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HALDANE - Haldane Papers
1 - Scientific Research
2 - Publications and Drafts
3 - Papers Relating to University College London
4 - Committees and Societies
5 - Correspondence
1 - General Correspondence
2 - Scientific Correspondence
1 - Scientific Correspondence A-D
2 - Scientific Correspondence E-K
3 - Scientific Correspondence L-O
4 - Scientific Correspondence P-T
1 - Pacaud, A
2 - Panicker, M John
3 - Parameswaran, Sri S
4 - Paravicini, J D de
5 - Pariser, Kate
6 - Parizy, Mr
7 - Parker-Rhodes, A
8 - Parkinson, James
9 - Parrot, J L
10 - Partridge, M W
11 - Pastore, Nicholas
12 - Patnaik, P B
13 - Patterson, J T
14 - Paull, J Egginton
15 - Pearse, A S
16 - Pearson, Egon Sharpe
17 - Pease, Michael
18 - Pellew, Caroline
19 - Penrose, Lionel Sharples
20 - Pentz, M J
21 - People, The
22 - Peter, Douglas
23 - Philip, Ursula
24 - Pichot, Pierre
25 - Pincher, Chapman
26 - Pincus, Gregory
27 - Pipkin, Sarah
28 - Pirie, John
29 - Pirie, Tony
30 - Pledge, H T
31 - Pocock, R I
32 - Pomerat, Gerard R
33 - Pontecorvo, Guido
34 - Poole, Rosamunde
35 - Porter, L S
36 - Posner, M V
37 - Prashanta
38 - Pratt, C L G
39 - Prechtl, Heinz
40 - Preston, G D
41 - Prevosti, Antonio
42 - Pringle, Doris
43 - Pritchard, G J
44 - Pullinger, B D
45 - Pumphrey, R J
46 - Punnett, R C
47 - Puri, B N
48 - Quastel, J H
49 - Rabasa, Sol
50 - Race, R R
51 - Ramshaw, Jessie
52 - Rao, D V S Narayana
53 - Raper, D
54 - Rapkine, Madame
55 - Ray-Chaudhuri, S P
56 - Rees, V L
57 - Reeve, Eric
58 - Reichenbach, H
59 - Reinkowsky, P E
60 - Reiser, Leo
61 - Renal Association
62 - Rensch, Bernhard
63 - Resende, Flavio
64 - Rhine, J B
65 - Ribbands, C R
66 - Richards, E A and Roger W Pring
67 - Richards, O W
68 - Richardson, Lewis F
69 - Riggs, A Fox
70 - Fraser Roberts, J A
71 - Robertson, Alan
72 - Robertson, Anne M
73 - Robertson, Phyllis L
74 - Robertson, William J
75 - Rock-Carling, Sir Ernest
76 - Roff, W J
77 - Rogers, G L
78 - Rokeach, M
79 - Romer, Captain
80 - Romero, Elena
81 - Rose, Frederick
82 - Rosenwald, Kurt
83 - Ross, D M
84 - Roth, L
85 - Rothmaler, Werner
86 - Rothschild, Miriam
87 - Rothschild, Victor (3rd Baron Rothschild)
88 - Royal Commission on Population
89 - Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygeine
90 - Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow
91 - Royal Society of Edinburgh
92 - Royal Statistical Society
93 - Rudeforth, S
94 - Ruggles-Gates, R
95 - Runge, C
96 - Rushton, S
97 - Ryerson, Michael
98 - Ryle, Margaret
99 - Sachs, L
100 - Saha, M N
101 - Salisbury, Sir Edward James
102 - Sandy, Clive
103 - Sansome, F W
104 - Savory, Margaret B
105 - Sawyer, J E H
106 - Saxton, R S
107 - Schaffer, Peter
108 - Schatzman, E
109 - Schilling, R S F
110 - Schrödinger, Erwin
111 - Schultz, Jack
112 - Schtzenberger, M P
113 - Schweitzer, Morton D
114 - Science Museum, Librarian
115 - Scobell, Walter
116 - Scottish Genealogy Society
117 - Segal, Charles S
118 - Seshaiya, R V
119 - Shacklock, F O
120 - Shannon, J C
121 - Shelton, H S
122 - Sheppard, P M
123 - Sherrington, C S
124 - Short, E A
125 - Simon, Joan
126 - Simpson, G G
127 - Simpson, J
128 - Sinclair, Hugh
129 - Sinclair, John G
130 - Singh, J
131 - Sirks, M J
132 - Sise, Hazen
133 - Skellam, J G
134 - Skutsch, O
135 - Slater, Eliot
136 - Sloan, Pat
137 - Small, James
138 - Smallcombe, W
139 - Smart, John
140 - Smart, William Marshall
141 - Smith, Cedric Austen Bardell (C A B)
142 - Smith, Edward P
143 - Smith, Frank A
144 - Smith, John Maynard
145 - Smith, Malcolm
146 - Fairfield Smith, N
147 - Smith, Sam
148 - Snyder, Laurence H
149 - Societa Europea de Cultura
150 - Sommerhoff, G
151 - Sorsby, Arnold
152 - Spear, F G
153 - Spicer, C C
154 - Spiers, F W
155 - Spira, J-Jacques
156 - Sprouter(?), Mika
157 - Stanley, John J
158 - Stanley-Jones, D
159 - Stapledon, Olaf
160 - Stein, S N
161 - Stein-Lessing, Maria
162 - Stepanek, Dr
163 - Stern, Bernhard J
164 - Stern, Linda
165 - Stevens, R A
166 - Stiles, Harold J
167 - Stoilow(?), S
168 - Stomps, Theophilius J
169 - Stooke, Freda
170 - Stuart, Allen
171 - Sturtevant, A H
172 - Surya, Captain
173 - Swann, Michael
174 - H J S
175 - Unknown, found with 'S'
176 - Tammes, J G
177 - Tancock, W W
178 - Tangri, Shanti S
179 - Tansley, Katharine
180 - Taylor, Harriett (Harriett Ephrussi-Taylor)
181 - Taylor, Tony
182 - Teich, Nicholas and Alice E Teich
183 - Teissier, Georges
184 - Teska, P T
185 - Tessler, A
186 - Teuson, Tim
187 - Thatcher, Rita M
188 - Theodore, O
189 - Thoday, John
190 - Thomas, Harry M
191 - Thompson, Sir D'Arcy W
192 - Thompson, J C
193 - Thomson, George
194 - Thorpe, W H
195 - Tinbergen, N
196 - Tizard, Sir Henry T
197 - Tobios, H
198 - Tonolli, Vittorio
199 - Topping, D
200 - Torgersen, Johan
201 - Traill, R C
202 - Tudor Hart, J
203 - Turing, Alan M
5 - Scientific Correspondence U-Z, and Unidentified
6 - PhD and Thesis Marking
7 - W A Timperley Haemophilia Research
8 - Theodore White Research
9 - Weldon Prize
3 - Royalties, Rights and Reproductions
4 - Readers' Correspondence
5 - Publishers' Correspondence
6 - Wartime Research Correspondence
7 - International Correspondents and Events
8 - BBC Correspondence
9 - Papers by Others
10 - Invitations
6 - Personal and Family Papers