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LIGHTHILL - Lighthill Papers
A - Biographical
B - Research
C - University of Manchester
D - Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE), Farnborough
E - Imperial College London
F - University of Cambridge
G - University College London
H - Publications
J - Lectures
1-15 - '(Early) Public Lectures'
1 - 'Fundamentals of Science', 'Science & Government' and 'Space'
2 - 'Frontiers of Applied Mathematics'
3 - Carbon copy of letter from Lighthill to J.L. Matheson, Engineering Department, [University of Manchester[, 6 July 1954
4 - 'The Arts and the Sciences: some comparisons'
5 - Untitled, manuscript draft relating to an occasion at the Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Italy
6 - 'Amateur fluid dynamics, or enlightened water-watching'
7 - 'Applied mathematics at school and university'
8 - 'Cavitation'
9 - 'Lecture: Aeronautical Research'
10 - 'How the air resists the flight of a shell'
11 - 'Amateur fluid dynamics, or enlightened water-watching'
12 - 'Lecture - Cnoidal Waves and Bores', 'Lecture - Sound Generated Aerodynamically' and 'The General Circulation of the Atmosphere'
13 - 'Shock wave boundary layer interaction' and 'Non-uniform shock propagation'
14 - 'Emmons'
15 - 'Viscosity Effects in High Speed Flow', 'Some notes on turbulence in a stably stratified temperature field' and 'Theoretical considerations on homogeneous turbulence in a stably stratified temperature field'
16 - 'Synopsis of a speech given at the Fourth British Theoretical Mechanics Colloquium', Bristol, 1962
17 - 'Original drawings for Jet Noise Lecture (Wilbur Wright)'
18 - 'An. Lectures on F.A. & G.F.'
19-29 - 'Reynolds Lecture'
30-33 - 'Ocean Science'
34 - 'Aquatic Animal Locomotion', Fifteenth Hugh Macmillan Memorial Lecture, Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, 1973
35 - 'Bridging the chasm separating examination questions (even 'difficult' ones) from real-world problems (even 'easy' ones)', I.M.A. Symposium on Mathematical Skills and Qualities Needed in Graduate Entrants to Industry and Commerce, 3 May 1977
36-43 - 'The Interaction between Mathematics and Society', First Naylor Lecture, London Mathematical Society, 11 March 1977
44 - 'Turbulence: a general introduction', Warwick Symposium on Dynamical Systems, Stability & Turbulence, 10 December 1979
45 - 'Academic innovation', Inaugural Frederick Constable Lecture, Royal Society of Arts, 27 February 1980
46-47 - 'Spoken Version of UCL Past, Present and Future'
48 - Annual North West CEI [Council of Engineering [1981] Institutions] Lecture on 'Bloomsbury Engineering', Manchester
49 - 'Is a Pendulum's Motion Predictable?', 'Lunch-Hour Lecture', University College London, 21 October 1986
50 - Untitled talk by Lighthill as guest speaker at Save British Science Society meeting, October 1987
51-54 - 'La Mcanique, trois sicles aprs Newton', University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, 22 April 1988
55 - Address to AGM of the Fellowship of Operational Research, 20 January 1989
56 - Speech to Chartered Institute of Building Dinner, Guildhall London, 21 February 1989
57-60 - 'Some challenging new applications for basic mathematical methods in the mechanics of fluids that were originally pursued with aeronautical aims', Inaugural Goldstein Memorial Lecture, Manchester, 11 October 1989
61-65 - 'Biomechanics of Hearing Sensitivity', The 1989 Rayleigh Lecture, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, San Francisco, California, 14 December 1989
66 - 'Asymptotic Behaviour of Anisotropic Wave Systems Stimulated by Oscillating Sources', Fritz Ursell Retirement Meeting, Manchester, 29 April 1990
67-68 - Research in mechanics during CISM's first two decades - and possible future developments', International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Udine, Italy, 23 May 1990
69 - 'New discoveries (1987-89) on mechanisms underlying hearing', Canadian Applied Mathematics Society, May 1990
70-74 - 'Biofluiddynamics: a survey', 1991 Joint AMS[American Mathematical Society]-IMS[Institute of Mathematical Statistics]-SIAM [Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics] Summer Research Conference on Biofluiddynamics, University of Washngton, Seattle, USA, 7 July 1991
75 - 'Chaos: A Historical Perspective (IUGG symposium talk) in Symposium volume 1991-2'
76-77 - 'La Mechanique dans la Biologie Moderne (Humphrey Davy Lecture) in La Vie des Sciences 1991-2 (Also Sorbonne Lecture herein)'
78-80 - 'Biomechanics of Hearing Sensitivity', Ascher H. Shapiro Lecture in Fluid Mechanics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, 19-23 February 1992
81-83 - 'A General Introduction to Aeroacoustics and Atmospheric Sound', 2nd International Congress on Recent Developments in Air- and Structure-Borne Sound and Vibration, Auburn University, Alabama, USA, March 1992
84 - 'Aerodynamic Noise', Noise-93 Conference, St Petersburg, Russia
85 - 'Aeroacoustical Uses of Green's Functions'
86-92 - 'Hurricane Dynamics Lecture at Natural History Museum, [London] 12th October 1993'
92A - 'Civil Engineers UK Links to Global Endeavour'
93 - 'Fluid Mechanics and Aeronautics', Institute of Physics Annual Congress, 11 April 1994
94 - 'IMA [Institute of Mathematics and its Applications] Fourier Paper'
95 - 'Flows around spinning spirochetes', British Applied Mathematics Colloquium, Loughborough University, 1996
96 - 'Typhoons, Hurricanes and Fluid Mechanics', Closing Lecture, ICTAM Congress, Kyoto, Japan, August 1996
97-100 - 'Typhoons, Hurricanes and Fluid Mechanics', The 1996-97 Di Prima Memorial Lecture, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, USA, 27 February 1997
101 - 'Ocean Spray modelling for Tropical Cyclone wind speeds', Fluid Dynamics Symposium, Twente University, Netherlands, 11 April 1997
102-105 - 'Acoustic Streaming'
106 - 'Aeroacoustics Transparencies for First Projector'
107 - 'Aeroacoustics Transparencies for Second Projector'
108 - 'Bacterial Biofluiddynamics'
109-110 - Transparencies for lecture on biomechanics of hearing sensitivity
111-113 - 'Transparencies for biomechanics of hearing sensitivity'
114 - 'Bioméchanique de la Nage chez les Bactéries'
115-116 - 'Transparencies for A Century of Shock Wave Dynamics'
117 - 'Herring: Transparencies for 2nd Projector'
118 - Transparencies, manuscript notes re herring lecture
119-121 - 'Old Hydrodynamics of Hearing Transparencies'
122 - Transparencies for lecture on oceans
123-124 - Miscellaneous transparencies, manuscript notes
125 - 'V. Surikov'
126 - 'W.W. [Wilbur Wright] lecture slide material'
127 - 'Nlegs. For Figs. Novosibirsk Lectures'
128 - 'Ludwig Prandtl Lecture ... Diagrams'
129 - 6 drawings for slides with instructions for their preparation for unidentified lecture
130 - 'A Boarding-school for the Mathematically Gifted'
K - Societies and Organisations
L - Visits and Conferences
M - Correspondence
N - Non-Textual Material