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IE - Records of the Institute of Education 1902-
1 - Records of the Institute of Education 1902-1949
2 - Records of the Institute of Education 1949-1987
ABD - Academic Board, 1949-82 (Wider Institute)
ABS - Academic Board, 1949-82 (Wider Institute) - Standing Sub-committees / Standing Committees / Executive Committees / Advisory Committees
APC - Academic Policy Committee
ASC - Standing Conference of Area Training Organisations
ATO - Area Training Organisation Administration
ATP - Teaching Practice - Committee Papers
CAB - Central Academic Board, Minutes and Papers, 1949-1987
CCO - Constituent College Correspondence and Administration
COM - Committee of Management (Central Institute)
COU - Council (Wider Institute)
CPR - Committee of Principals
CTS - Committee on Special Entry / Committee on Shortened Courses and Equivalent Qualifications for Admission to Courses of Initial Training / Committee on Special Admissions
DCO - Directorate 'Collegiate files'
DGC - Departmental Grants Committee
DLB - Outgoing Day Letter Books
DPV - Central Departmental Visitations
EVT - Events
FBG - Finance and Buildings Committee, - Minutes, Agendas and papers
FPT - Committee on Facilities for Practising Teachers
FRD - Friends of Education
FRS - Funded Research
IJP - Interim Planning Committee / Interim Joint Planning Committee
JCE - Joint Committee in Education
JDC - Joint Degree Committees
JIC - Joint Interim Committees
JPR - Joint Professional Committee
JSC - Joint Subject Committees
LEA - Conference of Local Education Authorities
PAC - Policy Advisory Committee
RTC - Annual Returns on Teacher Training Colleges
SRO - School Relations Office
1 - Organising Tutor Reports
2 - Work of the School Relations Office
3 - Teaching Practice Lists
4 - Teaching Practice Charts
5 - Teaching Practice Charts
6 - Feasibility Study: College Memoranda on the need for a Rationalisation Scheme
7 - Rationalisation - Central Institute
8 - Various Teacher Training Practice Documents
9 - Letters to Constituent Colleges
10 - Feasibility Study - Letters from other ATOs
11 - Nursery Education - Teaching Practice Documents
12 - Primary Education Teaching Practice Documents
13 - Secondary Education - Teaching Practice Documents
14 - Correspondence with Nursery Schools
15 - Nursery Education - Teaching Practice
16 - Primary Schools Rationalisation Plan November 1971 & revisions and additions
17 - Secondary Rationalisation - visits to LEAs
18 - Teacher / Tutor Schemes Inc Whitelands
19 - Meetings of the Executive Committee Working Party on Teaching Practice Arrangements
20 - Secondary Schools Rationalisation Plan Local Authority Comments and Views from schools
21 - Secondary Schools Rationlisation ILEA
22 - Primary Schools Associated with Colleges January 1973 - master copy
23 - Primary School Rationalisation
24 - Secondary School Rationalisation 'List of secondary schools within the Institute area' March 1972
25 - School Relations Advisory Committee
26 - Standing Conference of School Training Officers
27 - Survey of Modern Languages
28 - Three Day Visits
29 - School Relations Office Annual Reports
30 - 'Teaching Quality'
31 - Rationalisation 1973-1976 Block Teaching Practice
32 - Teaching Practice 13 April 1968 to 16 January 1974
STD - Student Administration (secretariat files)
STL - Advisory Board on Status and Title of Lecturer in the Institute
TEC - Teacher Education Advisory Committee Committees - minutes, papers and correspondence
TTE - Teacher Training Enquiry
ULI - University of London Institute of Education Students' Association (ULIESA)
UOL - University of London (Secretariat files
VIF - Visitation Administration Files
VSC - Visitations Sub-Committee
ART - Arts Centre
BLD - Buildings and estates
CAT - Consortium for Assessment and Testing in Schools
CFT - Centre for Teachers / INSET Office
CHR - Chairs: Establishment and Administration
CLB - Institute of Education Club
CMP - Computing Administration
COL - Colonial Department and Successor Bodies
CREG - Papers of the Centre for Research and Education on Gender (CREG)
CSDHE - Centre for Staff Development in Higher Education (CSDHE)
EXN - Examination records
FC - Records of Institute of Education Director - Sir Fred Clarke
FIN - Financial Records
GEO - Records of Research project: Geography 16-19
HERU - Health and Education Research Unit (HERU)
HIP - 'History of the Institute' Panels
INT - International Role of the Institute
JUB - 'Jubilee Lectures Correspondence'
LIB - Library
LMP - Records of the Linguistic Minorities Research Project
MPR - Meeting of Professors
MTH - Manpower Services Commission Practical Maths Project
NUR - Institute Nursery
OSD - Records of the Overseas Division
PC - Staff biography
PHO - Photographs
PUB - Institute of Education Publications
RCY - Reading Recovery Network
RDG - Records of the Reading Research Unit
RGO - Papers of Richard Goodings
RLE - Diaries by Role of Language in Education students
SCR - Senior Common Room
SDC - Secretary's Departmental Correspondence
SFR - Staff Records
SOC - Institute of Education Society
SRP - Staff Replacement Committees
STU - Student records
TPN - Records of Institute of Education Director - Percy Nunn
UCL - [Material collected within the IOE since it became part of UCL]
UNS - University of London Institute of Education Union Society