Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse KATZ - Katz PapersKATZ - Katz Papers
Expand A - Biographical PapersA - Biographical Papers
Collapse B - University College London MaterialB - University College London Material
1 - UCL Department of Biophysics - Nuffield Foundation Grant
2 - UCL Department of Biophysics - Nuffield Foundation Grant
3 - UCL Department of Biophysics - Nuffield Foundation Grant
4 - UCL Department of Biophysics - Nuffield Foundation Grant
5 - UCL Department of Biophysics - ICI Film grant (Imperial Chemical Industries)
6 - UCL Department of Biophysics - ICI Film grant (Imperial Chemical Industries)
7 - UCL Department of Biophysics - ICI Film grant (Imperial Chemical Industries)
8 - UCL Department of Biophysics - ICI Film grant (Imperial Chemical Industries)
9 - UCL Department of Biophysics - ICI Film grant (Imperial Chemical Industries)
10 - UCL Department of Biophysics - ICI Film grant (Imperial Chemical Industries)
11 - UCL Department of Biophysics - MRC Research Grants
12 - UCL Department of Biophysics - MRC Research Grants
13 - UCL Department of Biophysics - MRC Neurochemistry Grant
14 - UCL Department of Biophysics - MRC Grant-paid Research Workers
15 - UCL Department of Biophysics - MRC Grant for Miledi
16 - UCL Department of Biophysics - MRC Grants and Accounts
17 - UCL Department of Biophysics - MRC Grants and Accounts
18 - UCL Department of Biophysics - MRC Sub-Committee Visit
19 - UCL Department of Biophysics - MRC Research Studentship Applications
20 - UCL Department of Biophysics Planning - Quinquennium 1957-1962
21 - UCL Department of Biophysics Planning - Quinquennium 1957-1962
22 - UCL Department of Biophysics Planning - Quinquennium 1962-1967
23 - UCL Department of Biophysics Planning - Quinquennium 1967-1972
24 - UCL Department of Biophysics Planning - Quinquennium 1972-1977
25 - UCL Department of Biophysics Planning - Quinquennium 1977-1982
26 - UCL Department of Biophysics Planning
27 - UCL Department of Biophysics Planning
28 - UCL Department of Biophysics Planning
29 - UCL Department of Biophysics Planning
30 - UCL Department of Biophysics Planning
31 - UCL Department of Biophysics Planning
32 - UCL Department of Biophysics Planning
33 - UCL Department of Biophysics Planning
34 - UCL Department of Biophysics Planning
35 - UCL Department of Biophysics Planning
36 - UCL Department of Biophysics - Todd Report
37 - UCL Department of Biophysics - Todd Report
38 - UCL Department of Biophysics - Todd Report
39 - UCL Department of Biophysics - Todd Report
40 - UCL Department of Biophysics - Planning File 1975
41 - UCL Department of Biophysics - Radiation and Building Work
42 - UCL Department of Biophysics - Animal Experiment Licences
43 - UCL Department of Biophysics - Animal Experiment Licences
44 - UCL Department of Biophysics - Departmental Publication Lists
45 - UCL Department of Biophysics Teaching - Transmission of Excitation lectures
46 - UCL Department of Biophysics Teaching - Transmission of Excitation lectures
47 - UCL Department of Biophysics Teaching - Transmission of Excitation lectures
48 - UCL Department of Biophysics Teaching - Transmission of Excitation lectures
49 - UCL Department of Biophysics Teaching - Transmission of Excitation lectures
50 - UCL Teaching topics and notes
51 - UCL Teaching topics and notes
52 - UCL Teaching - Experimental Data
53 - UCL Teaching - BSc Course notes
54 - UCL Teaching - student load statistics
55 - UCL Teaching - student load statistics
56 - UCL Teaching
57 - UCL Teaching
58 - UCL Teaching - '2nd year Half-unit Course in Biophysics'
59 - UCL Instrumentation course notes
60 - UCL - Medical and Science Lecture notes
61 - UCL - Other Biophysical courses in the UK
62 - UCL - Senior Physiology Course notes
63 - UCL Endplate Potential seminar notes
64 - UCL - 'Technicians'
65 - UCL - 'Technicians'
66 - UCL 'Visitors'
67 - UCL Readership Nominations
68 - UCL Readership Nominations
69 - UCL Readership Nominations
70 - UCL - Jodwell Chair of Zoology, UCL
71 - UCL General University Business - Faculty of Medical Sciences correspondence
72 - UCL General University Business - Faculty of Medical Sciences correspondence
73 - UCL General University Business - Faculty of Medical Sciences correspondence
74 - UCL General University Business - Faculty of Medical Sciences correspondence
75 - UCL General University Business - Faculty of Medical Sciences correspondence
76 - UCL Miscellaneous Correspondence
77 - UCL Miscellaneous Correspondence
78 - UCL Provost Correspondence
79 - UCL Provost Correspondence
80 - UCL Provost Correspondence
81 - UCL Provost Correspondence
82 - UCL Provost Correspondence
83 - UCL Provost Correspondence
84 - UCH Medical School Council
85 - UCL Elliot-Blake Memorial Fund Studentships
86 - UCL Elliot-Blake Memorial Fund Studentships
87 - UCL International Scientific Co-operation
88 - UCL International Scientific Co-operation
89 - UCL - Inter-Collegiate Luncheon Club
Expand C - Research PapersC - Research Papers
Expand D - PublicationsD - Publications
Expand E - LecturesE - Lectures
Expand F - Visits and ConferencesF - Visits and Conferences
Expand G - Societies and OrganisationsG - Societies and Organisations
Expand H - CorrespondenceH - Correspondence
Expand J - Non-Textual MaterialJ - Non-Textual Material