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Collapse HALDANE - Haldane PapersHALDANE - Haldane Papers
Expand 1 - Scientific Research1 - Scientific Research
Expand 2 - Publications and Drafts2 - Publications and Drafts
Collapse 3 - Papers Relating to University College London3 - Papers Relating to University College London
Expand 1 - Biometry Department Activities1 - Biometry Department Activities
Expand 2 - Boards and Examinations2 - Boards and Examinations
Expand 3 - UCL Correspondence3 - UCL Correspondence
Expand 4 - Finance Papers4 - Finance Papers
Collapse 5 - Personnel5 - Personnel
Collapse 1 - Academic Staff1 - Academic Staff
Collapse 1 - Applications, References and Reports1 - Applications, References and Reports
1 - Letters from UCL to J B S Haldane
2 - Letters between A C Faberg and the UCL Provost
3 - Letter from J B S Haldane to the UCL Secretary
4 - Letters between L T Minchin and J B S Haldane
5 - Letter from the UCL Accountant to A C E Suley
6 - Letters between J B S Haldane and UCL
7 - Letter from the Ministry of Labour to J B S Haldane
8 - Letter from H P Himsworth to J B S Haldane
9 - Letter from the UCL Secretary to J B S Haldane
10 - Letter from the UCL Secretary to U Philip
11 - Letter from the UCL Secretary to C A B Smith
12 - Letters from the Imperial Cancer Research Fund to J B S Haldane
13 - Letter from J B S Haldane to Mr Wood
14 - Letters between J B S Haldane and the UCL Assistant Secretary
15 - Letters between J B S Haldane's Secretary and the Office of the High Commissioner for India
16 - Letter from the UCL Accountant to J B S Haldane
17 - Letters between J B S Haldane and the UCL Secretary
18 - Letter from J B S Haldane to the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research
19 - Letters between the UCL Deputy Registrar and J B S Haldane
20 - Letters between UCL and J B S Haldane's Secretary
21 - Letter from the UCL Registrar to H Grneberg
22 - Letters from the University of Pavia to J B S Haldane
23 - Letters between the UCL Provost and J B S Haldane
24 - Letters between Professor Hobson and J B S Haldane
25 - Letter from the UCL Deputy Registrar to J B S Haldane
26 - Letters between the British Council and J B S Haldane
27 - Letters between R Milani and J B S Haldane
28 - Letter from L S Penrose to J B S Haldane
29 - Letter from W B Kadri to Elizabeth Suley
30 - Letters between the UCL Provost and J B S Haldane
31 - Letters between E B Ford and J B S Haldane
32 - Letters between the UCL Secretary and J B S Haldane's Secretary
33 - Letter from J B S Haldane's Secretary to Walker & Walker
34 - Letter from J B S Haldane to Dr Svrdson
35 - Letter from J B S Haldane to C C Spicer
36 - Letters between J B S Haldane and W E Gye
37 - Telegram from C I Bliss to J B S Haldane
38 - Letters between G Pontecorvo and J B S Haldane
39 - Letters between the Agricultural Research Council and J B S Haldane
40 - Letter from J B S Haldane to A Buzzati-Traverso
41 - Letters between J B S Haldane and M Abercrombie
42 - Letters between J B S Haldane and H M Inspector of Taxes
43 - Letter from the UCL Provost to J B S Haldane
44 - British Council Scholarship Application for Susana M de Delbue
45 - Letter from J B S Haldane to the UCL Provost
46 - Letters from J B S Haldane to the Commissione per l'assegnazione delle borse di studio del British Council
47 - Letter from G Bertani to J B S Haldane
48 - Letter from J B S Haldane to the UCL Senior Tutor
49 - Letter from Radu Codreanu to J B S Haldane
50 - Letter from J B S Haldane to The Education Secretary, Eastern Pakistan
51 - Letters between W Weber and J B S Haldane's Secretary
52 - Letters between the British Council and J B S Haldane
53 - Letters between the UCL Secretary and J B S Haldane
54 - Letters between the UCL Senior Tutor and J B S Haldane
55 - Letter from the UCL Accountant to J B S Haldane's Secretary
56 - Letters between the UCL Assistant Secretary and J B S Haldane's Secretary
57 - Letter from L S Penrose to J B S Haldane
58 - Letter from the UCL Accountant to J B S Haldane
59 - Letters between the UCL Senior Tutor and J B S Haldane
60 - Letters between W H Pearsall and J B S Haldane
61 - Letter from J B S Haldane to Dr Montanari
62 - Department of Biometry Annual Report 1947-1948
63 - Letter from J B S Haldane to E S Pearson
64 - Letter from the British Council to J B S Haldane
65 - Letter from the UCL Secretary to R Milani
66 - Letters between UCL and the Department of Biometry
67 - Letter from the UCL Secretary to Sylvia D Lawler
68 - Postcard from the British Council to the UCL Senior Tutor
