Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse IE - Records of the Institute of Education 1902-IE - Records of the Institute of Education 1902-
Expand 1 - Records of the Institute of Education 1902-19491 - Records of the Institute of Education 1902-1949
Collapse 2 - Records of the Institute of Education 1949-19872 - Records of the Institute of Education 1949-1987
Expand ABD - Academic Board, 1949-82 (Wider Institute)ABD - Academic Board, 1949-82 (Wider Institute)
Expand ABS - Academic Board, 1949-82 (Wider Institute) - Standing Sub-committees / Standing Committees / Executive Committees / Advisory CommitteesABS - Academic Board, 1949-82 (Wider Institute) - Standing Sub-committees / Standing Committees / Executive Committees / Advisory Committees
Expand APC - Academic Policy CommitteeAPC - Academic Policy Committee
Expand ASC - Standing Conference of Area Training Organisations ASC - Standing Conference of Area Training Organisations
Collapse ATO - Area Training Organisation AdministrationATO - Area Training Organisation Administration
1 - Admission of Specialist Institutions as Constituent Colleges
2 - Courses of Study
3 - Training Colleges - Governing Bodies 1949-1965 / Articles of Government 1949
Expand 4 - Research / background papers4 - Research / background papers
5 - Teaching Practice Survey
6 - Goldsmith's Colonial Course
7 - Art Teachers' Certificate
8 - Teacher Training
9 - 'Educationally Sub Normal' [learning disability] Sub-Committee
10 - Film Appreciation Course
11 - Sub Committee on Courses for Colonial Students
12 - Sub-Committee on the Teaching of Needlework
13 - Supplementary Courses
14 - Capital Grants to Voluntary Colleges
15 - Policy Correspondence - Department of Education and Science (DES)
16 - Sub Committee on Courses of Training for Mature Students
17 - Sub Committee on Awards for Part Time Courses
18 - Courses of training in science and mathematics (including Science and Maths working party)
19 - Nigerian Colleges
20 - Joint Sub Committee on the Three Year Course
21 - Sub Committee on the Balance of the Curriculum
22 - Colleges - Regrouping
23 - Health Education Survey (other Institutes)
24 - Training Qualifications - Special Cases
25 - Concurrent Degree and Certificate Courses
26 - Committee on Postgraduate Certificate Courses / Commitee on the training of Graduates in Training Colleges
27 - Sub Committee on Methods of Teaching Undergraduates
28 - Memorandum 1957 on distinction and merits in Teacher's Certificate (and related examination matters)
29 - Sub-Committee on Staffing and Distribution of Courses
30 - Physical Education and Domestic Subjects - Principals on Three Year Course
31 - Sub-committee on Public Lectures
32 - Sub Committee on Staff Students Relations
33 - Sub Committee on Instructions on Conduct of the Examinations for the TC and ATC
34 - College Rules
35 - Expansion and Intake - First and Second Phases
36 - Courses in France
37 - Courses on Youth Leadership
38 - Student Counselling Service
39 - Academic Board Quinquennial Policy 1962-1967
40 - Youth Training Working Party
41 - 'Educationally Sub Normal' [learning disability] Course
42 - Area Training Organisation Balance of Training
43 - Raising of the School Leaving Age (ROSLA)
44 - Teaching Practice Surrey
45 - Sub-Committee on the Psychiatric Service for Students
46 - Balance of Training 1960-1965
47 - Balance of Men and Women
48 - In-Service Courses
49 - Steering Committee on the Future of the Colleges
50 - Committee on Higher Education - Robbins Committee
51 - Malayan Training College
52 - Joint Four
53 - Certificate in Education - part time courses
54 - Conference for Overseas Students
55 - Steering Committee on Expansion Policy
56 - Area Training Organisation DES Returns
57 - Sub-Committee on Assessment of Main and Advanced level
58 - Colleges Expansion
59 - Sub-Committee on the Constitution of the Institute
60 - Recruitment and Teacher Supply
61 - PGCE
62 - Sub Committee on Robbins
63 - Joint Meeting of the Committee of Principals and LEAs
64 - Part-time courses of tutorial training
65 - Joint Working Party on Secondary Education
66 - Malta Colleges
67 - Committee of Principals Proposals on Expansion
