding menu
199 - Brown and Cohen: Wedding invitation
200 - Goldberg and Politi: Wedding invitation
201 - Goldberg and Hassan: Wedding invitation
202 - Goldflam and Marcus: Wedding invitation
203 - Gomme: New Year Card
203A - Gollancz: Event menu
203B - Goldsmith and Baruch: Wedding invitation
205 - Good, Arthur: Bar Mitzvah invitation
206 - Stewart-Petterson and Goodwin: Wedding invitation
207 - Goodman and Heiser: Engagement celebration invitiation
208 - Grand Hotel De New York, Florence: Advertisement card
209 - Grand Order Sons of Jacob: Menu
210 - Gratt and Bergman: Wedding invitation
211 - Gravel Lane, Houndsditch: School Board for London meeting ticket.
212 - Green and Carmel: Wedding invitation
213 - Greenbaum and Mereine: Wedding invitation
214 - Greenhill and Shire: Wedding invitation
214a - Greenhut and Zekesh: Wedding invitation
215 - Grodnick: Thank You card
216 - Groenewoud and Myers: Wedding invitation
217 - Gruber: Postal shipping receipt
218 - Grun: Hotel Stadt Petersburg Menu
219 - Grunhut and Sachs: Engagement announcement
220 - Gubbay and Landau: Wedding invitation
221 - Gundel Janos: Hotel Erzherzog Stephan invoice
222 - Guttemberg: General Mutual Aid Society of Printing Workers in Romania - Entry ticket
223 - Guttman, Julius: Dinner menu
224 - Haes, Frank: Card of thanks for sympathy
225 - Halbren and Deyong: Wedding invitation
226 - Landau and Halevy: Wedding invitation
227 - Halle and Levy: Engagement invitation
228 - Hallevy, Moise: Hebrew letter to Gaster
229 - Hampstead Synagogue Foundation Stone Ceremony: Entrance ticket
230 - Hampstead Synagogue Hebrew and Religious Classes: Public Distribution of Prizes
231 - Hampstead Synagogue Foundation Stone Ceremony: Invitation
232 - Hamwee and Shabetai: Wedding invitation
233 - Hamwee, Joseph, A.: Card of thanks for sympathy
234 - 'Haringman and Mendoza: Wedding menu
235 - Harrison, S.D: Invitation to Circumcision
236 - Hart and Pinto: Wedding invitation
237 - Hassan and Lee: Engagement invitation
238 - Helios Field Club: Invitation to an address by Dr. M. Gaster
239 - Henninger: Handwritten letter and catalogue in French
240 - Her Majesty's Theatre: Inaugural Performance programme
241 - Herzl: A Mass Meeting in Memoriam
242 - Hevra Kaddisha: Notice 1
243 - Hevra Kaddisha: Notice 2
244 - Hirschbein, Walter Hirsch: Bar Mitzvah invitation
245 - Hirschensohn and de Sola Pool: Wedding invitation
246 - Hirschfeld and Rubens: Wedding invitation
247 - Hirschfeld and Rubens: Wedding menu
248 - Hoffmann and Kennard: Wedding invitation
249 - Honterus Monument Unveling and Annul Meeting of the Saxon clubs: Agenda
250 - Honterus in Kronstadt: order of events
252 - Honterusdrama: Festival performance ticket 166
252a - Honterusdrama: Festival performance ticket 186
254 - Hope of Zion Society: Function invitation
255 - Hornstein and Beckal: Wedding invitation
256 - Hornstein and Grunberg: Wedding invitation
257 - Horovik and Frimann: Wedding invitation
258 - Hotel Great Central: Menu
259 - Hotel Metropole: Menu
260 - Hotel National Marienbad: stationary
261 - Hubert T.E.: Champagne flyer and envelope
262 - Hurwitz and Sanders-Herman: Wedding invitation
263 - H. Hussar: Pharmacist business card, theatre tickets and envelope
264 - Hyams and Phillips: Wedding invitation
265 - Hyamson and Loewe: Wedding invitation
266 - Hyamson and Loewe: Wedding menu
267 - Independent Order of B'nai B'rith: Supper menu
268 - Indian Institute Oxford - Invitation to opening ceremony
269 - Instone: Thank you letter for message of sympathy
