Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse IE - Records of the Institute of Education 1902-IE - Records of the Institute of Education 1902-
Expand 1 - Records of the Institute of Education 1902-19491 - Records of the Institute of Education 1902-1949
Collapse 2 - Records of the Institute of Education 1949-19872 - Records of the Institute of Education 1949-1987
Expand ABD - Academic Board, 1949-82 (Wider Institute)ABD - Academic Board, 1949-82 (Wider Institute)
Collapse ABS - Academic Board, 1949-82 (Wider Institute) - Standing Sub-committees / Standing Committees / Executive Committees / Advisory CommitteesABS - Academic Board, 1949-82 (Wider Institute) - Standing Sub-committees / Standing Committees / Executive Committees / Advisory Committees
1 - Art Standing Sub-Committee (formerly Standing Sub-Committee in Art and Crafts)
2 - Art and Craft Standing Sub-Committee: Handicraft Panel
3 - Art Executive Committee
4 - Advisory Committee on the Training of Specialist Art Teachers
5 - Business Studies Standing Committee
6 - Advisory Sub-Committee on Technical and Further Education: Sub-Committee on Courses in Business Studies
7 - Drama Executive Committee
8 - English / English and Drama Standing Sub-Committee
9 - English Executive Committee
10 - English Standing Sub-Committee: Speech and Drama Panel
11 - English and Drama Executive Committee
12 - Geography Standing Committee
13 - Geography Executive Committee
14 - Geography Standing Sub-Committee: Geology Panel
15 - Handicraft Standing Sub-Committee
16 - History Standing Sub-Committee
17 - History Standing Committee
18 - History Executive Committee
19 - History Editorial Board
20 - Domestic Subjects Standing Sub-Committee
21 - Home Economics Standing Sub-Committee
22 - Home Economics Standing Committee
23 - Languages Standing Sub-Committee
24 - Languages Standing Committee
25 - Languages Executive Committee
26 - Mathematics Standing Sub-Committee
27 - Mathematics Executive Committee
28 - Music Standing Sub-Committee
29 - Music Executive Committee
30 - Advisory Committee on the Training of Specialist Teachers of Music
31 - Philosophy Standing Sub-Committee
32 - Physical Education Standing Sub-Committee
33 - Physical Education Standing Sub-Committee - course on Art and Science of Movement
34 - Advisory Sub-Committee for Colleges of Physical Education
35 - Movement Studies Standing Committee
36 - Movement Studies Standing Committee: Executive Committee in Education
37 - Movement Studies Standing Committee: Physical Education Panel
38 - Art of Movement Panel
39 - Art and Science of Movement Panel
40 - Art of Movement Executive Committee
41 - Art and Science of Movement Executive Committee
42 - Movement Studies Working Parties
43 - Psychology Standing Sub-Committee
44 - Psychology Standing Committee
45 - Divinity Standing Sub-Committee
46 - Divinity Executive Committee
47 - Religious Studies Executive Committee
48 - Science Standing Sub-Committee
49 - Science Standing Sub-Committee: Biological Sciences Panel
50 - Biological Sciences Executive Committee
51 - Science Standing Sub-Committee: General Science Panel
52 - Science Standing Sub-Committee: Natural Science Panel
53 - Natural Science Executive Committee
54 - Science Standing Sub-Committee: Physical Sciences
55 - Physical Sciences Executive Committee
56 - Sociology and Social Studies Standing Sub-Committee
57 - Education Standing Sub-Committee
58 - Education Standing Sub-Committee Executive Committee
59 - Education Standing Sub-Committee: Nursery / Infant Panel
60 - Education Standing Sub-Committee: Infant / Junior Panel
61 - Education Standing Committee: Infant / Junior Panel
62 - Education Standing Sub-Committee: Junior Panel
63 - Education Standing Committee: Junior Panel
64 - Education Standing Sub-Committee: Junior/Secondary Panel
65 - Education Standing Committee: Junior/Secondary panel
66 - Education Standing Sub-Committee: Secondary panel
67 - Education Standing Committee: Secondary panel
68 - Education Standing Committee: First Years Panel
69 - Education Standing Committee: Middle Years Panel
70 - Education Standing Committee: Panel for the Professional Studies for the Middle Years of Schooling