68 - Joint Committee on a First Degree in Education
69 - Academic Board Sub-Committee on Quinquennial Policy
70 - Part-time courses for a Certificate in Education
71 - Sub-Committee on Shortened Courses
72 - ATO courses
73 - Development of the BEd - Inter-Collegiate BEd Form C
74 - Teaching Practice
75 - Development of the BEd - Inter-Collegiate BEd Form B
76 - Development of the BEd - Inter-Collegiate BEd Form A
77 - Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) /Mobile Video Tape Unit
78 - Kent Advisory Committee of Teachers
79 - Joint Planning Committee for a First Degree in Education
80 - Area Training Organisation Expenditure
81 - College Estimates of Student Number 1966-1968
82 - Working Party on Intercollegiate Arrangements
83 - Courses for Specialist Teachers
84 - Admission of Colleges / Departments / Specialist Institutions
85 - Correspondence about the Weaver Report
86 - London ATO - Outposts Ministry Discussions
87 - Awards - Specialist / Shortage Subjects
88 - Expansion and Development of Colleges
89 - Recognised Teacher Application Forms
90 - Working Party on the constitution of the Academic Board
91 - Working Party on Proposed Diploma in Junior School Education
92 - Conference on the Raising of the School Leaving Age
93 - Joint Working Party of the Education of Mathematics and Science Teachers
94 - Working Party on Immobile Students
95 - Committee of Principles Sub-Committee on Quinquennial Policy
96 - Working Party on Student / Staff Ratios
97 - Conference on raising of the school leaving age (ROSLA)
98 - Quinquennial Policy
99 - Staff / Student Ratio
100 - Working Party of four-year sandwich course
101 - Working Party on the BEd for Serving Teachers
102 - Working Party on the Legal and Ethical Problems of a Principal. The new role of the Principals in a changing society and culture
103 - Working Party on Postgraduate Training
104 - Teaching Practice
105 - Academic Salary Revision Dec 1970
106 - Student / Staff Ratios
107 - First Appointments of BEd students 1970 Selection for fourth year - BEd Students 1971
108 - Sub-Committee on the James Commission
109 - UCET BEd Enquiry
110 - Sub Committee on Community Relations
111 - Working Party on the Balance of Training
112 - Working Party on Confidential Reference Forms for Graduates and Joint Working Party on First Appointments
113 - Training and Supply of Teachers
114 - Technical and Further Education
115 - General Staffing Matters / Courses and Conferences for lecturers
116 - ULIESA
117 - Academic Board Sub Committee on Library Policy
118 - ILEA Managing Body
119 - Governing Bodies of ILEA Primary, Nursery and Social Schools
120 - Leaflets
121 - Admin Structure (especially Collegiate) Misc Correspondence
122 - SSRC research
123 - Working Party on Quinquennial Submission 1972-1977
124 - DES/ATO courses for practising teachers
125 - Sports Council
126 - Joint Working Party in the Assessment for the Certificate in Education
127 - College School Relations Teaching Practice Rationalisation etc
128 - Induction courses for practicing teachers
129 - Informal Meeting on the Internal Graduate Certificate
130 - Conference of Secretaries of Schools and Institutes of Education
131 - 'The Education and Training of Teachers. A statement by the Council of the Institute on the James Report' April 1972
132 - Statements on the James Report by College Academic Boards
133 - Committee for University Awards
134 - Working Party on Reform of Courses and Structure
135 - Joint Working Party on the Structure of Initial Courses
136 - Working Party on Curriculum Courses
137 - Course Unit Degrees - Validation
138 - Committee on Diploma Courses
139 - Wider Academic Board: Sub-Committee on Diploma Courses
140 - New Structure of Courses in Colleges of Education
141 - Working Party on 16-19 Age Range
142 - Working Party of ATO Letter 2/73
143 - 'College proposals/visitations/reports'
144 - Committee on University Awards Correspondence
145 - Course Units Working Party
146 - Validation Costs
147 - CNAA (Council for National Academic Awards) November 1973-January 1975
148 - Future of Colleges of Education
149 - Working Party on Higher Degrees / Committee on Higher Degrees