270 - International Congress of the history of religions: Members ticket
271 - International non-sectarian boycott conference: Mass meeting
272 - International Railway Sleeping Car Company: Payment slip
273 - International Orientalists Congress in Hamburg: Participant card
274 - International Orientalists Congress in Hamburg: ticket
275 - Inter-Religious Fellowship: Recital programme
276 - Isaacs and Btesh: Wedding dinner menu and toast list
277 - Isaacs and Sacks: Wedding invitation
278 - Isaacs and Alvarez: Wedding invitation
279 - Jacobs and Ereira: Wedding invitation
280 - Jankel: Luncheon invitation
281 - Jankel and Flugelman: Wedding invitation
282 - Jankel, Freddy: Bar Mitzvah invitation
283 - Jewish Association for the Protection of Girls and Women: Conference menu
284 - Jewish Association for the Protection of Girls and Women: Festival dinner menu
285 - Jewish Association for the Protection of Girls and Women: Table plan and list of guests
286 - Jewish Communal Legue: Concert ticket
287 - Jewish Institute: Lantern lecture press
288a - Jewish National Union: Conference invitation
288b - Jewish Literary Circle: Invitation
289 - Jewish Religious Education Board: Dinner menu
290 - Jewish Religious Education Board: Dinner menu
291 - Jewish Religious Education Board: Dinner menu
292 - Jewish Religious Education Board: Appeal dinner
293 - Jewish Secondary School Movement: Public meeting invitation
294 - Jewish Secondary Schools Movement: Dinner menu
295 - Jewish Secondary Schools Movement: Dinner menu
296 - Jewish Soldiers Brighton & Hove Welfare Committee: Synagogue attendance card
297 - Jewish Workingmen's Club: Address by Herzl
298 - Jewish World: Weekly newspaper advertising brochure
300 - Jews' College: Invitation to opening ceremony
300a - Jews' College: Event menu
301 - Jews College Literary Society: Syllabus for session 1890-1
302 - Jews' College: Invitation to Dr M. Friedlander's birthday presentation
303 - Jews Hospital and Orphan Asylum: Centenary Festival programme
304 - Jews Hospital and Orphan Asylum: Dinner menu
305 - Jews Hospital and Orphan Asylum: Dinner menu
306 - Jews' Infant Schools: Festival dinner
308 - Josephs and Mendes Chumaceiro: Wedding invitation
309 - Josephinenhütte Schreiberhau: Railway timetable
310 - Jung and Bloch: Wedding invitation
311 - Juster and Wechsler: Engagement announcement
312 - Zadoc Kahn and Bruhl: Wedding invitation
313 - Kahn and Ettinghausen: Engagement notice
314 - Kapralik: Circumcision ceremony invitation
315 - Kapralik and Efraim: Wedding invitation
316 - Kapralik and Efraim: Engagement invitation
317 - Kapralik and Ettinger: Wedding invitation
318 - Schachter and Kassoan: Wedding inviation
319 - Katz, Bobbie: Bar Mitzvah invitation
320 - Katz and Heilbronn: Wedding invitation
321 - Keren Hayishuv - Pro Palestine Fund: Festival Dinner menu
322 - King's College: Public lecture by Gaster
323 - Knights of Trafalgar: Spitalfields Benevolent Society
324 - Knights of Trafalgar: Spitalfields Benevolent Society: Anniversary dinner menu
324A - Klein, Norman Stanley: Bar Mitzvah invitation
325 - Korona: Habsburg Empire banknote
326 - Fript and Weisman: Wedding invitation
327 - Krauss and Heimberg: Wedding invitation
327A - Krilichevskaya and Goldenberg: Wedding invitation
328 - Kugel and Stern: Wedding invitation
329 - Kursaal D'Ostende: Concert
330 - Alexandresco and Lahovary: Wedding invitation
331 - Landau, Dr. J. L. : lecture at the Bishopsgate institute
332 - Landau and Sacks: Wedding invitation
333 - Landau and Rabbinowitz: Wedding invitation
334 - Langer, PH: Business card
