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GDS - Records of the Girls' Day School Trust and predecessors (GDST)
1 - Constitutional Records
2 - Honorary Members
3 - Council Records
4 - Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings
5 - Annual reports
6 - Committees
7 - Shareholders' Records
8 - Financial Records
1 - Accounting Records
2 - Fees Administration
1 - From file 'Scales of Fees, 1910-1927'
2 - 'Revision of Scales of Fees, 1935-1937'
3 - From file 'School Fees Insurance Schemes'
4 - From file 'Revision of Scales of Fees'
5 - From file 'Increase in Fees: consequence of the Education Act 1944'
6 - From file 'Letters re. increase in Fees Since 1945'
7 - From file 'Fee Scales, table on increase in fees and DG capitation Grant'
8 - From file 'Tuition Fees and M.eD Capitation Grant'
9 - From file 'Increases in fees to meet equal pay'
10 - From File 'Examinations Fees 1965-1977'
11 - From File 'Increase in Salaries and fees 1969'
12 - From file 'Increases in Fees 1970-1972'
13 - From File 'Extra Subject Fees and the 'Freeze'
14 - From File 'Fees Increase: Correspondence with DES'
15 - From file 'Fees Increases: Correspondence with LEAs. 1973-1976'
16 - From file 'Fees Increases: letters to parents'
17 - From file 'Fees: Kindergarten and Transition Inquiry'
18 - From file 'Fees Effect on Numbers'
19 - From file 'Fees for Registration, Entrance Exams, Public Exams'
20 - From file 'Fees: General Correspondence'
21 - From file 'Compulsory Extras'
22 - From File 'Fees: Payment by Instalments'
23 - From file 'Income Scale: Proposal by Ministry of Education to Amend Scale'
24 - From file 'Revision of Income Scale - 1963'
3 - Direct Grant Material
4 - School Ledgers
5 - Gifts
6 - Schools Appeals
9 - General Administration
10 - Relationship with Central and Local Government
11 - Central Governance of Schools
12 - Current Schools
13 - Former Schools
14 - Property
15 - Staff
16 - Pupils
17 - Curriculum
18 - Teacher Training
19 - Examinations and Assessment
20 - School Inspections
21 - Scholarships and Prizes
22 - Publicity
23 - Publications
24 - Events
25 - Artefacts
26 - Photographs
27 - Old Girls' Associations and the Minerva Network
28 - History of the Trust and other papers
A - Papers of Maria Grey and Emily Shirreff
B - Friends of the Girls' Public Day School Trust
C - Scrapbook of Monica Allanach, almuna of Wimbledon High School 1931-1938