71 - Education Standing Sub-Committee Working Party set up to consider questions relating to the appointment of External Examiners in Education and to the Examination in Education
72 - Education Standing Sub-Committee: Health Education Panel
73 - Education Executive Working Party on Unit Courses in Education Theory and Practice
74 - Advisory Sub-Committee on Courses in Contemporary Studies
75 - Advisory Committee on Interdisciplinary Studies
76 - Working Party on Interdisciplinary Studies
77 - Sub-Committee on Part-Time Course for Practising Teachers on the Teaching of Science in the Secondary Modern School
78 - Executive Committee Working Party on Teaching Practice Arrangements (Secondary)
79 - 'Advisory Committee on Courses relating to the Education of Handicapped Children [children with disabilities]'
80 - Wider Academic Board Standing Committee Correspondence
81 - Standing Committee in Education: BEd Education Review Committee
82 - Advisory Committee on Examination Results / Joint Working party in the Assessment for the Certificate in Education
83 - Advisory Committee on the Professional Education of Teachers in Further and Higher Education
84 - Sub-Committee on Courses for Specialist Teachers
85 - Sub-Committee Special One-year Course (Music Teachers)
86 - Sub-Committee Music
87 - Advisory Committee on Further and Technical Education
88 - Working Party on Teaching Practice Arrangements
89 - Academic Board Sub-Committee on Combined Studies as a Main Field for the Teacher's Certificate
90 - Standing Committee in Integrated and Grouped courses
91 - Advisory Standing Sub Committee on the Training of Technical Teachers
Expand APC - Academic Policy CommitteeAPC - Academic Policy Committee
Expand ASC - Standing Conference of Area Training Organisations ASC - Standing Conference of Area Training Organisations
Expand ATO - Area Training Organisation AdministrationATO - Area Training Organisation Administration
Expand ATP - Teaching Practice - Committee PapersATP - Teaching Practice - Committee Papers
Expand CAB - Central Academic Board, Minutes and Papers, 1949-1987CAB - Central Academic Board, Minutes and Papers, 1949-1987
Expand CCO - Constituent College Correspondence and AdministrationCCO - Constituent College Correspondence and Administration
Expand COM - Committee of Management (Central Institute)COM - Committee of Management (Central Institute)
Expand COU - Council (Wider Institute)COU - Council (Wider Institute)
Expand CPR - Committee of PrincipalsCPR - Committee of Principals
Expand CTS - Committee on Special Entry / Committee on Shortened Courses and Equivalent Qualifications for Admission to Courses of Initial Training / Committee on Special AdmissionsCTS - Committee on Special Entry / Committee on Shortened Courses and Equivalent Qualifications for Admission to Courses of Initial Training / Committee on Special Admissions
Expand DCO - Directorate 'Collegiate files' DCO - Directorate 'Collegiate files'
Expand DGC - Departmental Grants CommitteeDGC - Departmental Grants Committee
Expand DLB - Outgoing Day Letter BooksDLB - Outgoing Day Letter Books
Expand DPV - Central Departmental VisitationsDPV - Central Departmental Visitations
EVT - Events
Expand FBG - Finance and Buildings Committee, - Minutes, Agendas and papersFBG - Finance and Buildings Committee, - Minutes, Agendas and papers
Expand FPT - Committee on Facilities for Practising TeachersFPT - Committee on Facilities for Practising Teachers
Expand FRD - Friends of EducationFRD - Friends of Education
FRS - Funded Research
Expand IJP - Interim Planning Committee / Interim Joint Planning CommitteeIJP - Interim Planning Committee / Interim Joint Planning Committee
Expand JCE - Joint Committee in EducationJCE - Joint Committee in Education
Expand JDC - Joint Degree CommitteesJDC - Joint Degree Committees
Expand JIC - Joint Interim CommitteesJIC - Joint Interim Committees
Expand JPR - Joint Professional CommitteeJPR - Joint Professional Committee
Expand JSC - Joint Subject CommitteesJSC - Joint Subject Committees
Expand LEA - Conference of Local Education Authorities LEA - Conference of Local Education Authorities
