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Collapse KATZ - Katz PapersKATZ - Katz Papers
Expand A - Biographical PapersA - Biographical Papers
Expand B - University College London MaterialB - University College London Material
Expand C - Research PapersC - Research Papers
Expand D - PublicationsD - Publications
Collapse E - LecturesE - Lectures
1 - Public lectures, UCL, London, 21 October - 25 November 1949
2 - Herter lectures, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 20-21 January 1958
3 - Sydney Ringer Memorial Lecture, University College Hospital Medical School, London, 25 March 1958
4 - Prather Lectures, Harvard College, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 1959
5 - Dunham Lectures, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 27 March - 7 April 1961
5A - Dunham Lectures, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 27 March - 7 April 1961
6 - Croonian Lecture, The Royal Society, London, 18 May 1961
7 - Richard Keynes' Lectures, The London Hospital Medical College, 11-25 February 1964
8 - Henry Dale 90th birthday Lecture, Royal College of Physicians, London, 11 June 1965
9 - Anderson Memorial Lecture, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA, 25 October 1965
10 - Sharpey Schafer Lecture, University of Edinburgh Medical School, 21 May 1965
11 - Lecture by CG Bernhard, UCL, 15 March 1966
12 - Proposed lecture in Leipzig, East Germany, 1967
13 - Accademia Medico Fisica Fiorentina Lecture, Florence, Italy, 16 May 1968
14 - British Postgraduate Medical Federation, University of London, 8 January 1970
15 - 'Lectures on the Charles M. & Martha Hitchcock Foundation', University of California, Berkeley, USA, 13-22 October 1970 - lecture notes
16 - 'Lectures on the Charles M. & Martha Hitchcock Foundation', University of California, Berkeley, USA, 13-22 October 1970 - correspondence
17 - 'Faculty colloquium - 1971'
18 - 6th Gowers Memorial Lecture, The National Hospitals for Nervous Diseases, London, 9 November 1971
18A - University of London Institute of Neurology Opening Address, 13 October 1971
19 - Basel Lecture
20 - 'Current Developments in the Sciences' series, University of London Extra-Mural Studies Department, 11-25 October 1973
21 - 1st Otto Krayer Lecture, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 10-17 March 1974
22 - John R Murlin Lecture, University of Rochester, New York, USA, 18-22 March 1974
23 - 3rd Grass Foundation Lecture, Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 21 October 1974
24 - Hammersmith Postgraduate Association Annual Lecture, London, 8 March 1974
25 - Fogarty Scholarship, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA, 1975
26 - Transport club, King's College, London, 10 March 1976
27 - Feldberg Foundation Lecture, UCL, London, 17 May 1977
28 - Claude Bernard Centenary Symposium, Paris, France, 5-7 December 1978
29 - Bertha Bauer Lecture, McMaster University, Ontario, Canada, 14 September 1978
30 - Lane Medical Lectures, Stanford University, California, USA, 2-5 April 1979
31 - Forbes Lectures, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA, 17-18 July 1980
32 - 32nd Cartwright Lecture, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, USA, 6 November 1986
33 - Carl Gustaf Bernhard Lecture, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden, 25 April 1990
34 - 'Boston' - undted lecture notes
35 - 'Carmel' - undated lecture notes
36 - 'Erice - lectures' - undated lecture notes
37 - 'Harvard - Seminar' - undated lecture notes
38 - 'Japan talk' - undated lecture notes
39 - 'Japan/USA' - undated lecture notes
40 - 'Jerusalem' - undated lecture notes
41 - 'King's College' - undated lecture notes
42 - 'Liege lecture' - undated lecture notes
43 - 'Melbourne' - undated lecture notes
44 - 'Oxford lecture in May'
45 - 'Paris' - undated lecture notes
46 - 'Plymouth talk' - undated lecture notes
47 - 'Stanford lectures' - undated lecture notes
48 - 'Stockholm' - undated lecture notes
49 - 'Tubingen' - undated lectures
50 - 'Woods Hole / Stockholm'
51 - 'Elementary components of synaptic transmission' - undated lecture notes
52 - 'Lecture to B.Sc. Class' - undated lecture, location unknown
53 - 'Quantal release of ACI' - undated lecture, location unknown
54 - Signalling - undated lecture, location unknown
55 - 'The molecular effect of the neuromuscular transmitter' - undated lecture, location unknown
56 - 'The release of neuro-transmitters and the present state of the vesicular hypothesis' - undated lecture, location unknown
57 - 'The transmission of excitation within cells and across cell boundaries' - undated lecture, location unknown
58 - 'Two centuries of neuroscience - A brief survey from the beginnings to present trends' - undated lecture, location unknown
59 - '40 Years since Dale' - undated lecture, location unknown
60 - Unidentified lecture notes
61 - Unidentified lecture notes
62 - Unidentified lecture notes
63 - Invitations
64 - Lectures
Expand F - Visits and ConferencesF - Visits and Conferences
Expand G - Societies and OrganisationsG - Societies and Organisations
Expand H - CorrespondenceH - Correspondence
Expand J - Non-Textual MaterialJ - Non-Textual Material