335 - Langer: Golden wedding invitation
336 - Lara Dinner: Menu
337 - Lara Dinner: Menu II
338 - Last and Gould: Wedding invitation
339 - Lavey and Hyamson: Engagement announcement
340 - Lazarus and Wartski: Wedding dinner menu
341 - Le Vine, Bernard: Bar Mitzvah invitation
342 - Lebrecht and Roth: Wedding invitation
343 - Lebrecht and Roth: Wedding menu
344 - Lebrecht and Roth: Wedding place cards
345 - Leeds Zionist Association: Reception invitation
346 - Leibson and Flugelman: Wedding invitation
347 - Levy, Solomon: Bar Mitzvah invitation
348 - Levy and Schiff: Wedding invitation
349 - Levy and Cohen: Wedding invitation
350 - Levy, Claud: Bar Mitzvah invitation
351 - Levi and Jung: Wedding invitation
352 - Lewis, A: Invitation
353 - Lewis and Coronel: Wedding invitation
354 - The Licensed Jewish Master Butchers' Protection Association: Dinner menu
355 - Lightman and Sandleson: Wedding inviation
356 - Lindenberg and Cohen: Wedding invitation
357 - Baker and Linda: Wedding invitation
358 - Lindo, Benjn: Thank you letter
359 - Lindo Henry and Coburn: Wedding invitation
360 - Lipman and Freidman: Wedding invitation
361 - Lipman and Freidman: Wedding menu
362 - Lipman and Freidman: Wedding dance card
363 - Littaur and de Sola Pool: Engagement announcement
364 - Leob, Isidore: Burial notice
365 - Leob, Isidore: Death and burial notice from the 'Societe des Etudes Juives'
366 - London Bezalel Association: Meeting invitation
367 - London Hebrew Talmud Torah: Invitation to Consecration and Opening
368 - London Institution: 1905-1906 Lecture series and Gaster lecture ticket
369 - London Jewish Hospital Association: Mass meeting ticket
370 - London Jewish Hospital Association: Mass meeting ticket
371 - London Jewish Hospital Association: Public meeting ticket
372 - London Jewish Hospital Association: Dinner invitation
373 - London Jewish Hospital: Banquet menu
374 - London Jewish Hospital Association: Public meeting notice
375 - London Jewish Hospital Association: Meeting invitation
376 - London Jewish Hospital: Festival Dinner menu
377 - London Jewish Hospital: Festival Dinner guest list
378 - London Jewish Hospital Medical Society: Annual Dinner menu
379 - London Jewish Hospital Medical Society: Annual Dinner guest list
380 - London Philanthropic Society: Invitation to the 56th annual meeting
381 - London Reform Union: Lecture ticket
382 - London Scottish Drill Hall: Coronation Dinner ticket
383 - London Society: Ordinary General Meeting
384 - London Zionist League: Purim Celebration
385 - London Zionist League: Purim Celebration programme
386 - Lowe and Henriques: Menu
387 - Luxenburg and Trachtenberg: Wedding invitation
388 - Maccabean Pilgrimage to Palestine: Itinerary and Programme
389 - Magnus, Sir Philip: Menu
390 - Mainz, Arnold: Bar Mitzvah menu
391 - Malkicedec Bonami: Flyer
392 - Manasseh Ben Israel: Banquet Menu
393 - Manchester Congregation of Spanish & Portuguese Jews: 'Gates of Prayer' Synagogue 'Concert and Conversazione'
394 - Manchester and Withington Congregations of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews: Reception Programme
395 - Manchester and Withington Congregations of Spanish and Portuguese Jews: Invitation
396 - Manchester Congregation of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews: Notice of preaching by Gaster at the synagogue
397 - Manchester Congregation of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews: Notice of preaching by Gaster at the synagogue
398 - Manchester Victoria Memorial Jewish Hospital: Invitation to opening ceremony