Expand PAC - Policy Advisory CommitteePAC - Policy Advisory Committee
Expand RTC - Annual Returns on Teacher Training CollegesRTC - Annual Returns on Teacher Training Colleges
Expand SRO - School Relations Office SRO - School Relations Office
STD - Student Administration (secretariat files)
STL - Advisory Board on Status and Title of Lecturer in the Institute
Expand TEC - Teacher Education Advisory Committee Committees - minutes, papers and correspondenceTEC - Teacher Education Advisory Committee Committees - minutes, papers and correspondence
Expand TTE - Teacher Training EnquiryTTE - Teacher Training Enquiry
Expand ULI - University of London Institute of Education Students' Association (ULIESA)ULI - University of London Institute of Education Students' Association (ULIESA)
Expand UOL - University of London  (Secretariat filesUOL - University of London (Secretariat files
Expand VIF - Visitation Administration FilesVIF - Visitation Administration Files
Expand VSC - Visitations Sub-CommitteeVSC - Visitations Sub-Committee
Expand ART - Arts CentreART - Arts Centre
Expand BLD - Buildings and estatesBLD - Buildings and estates
Expand CAT - Consortium for Assessment and Testing in SchoolsCAT - Consortium for Assessment and Testing in Schools
Expand CFT - Centre for Teachers / INSET OfficeCFT - Centre for Teachers / INSET Office
Expand CHR - Chairs: Establishment and AdministrationCHR - Chairs: Establishment and Administration
Expand CLB - Institute of Education ClubCLB - Institute of Education Club
CMP - Computing Administration
Expand COL - Colonial Department and Successor BodiesCOL - Colonial Department and Successor Bodies
Expand CREG - Papers of the Centre for Research and Education on Gender (CREG) CREG - Papers of the Centre for Research and Education on Gender (CREG)
CSDHE - Centre for Staff Development in Higher Education (CSDHE)
Expand EXN - Examination recordsEXN - Examination records
Expand FC - Records of Institute of Education Director - Sir Fred ClarkeFC - Records of Institute of Education Director - Sir Fred Clarke
Expand FIN - Financial RecordsFIN - Financial Records
Expand GEO - Records of Research project: Geography 16-19GEO - Records of Research project: Geography 16-19
HERU - Health and Education Research Unit (HERU)
Expand HIP - 'History of the Institute' PanelsHIP - 'History of the Institute' Panels
Expand INT - International Role of the InstituteINT - International Role of the Institute
Expand JUB - 'Jubilee Lectures Correspondence'JUB - 'Jubilee Lectures Correspondence'
Expand LIB - LibraryLIB - Library
Expand LMP - Records of the Linguistic Minorities Research ProjectLMP - Records of the Linguistic Minorities Research Project
Expand MPR - Meeting of ProfessorsMPR - Meeting of Professors
Expand MTH - Manpower Services Commission Practical Maths ProjectMTH - Manpower Services Commission Practical Maths Project
Expand NUR - Institute NurseryNUR - Institute Nursery
Expand OSD - Records of the Overseas DivisionOSD - Records of the Overseas Division
Expand PC - Staff biographyPC - Staff biography
Expand PHO - PhotographsPHO - Photographs
Expand PUB - Institute of Education PublicationsPUB - Institute of Education Publications
Expand RCY - Reading Recovery NetworkRCY - Reading Recovery Network
Expand RDG - Records of the Reading Research UnitRDG - Records of the Reading Research Unit
Expand RGO - Papers of Richard GoodingsRGO - Papers of Richard Goodings
Expand RLE - Diaries by Role of Language in Education studentsRLE - Diaries by Role of Language in Education students
Expand SCR - Senior Common RoomSCR - Senior Common Room
Expand SDC - Secretary's Departmental Correspondence SDC - Secretary's Departmental Correspondence
Expand SFR - Staff RecordsSFR - Staff Records
SOC - Institute of Education Society
SRP - Staff Replacement Committees
Expand STU - Student recordsSTU - Student records
Expand TPN - Records of Institute of Education Director - Percy NunnTPN - Records of Institute of Education Director - Percy Nunn
UCL - [Material collected within the IOE since it became part of UCL]
Expand UNS - University of London Institute of Education Union SocietyUNS - University of London Institute of Education Union Society