Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse GDS - Records of the Girls' Day School Trust and predecessors (GDST)GDS - Records of the Girls' Day School Trust and predecessors (GDST)
Expand 1 - Constitutional Records1 - Constitutional Records
Expand 2 - Honorary Members2 - Honorary Members
Expand 3 - Council Records3 - Council Records
Expand 4 - Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings4 - Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings
Expand 5 - Annual reports 5 - Annual reports
Expand 6 - Committees6 - Committees
Expand 7 - Shareholders' Records7 - Shareholders' Records
Expand 8 - Financial Records8 - Financial Records
Expand 9 - General Administration 9 - General Administration
Expand 10 - Relationship with Central and Local Government10 - Relationship with Central and Local Government
Expand 11 - Central Governance of Schools11 - Central Governance of Schools
Expand 12 - Current Schools12 - Current Schools
Expand 13 - Former Schools13 - Former Schools
Expand 14 - Property14 - Property
Collapse 15 - Staff15 - Staff
Expand 1 - Staff Registers1 - Staff Registers
Expand 2 - Head Office Staff2 - Head Office Staff
Expand 3 - 'Heads'3 - 'Heads'
Collapse 4 - Appointment of Head Teachers4 - Appointment of Head Teachers
Collapse 1 - From File 'Headships: Appointments'1 - From File 'Headships: Appointments'
1 - 'Nottingham, Weymouth & York High Schools for Girls: Appointment of Head Mistresses'
2 - 'Bromley & Tunbridge Wells High Schools for Girls: Appointment of Head Mistresses'
3 - 'Bath & Norwich High Schools for Girls: Appointment of Head Mistresses'
4 - 'Oxford High School For Girls: Appointment of Head Mistress'
5 - 'Sutton High School for Girls: Appointment of Head Mistress'
6 - 'Shrewsbury High School for Girls: Appointment of Head Mistress'
7 - 'Liverpool and York High Schools For Girls: Appointment of Head Mistresses'
8 - 'Bath High School for Girls: Appointment of Head Mistress'
9 - 'Oxford High School for Girls: Appointment of Head Mistress'
10 - 'Bath, Nottingham, and Sheffield High Schools for Girls: Appointment of Head Mistresses'
11 - 'Brighton and Hove and Ipswich High Schools for Girls: Appointment of Head Mistresses'
12 - 'Kensington and Shrewsbury High Schools: Appointment of Head Mistresses'
13 - 'Oxford High School for Girls: Appointment of Head Mistress'
14 - 'Birkenhead High School for Girls: Appointment of Head Mistress'
15 - 'Sutton High School for Girls: Appointment of Head Mistress'
16 - 'Liverpool High School for Girls: Appointment of Head Mistress'
17 - 'Brighton and Hove High School for Girls: Appointment of Head Mistresses'
18 - 'Paddington and Maida Vale and Shrewsbury High Schools for Girls: Appointment of Head Mistresses'
19 - 'Bromley and Portsmouth High Schools for Girls: Appointment of Head Mistresses'
20 - 'Dulwich and Ipswich High Schools for Girls: Appointment of Head Mistresses'
21 - 'Notting Hill and Bayswater High School for Girls: Appointment of Head Mistresses'
22 - 'Birkenhead High School for Girls: Appointment of Head Mistress'
23 - 'Birkenhead High School for Girls: Appointment of Head Mistress'
24 - 'Brighton and Hove High School for Girls: Appointment of Head Mistress'
25 - 'Birkenhead and Tunbridge Wells High Schools for Girls: Appointment of Head Mistresses'
26 - 'Wimbledon and South Hampstead High Schools for Girls: Appointment of Head Mistresses'
27 - 'Bath & Ipswich High Schools for Girls: Appointment of Head Mistresses'
28 - '1. Brighton and Hove High Schools for Girls 2. Nottingham High School for Girls: Appointment of Head Mistresses'
29 - 'The Belvedere School, Liverpool: Appointment of Head Mistress'
30 - 'Streatham Hill & Brixton High School For Girls: Appointment of Head Mistress'
31 - 'Birkenhead High School For Girls: Appointment of Head Mistress'
32 - 'Notting Hill and Bayswater High School For Girls: Appointment of Head Mistress'
33 - 'Ipswich High School For Girls: Appointment of Head Mistress'
34 - 'Sydenham High School: Appointment of Head Mistress'
35 - 'Birkenhead High School: Appointment of Head Mistress'
36 - 'Portsmouth High School: Appointment of Head Mistress'
37 - 'Brighton and Hove High School: Appointment of Head Mistress'
38 - Belvedere School and Shrewsbury High School: Appointment of Head Mistresses
39 - 'Nottingham Girls' High School: Appointment of Head Mistress'
40 - 'Ipswich Girls' High School: Appointment of Head Mistress'
41 - 'Oxford High School for Girls: Appointment of Head Mistress'
42 - 'Sydenham High School for Girls: Appointment of Head Mistress'
43 - 'Blackheath High School for Girls: Appointment of Head Mistress'
Expand 2 - From Box 'Appointment of Heads'2 - From Box 'Appointment of Heads'
3 - Appointment Policies
4 - From File 'Heads: retirement of'
Expand 5 - Teaching Staff Appointments5 - Teaching Staff Appointments
Expand 6 - Salaries and Wages6 - Salaries and Wages
Expand 7 - Pensions7 - Pensions
Expand 8 - Staffing Reviews 8 - Staffing Reviews
Expand 9 - Other Staff Policies  9 - Other Staff Policies
Expand 10 - Staff Conferences10 - Staff Conferences
Expand 11 - Employment Legislation 11 - Employment Legislation
Expand 16 - Pupils 16 - Pupils
Expand 17 - Curriculum17 - Curriculum
Expand 18 - Teacher Training18 - Teacher Training
Expand 19 - Examinations and Assessment19 - Examinations and Assessment
Expand 20 - School Inspections20 - School Inspections
Expand 21 - Scholarships and Prizes21 - Scholarships and Prizes
Expand 22 - Publicity22 - Publicity
Expand 23 - Publications23 - Publications
Expand 24 - Events24 - Events
Expand 25 - Artefacts25 - Artefacts
Expand 26 - Photographs26 - Photographs
Expand 27 - Old Girls' Associations and the Minerva Network27 - Old Girls' Associations and the Minerva Network
Expand 28 - History of the Trust and other papers28 - History of the Trust and other papers
Expand A - Papers of Maria Grey and Emily ShirreffA - Papers of Maria Grey and Emily Shirreff
Expand B - Friends of the Girls' Public Day School TrustB - Friends of the Girls' Public Day School Trust
C - Scrapbook of Monica Allanach, almuna of Wimbledon High School 1931-1938