150 - PGCE (Institute)
151 - New course structure - college visitations
152 - Proposed new courses - new structure of courses
153 - Philippa Fawcett Enquiry
154 - Staffing in Colleges
155 - Working Party
156 - Action Before and After meetings January 1974 - June 1975
157 - Heads of Colleges applying for University Validation
158 - Working Party on the Future of the Certificate in Education
159 - Part Time Inservice
160 - Diplomas
161 - Meetings with CNAA Council for National Academy Awards (validated courses)
162 - Post Initial Courses
163 - Miscellaneous Collegiate Committee Papers - Correspondence
164 - Letters to Principals
165 - Validation Fees - correspondence with the University of London
166 - Future of the Certificate (correspondence) Courses policy
167 - Conference on the Bullock Report
168 - Recognition as Teachers of the Institute
169 - 'Discussions with Rita Donaghy, David Warren, D Booth etc regarding setting up the In-Service BEd'
170 - Progress of discussions of the Diploma in Higher Education
171 - Department of Education and Science (DES)
172 - BEd - full time and In-Service and Diplomas Higher Degree
173 - Annan Committee / Green Paper etc
174 - Dates of Term
175 - Special Entry Annual Reports
176 - Examination Problems - New Degrees
177 - Working Party on mature Student Preparatory Courses
178 - Curriculum Maths Courses
179 - Education Course Units and Agreed Statements
180 - Constitutional Matters Charter and Statutes
181 - Collegiate Office Notes on Weekly Meetings of the Committee Department
182 - Working Party to Investigate the Difficulties arising from the MA in Music Education at the Froebel Institute (now RIHE)
183 - Working Party on Conversion of Diplomas into Units
184 - CUVDA - Conference of universities validating diversified awards in Colleges of Education
185 - Examinations
186 - Future validation
187 - Education Review Panel
188 - Review of Courses
189 - PGCE Cuts
190 - Recognised Teacher Status Sub Committee
Expand ATP - Teaching Practice - Committee PapersATP - Teaching Practice - Committee Papers
Expand CAB - Central Academic Board, Minutes and Papers, 1949-1987CAB - Central Academic Board, Minutes and Papers, 1949-1987
Expand CCO - Constituent College Correspondence and AdministrationCCO - Constituent College Correspondence and Administration
Expand COM - Committee of Management (Central Institute)COM - Committee of Management (Central Institute)
Expand COU - Council (Wider Institute)COU - Council (Wider Institute)
Expand CPR - Committee of PrincipalsCPR - Committee of Principals
Expand CTS - Committee on Special Entry / Committee on Shortened Courses and Equivalent Qualifications for Admission to Courses of Initial Training / Committee on Special AdmissionsCTS - Committee on Special Entry / Committee on Shortened Courses and Equivalent Qualifications for Admission to Courses of Initial Training / Committee on Special Admissions
Expand DCO - Directorate 'Collegiate files' DCO - Directorate 'Collegiate files'
Expand DGC - Departmental Grants CommitteeDGC - Departmental Grants Committee
Expand DLB - Outgoing Day Letter BooksDLB - Outgoing Day Letter Books
Expand DPV - Central Departmental VisitationsDPV - Central Departmental Visitations
EVT - Events
Expand FBG - Finance and Buildings Committee, - Minutes, Agendas and papersFBG - Finance and Buildings Committee, - Minutes, Agendas and papers
Expand FPT - Committee on Facilities for Practising TeachersFPT - Committee on Facilities for Practising Teachers
Expand FRD - Friends of EducationFRD - Friends of Education
FRS - Funded Research
Expand IJP - Interim Planning Committee / Interim Joint Planning CommitteeIJP - Interim Planning Committee / Interim Joint Planning Committee
Expand JCE - Joint Committee in EducationJCE - Joint Committee in Education
Expand JDC - Joint Degree CommitteesJDC - Joint Degree Committees
Expand JIC - Joint Interim CommitteesJIC - Joint Interim Committees
Expand JPR - Joint Professional CommitteeJPR - Joint Professional Committee
Expand JSC - Joint Subject CommitteesJSC - Joint Subject Committees
Expand LEA - Conference of Local Education Authorities LEA - Conference of Local Education Authorities