69 - Letters between Ian Cox and J B S Haldane
70 - Letter from J B S Haldane to Elizabeth Suley
71 - Letter from UCL to the Department of Biometry
72 - Letters between J B S Haldane and the UCL Secretary
73 - Rough Note
74 - Letter from the Chester Beatty Research Institute to J B S Haldane
75 - Letter from J B S Haldane to C H Waddington
76 - Letters between J B S Haldane and the British Council
77 - Letter from L S Penrose to J B S Haldane
78 - Letters between the UCL Provost and J B S Haldane
79 - Letter from J B S Haldane's Secretary to the UCL Cashier
80 - Letter from the UCL Deputy Registrar to J B S Haldane
81 - Letters between J B S Haldane's Secretary and Dr L Kiow
82 - Letter from the Agricultural Research Council to J B S Haldane
83 - Letter from J B S Haldane to the UCL Provost
84 - Letter from the UCL Secretary to L C Mandeville
85 - Letter from L S Penrose to J B S Haldane
86 - Letters between J B S Haldane and the UCL Deputy Registrar
87 - Letters between J B S Haldane and B Goldberg
88 - Letters from H Dingle to J B S Haldane
89 - Letters between the UCL Senior Tutor and J B S Haldane
90 - Letters between the University of London and J B S Haldane
91 - Letter from J B S Haldane to H M Inspector of Taxes
92 - Letter from R Lamy to J B S Haldane
93 - Letters between P Wiener and J B S Haldane
94 - Letters between R Lamy and J B S Haldane
95 - Letters between C H Waddington and J B S Haldane
96 - Letter from J B S Haldane to the UCL Provost
97 - Letter from J B S Haldane's Secretary to the UCL Provost's Secretary
98 - Letter from the UCL Senior Tutor to J B S Haldane
99 - Letter from J B S Haldane's Secretary to the UCL Establishment Officer
100 - Letter from the UCL Accountant to J B S Haldane
101 - Letters between J B S Haldane's Secretary and Mrs Jeffs
102 - Letters between the UCL Assistant Secretary and J B S Haldane
103 - Letter from the UCL Establishment Officer to J B S Haldane
104 - Letters between J B S Haldane and the UCL Provost
105 - Letter from the UCL Establishment Officer to J B S Haldane
106 - Brief Biography of J B S Haldane
107 - Letter from the University of London to J B S Haldane
108 - Letter from UCL Accounts to J B S Haldane
109 - Letters between the UCL Senior Tutor and J B S Haldane
110 - Letter from the UCL Provost to J B S Haldane
111 - Letters between the UCL Assistant Secretary and J B S Haldane
112 - Letter from J B S Haldane to S E Hollingworth
113 - Letter from J B S Haldane to UCL
114 - Letter from the UCL Secretary to S B Holt
115 - Letters from the UCL Secretary to A G Searle and G M Truslove
116 - Letters between J B S Haldane and P Wiener
117 - Letter from J B S Haldane to N Wiener
118 - Letters between J B S Haldane and the UCL Senior Tutor
119 - Letter from the UCL Provost to J B S Haldane
120 - Letters between the UCL Provost and J B S Haldane
121 - Letter from the Australian National University to J B S Haldane
122 - Letters between the University of London and J B S Haldane
123 - Letters between M L Cartwright and J B S Haldane
124 - Academic Staff Forms
125 - Letter from the UCL Secretary to Dr Grneberg
126 - Letter from Miss Koske to J B S Haldane
127 - Letters between P M Woodrow and J B S Haldane
128 - Letter from UCL to J B S Haldane
129 - Letter from F [Maintt] to J B S Haldane
130 - Letter from J B S Haldane to the UCL Librarian
131 - Letters between J B S Haldane and the British Council
132 - Letter from J B S Haldane to The Royal Society
133 - Letter from the UCL Secretary to A G Searle
134 - Letter from J B S Haldane's Secretary to Dr M Fischberg
135 - Letter from the UCL Secretary to H Spurway
136 - Letter from the UCL Secretary to Miss Karn
137 - Notes for the Guidance of Academic Staff
Expand 2 - Hans Grneberg Correspondence2 - Hans Grneberg Correspondence
Expand 3 - James Rendel Correspondence3 - James Rendel Correspondence
Expand 4 - Helen Spurway Correspondence4 - Helen Spurway Correspondence
Expand 5 - Ursula Philip Correspondence5 - Ursula Philip Correspondence
Expand 6 - Hans Kalmus Correspondence6 - Hans Kalmus Correspondence
Expand 7 - Alfred Loesser Correspondence7 - Alfred Loesser Correspondence
Expand 2 - Research Students and Technicians2 - Research Students and Technicians
Expand 3 - Department of Eugenics, Biometry and Genetics Staffing3 - Department of Eugenics, Biometry and Genetics Staffing
Expand 4 - Committees and Societies4 - Committees and Societies
Expand 5 - Correspondence5 - Correspondence
Expand 6 - Personal and Family Papers6 - Personal and Family Papers