399 - Manchester Victoria Memorial Jewish Hospital: Order of proceedings
400 - Manchester Victoria Memorial Jewish Hospital: Dinner menu
401 - Manchester Victoria Memorial Jewish Hospital: Order of proceedings
402 - Manchester Victoria Memorial Jewish Hospital: Banquet menu
403 - Manchester Zionist Central Council Warsaw Synagogue: Ticket for a mass meeting for the relief fund for the distressed Jews of Poland and Russia
404 - Queen Marie of Romania: Reception invitation
404a - Majesties of Roumania: Admission Card for Reception of King and Queen of Roumania at Guildhall
406 - Marks, Barnett and Anne: Invitation
412 - Mayer and Bromet: Wedding menu
418 - Mendes and Lewis: Wedding programme
421 - Mendes and Messer: Wedding invitation
422 - Mendes and Messer: Wedding menu
426 - Mendoza, Jacob: Bar Mitzvah Dinner menu
427 - Mendoza, Elias: Bar Mitzvah invitation
432 - Minton and Cohen: Wedding menu
433 - Minton and Cohen: Wedding dance programme
439 - Cohen and Lotery: Wedding invitation
442 - Moss, Albert: Bar Mitzvah invitation
443 - Mossesohn and Valencia: Wedding invitation
444 - Myers, Horace and May: 'At Home' invitation
445 - Myers and Mendoza: Wedding menu
450 - National Union for Jewish Rights: Dinner invitation
451 - National Union for Jewish Rights: Dinner menu
459 - Nottingham Jewish Girls' Club: Hanukkah ceremony programme
468 - Oppenheimer and Belinfante: Wedding menu
472 - Order Achei Ameth: Programme
473 - Order Achei Ameth: Order of service
474 - Order Achei Brith and Shield of Abraham: Dinner menu
475 - Order Achei Brith and Shield of Abraham: Dinner menu
482 - Ottoman Parliament: Dinner invitation
483 - Ottoman Parliament: Dinner table plan
484 - Ottoman Parliament: Dinner menu
492 - Palestine Workmen's Fund: Banquet menu
501 - Peace Bazaar for the Relief of the Jewish Victims of the War: Invitation
506 - Philipp, Oscar and Clarisse: Dinner invitation
510 - Pissarro: New Year greeting
513 - Pool and Blok: Wedding menu
516 - Prins and Sassoon: Wedding invitation
518 - Queen's Hall: Forthcoming concerts leaflet
521 - Ramus and Tom: Wedding menu
522 - Raphael, John: Dinner menu
526 - Ricardo and Langner: Engagement celebration invitation
527 - Ricardo and Langner: Wedding invitation
528 - Richmond Hebrew Congregation: Arthur Howitt Dinner menu
533 - Roco and Duque: Wedding menu
539 - Roumanian Circle: Inaugural Dinner programme
540 - Roumanian Synagogue: Inauguration invitation
541 - Roumanian Synagogue: Opening ceremony invitation
544 - Royal Asiatic Society: Coronation Banquet menu
545 - Royal Asiatic Society: Coronation Banquet table plan
546 - Royal Asiatic Society: Dinner menu
547 - Royal Asiatic Society: Dinner menu
549 - Royal Lyceum Theatre: Programme
553 - Salzedo and Harris: Engagement announcement
563 - Sassoon/Angel and Maymon: Wedding invitation
564 - Savage, Janet: Christmas card
565 - Schewzik, David: Bar Mitzvah invitation
566 - Schalit, L: 'At Home' invitation
569 - Sebag-Montefiore and Lucas: Wedding invitation
570 - Segal: Circumcision invitation
578 - Shabetai: Initiation invitation
587 - Snowman, J: 'At Home' invitation
591 - 'Soc. Maimonide Bucuresci': Gaster lecture ticket
601 - Souhami and Davis: Engagement celebration invitation
602 - Souhami and Davis: Wedding menu and music programme
605 - South Broughton Synagogue: Order of Service
609 - Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation: Schools prize-giving programme
611 - Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation: Schools prize-giving programme