Expand PAC - Policy Advisory CommitteePAC - Policy Advisory Committee
Expand RTC - Annual Returns on Teacher Training CollegesRTC - Annual Returns on Teacher Training Colleges
Expand SRO - School Relations Office SRO - School Relations Office
STD - Student Administration (secretariat files)
STL - Advisory Board on Status and Title of Lecturer in the Institute
Expand TEC - Teacher Education Advisory Committee Committees - minutes, papers and correspondenceTEC - Teacher Education Advisory Committee Committees - minutes, papers and correspondence
Expand TTE - Teacher Training EnquiryTTE - Teacher Training Enquiry
Expand ULI - University of London Institute of Education Students' Association (ULIESA)ULI - University of London Institute of Education Students' Association (ULIESA)
Expand UOL - University of London  (Secretariat filesUOL - University of London (Secretariat files
Expand VIF - Visitation Administration FilesVIF - Visitation Administration Files
Expand VSC - Visitations Sub-CommitteeVSC - Visitations Sub-Committee
Expand ART - Arts CentreART - Arts Centre
Expand BLD - Buildings and estatesBLD - Buildings and estates
Expand CAT - Consortium for Assessment and Testing in SchoolsCAT - Consortium for Assessment and Testing in Schools
Expand CFT - Centre for Teachers / INSET OfficeCFT - Centre for Teachers / INSET Office
Expand CHR - Chairs: Establishment and AdministrationCHR - Chairs: Establishment and Administration
Expand CLB - Institute of Education ClubCLB - Institute of Education Club
CMP - Computing Administration
Expand COL - Colonial Department and Successor BodiesCOL - Colonial Department and Successor Bodies
Expand CREG - Papers of the Centre for Research and Education on Gender (CREG) CREG - Papers of the Centre for Research and Education on Gender (CREG)
CSDHE - Centre for Staff Development in Higher Education (CSDHE)
Expand EXN - Examination recordsEXN - Examination records
Expand FC - Records of Institute of Education Director - Sir Fred ClarkeFC - Records of Institute of Education Director - Sir Fred Clarke
Expand FIN - Financial RecordsFIN - Financial Records
Expand GEO - Records of Research project: Geography 16-19GEO - Records of Research project: Geography 16-19
HERU - Health and Education Research Unit (HERU)
Expand HIP - 'History of the Institute' PanelsHIP - 'History of the Institute' Panels
Expand INT - International Role of the InstituteINT - International Role of the Institute
Expand JUB - 'Jubilee Lectures Correspondence'JUB - 'Jubilee Lectures Correspondence'
Expand LIB - LibraryLIB - Library
Expand LMP - Records of the Linguistic Minorities Research ProjectLMP - Records of the Linguistic Minorities Research Project
Expand MPR - Meeting of ProfessorsMPR - Meeting of Professors
Expand MTH - Manpower Services Commission Practical Maths ProjectMTH - Manpower Services Commission Practical Maths Project
Expand NUR - Institute NurseryNUR - Institute Nursery
Expand OSD - Records of the Overseas DivisionOSD - Records of the Overseas Division
Expand PC - Staff biographyPC - Staff biography
Expand PHO - PhotographsPHO - Photographs
Expand PUB - Institute of Education PublicationsPUB - Institute of Education Publications
Expand RCY - Reading Recovery NetworkRCY - Reading Recovery Network
Expand RDG - Records of the Reading Research UnitRDG - Records of the Reading Research Unit
Expand RGO - Papers of Richard GoodingsRGO - Papers of Richard Goodings
Expand RLE - Diaries by Role of Language in Education studentsRLE - Diaries by Role of Language in Education students
Expand SCR - Senior Common RoomSCR - Senior Common Room
Expand SDC - Secretary's Departmental Correspondence SDC - Secretary's Departmental Correspondence
Expand SFR - Staff RecordsSFR - Staff Records
SOC - Institute of Education Society
SRP - Staff Replacement Committees
Expand STU - Student recordsSTU - Student records
Expand TPN - Records of Institute of Education Director - Percy NunnTPN - Records of Institute of Education Director - Percy Nunn
UCL - [Material collected within the IOE since it became part of UCL]
Expand UNS - University of London Institute of Education Union SocietyUNS - University of London Institute of Education Union Society