Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse IE - Records of the Institute of Education 1902-IE - Records of the Institute of Education 1902-
Expand 1 - Records of the Institute of Education 1902-19491 - Records of the Institute of Education 1902-1949
Expand 2 - Records of the Institute of Education 1949-19872 - Records of the Institute of Education 1949-1987
Expand ART - Arts CentreART - Arts Centre
Expand BLD - Buildings and estatesBLD - Buildings and estates
Expand CAT - Consortium for Assessment and Testing in SchoolsCAT - Consortium for Assessment and Testing in Schools
Expand CFT - Centre for Teachers / INSET OfficeCFT - Centre for Teachers / INSET Office
Expand CHR - Chairs: Establishment and AdministrationCHR - Chairs: Establishment and Administration
Expand CLB - Institute of Education ClubCLB - Institute of Education Club
CMP - Computing Administration
Expand COL - Colonial Department and Successor BodiesCOL - Colonial Department and Successor Bodies
Expand CREG - Papers of the Centre for Research and Education on Gender (CREG) CREG - Papers of the Centre for Research and Education on Gender (CREG)
CSDHE - Centre for Staff Development in Higher Education (CSDHE)
Collapse EXN - Examination recordsEXN - Examination records
Expand 1 - Teachers Certificate 1 - Teachers Certificate
Expand 2 - Examination Papers - Certificates2 - Examination Papers - Certificates
Expand 3 - Examination Papers - BEd, BA3 - Examination Papers - BEd, BA
Expand 4 - Examination Papers - Diploma4 - Examination Papers - Diploma
Expand 5 - Examination Papers - Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) / Graduate Certificate in Education (GCE)5 - Examination Papers - Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) / Graduate Certificate in Education (GCE)
Expand 6 - Examination Papers - Masters6 - Examination Papers - Masters
Collapse 7 - Examination Papers - Special Qualifying Examinations7 - Examination Papers - Special Qualifying Examinations
8 - Examination Papers - Professional Subjects / Professional Certificate
Expand A - Examination pass listsA - Examination pass lists
Expand B - Examination mark sheetsB - Examination mark sheets
Expand C - 'Teacher's Diploma - Examination Records'C - 'Teacher's Diploma - Examination Records'
Expand D - Board of ExaminersD - Board of Examiners
Expand FC - Records of Institute of Education Director - Sir Fred ClarkeFC - Records of Institute of Education Director - Sir Fred Clarke
Expand FIN - Financial RecordsFIN - Financial Records
Expand GEO - Records of Research project: Geography 16-19GEO - Records of Research project: Geography 16-19
HERU - Health and Education Research Unit (HERU)
Expand HIP - 'History of the Institute' PanelsHIP - 'History of the Institute' Panels
Expand INT - International Role of the InstituteINT - International Role of the Institute
Expand JUB - 'Jubilee Lectures Correspondence'JUB - 'Jubilee Lectures Correspondence'
Expand LIB - LibraryLIB - Library
Expand LMP - Records of the Linguistic Minorities Research ProjectLMP - Records of the Linguistic Minorities Research Project
Expand MPR - Meeting of ProfessorsMPR - Meeting of Professors
Expand MTH - Manpower Services Commission Practical Maths ProjectMTH - Manpower Services Commission Practical Maths Project
Expand NUR - Institute NurseryNUR - Institute Nursery
Expand OSD - Records of the Overseas DivisionOSD - Records of the Overseas Division
Expand PC - Staff biographyPC - Staff biography
Expand PHO - PhotographsPHO - Photographs
Expand PUB - Institute of Education PublicationsPUB - Institute of Education Publications
Expand RCY - Reading Recovery NetworkRCY - Reading Recovery Network
Expand RDG - Records of the Reading Research UnitRDG - Records of the Reading Research Unit
Expand RGO - Papers of Richard GoodingsRGO - Papers of Richard Goodings
Expand RLE - Diaries by Role of Language in Education studentsRLE - Diaries by Role of Language in Education students
Expand SCR - Senior Common RoomSCR - Senior Common Room
Expand SDC - Secretary's Departmental Correspondence SDC - Secretary's Departmental Correspondence
Expand SFR - Staff RecordsSFR - Staff Records
SOC - Institute of Education Society
SRP - Staff Replacement Committees
Expand STU - Student recordsSTU - Student records
Expand TPN - Records of Institute of Education Director - Percy NunnTPN - Records of Institute of Education Director - Percy Nunn
UCL - [Material collected within the IOE since it became part of UCL]
Expand UNS - University of London Institute of Education Union SocietyUNS - University of London Institute of Education Union Society