612 - Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation: Opening ceremony ticket
618 - Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation: Order of service
619 - Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation: Invitation to commemorative service
622 - Spiers and Conquy: Wedding invitation
624 - St John's Wood Synagogue: Wedding invitation
638 - Talmud Torah, Redmans Road: Consecration Ceremony invitation
639 - Talmud Torah, Redmans Road: Invitation to the Distribution of Prizes
640 - Talmud Torah, Redmans Road: Programme for the Distribution of Prizes
641 - Talmud Torah, Redmans Road: Programme for the Distribution of Prizes
642 - Talmud Torah, Redmans Road: Invitation to the Distribution of Prizes
648 - Trachtenberg: New Year card
653 - Tuck, Adolph and Jeanetta: New Year card
654 - Tuck and Montefiore: Wedding invitation
655 - Tuck, Herman and Mathilde: New Year card
660 - Tuck, Gustave: Table plan for 70th birthday dinner
661 - Tuck, Gustave: Menu for 70th birthday dinner
663 - United Synagogue: F D Mocatta memorial service announcement
664 - United Synagogue: Dinner menu
666 - Valencia and Mercado: Wedding invitation
667 - Valentine and Isaacs: New Year card
669 - Valentine, Saul: Testimonial ceremony invitation
671 - Vetchinsky and Brooker: Wedding invitation
672 - Vetchinsky and Brooker: Wedding menu
678 - Wainer: New Year card
688 - West Central Jewish National Institute: Consecration invitation
689 - West Central Jewish National Institute: Opening ceremony invitation
690 - West Central Jewish National Institute: Opening ceremony programme
691 - West Central Jewish National Institute: Invitation to the Prize Distribution
692 - West Central Jewish National Institute: Programme for the Prize Distribution
693 - West Central Jewish National Institute: Ticket for Anniversary Dinner
695 - West Ham Synagogue: Programme for the Distibution of Prizes
702 - Whitechapel and Spitalfields Costermongers' and Street-sellers' Union: Dinner menu
705 - Withington Congregation of Spanish and Portuguese Jews: Dinner menu
706 - Wittkowski and Tuck: Wedding invitation
708 - Fleischmann and Eppenheim: Wedding invitation
709 - Fleischmann and Eppenheim: Wedding menu
710 - Woolf and de Solla: Wedding invitation
720 - Zion Theatre: Programme
722 - Unidentified programme of dances
724 - Unidentified dinner menu
730 - Unidentified dinner menu
735 - Unidentified wedding menu
739 - Unidentified dinner menu
743 - Unidentified dinner menu
3 - Picture postcards
4 - Ephemera from Gaster's visit to the Holy Land
5 - Tickets for an address by Sir Harry H. Johnston: 'East-Africa & Palestine'
6 - Travel tickets, stubs and permits
7 - Visiting cards: Condolences on Azriel's death
8 - Visiting cards: 70th birthday wishes
9 - Visiting cards: Congratulations on first grandchild
B - Diaries and notebooks
C - Certificates and tributes
D - Financial papers
E - Passport, C.V., and personal visiting cards
F - Autobiographical papers
G - Engagement and wedding
H - Souvenirs from trip to Rome
I - Souvenirs from trip to Berlin
J - Library catalogues
K - Correspondence re. library
L - Moses Gaster's will, and associated messages
M - 80th and 81st birthdays
N - Death of Moses Gaster
O - Gaster extended family tree
P - Draft biography
Q - Letters of condolence re. death of A.E. Gaster
2 - Papers of other family members
3 - Political and communal activities
4 - Judith Lady Montefiore College
5 - Bound volumes (scrapbooks)
6 - Published and unpublished works
7 - Artefacts and photographs
8 - Printed material and press cuttings
9 - Correspondence