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Collapse LIGHTHILL - Lighthill PapersLIGHTHILL - Lighthill Papers
Expand A - BiographicalA - Biographical
Expand B - ResearchB - Research
Expand C - University of ManchesterC - University of Manchester
Expand D - Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE), FarnboroughD - Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE), Farnborough
Expand E - Imperial College LondonE - Imperial College London
Expand F - University of CambridgeF - University of Cambridge
Expand G - University College LondonG - University College London
Expand H - PublicationsH - Publications
Expand J - LecturesJ - Lectures
Expand K - Societies and OrganisationsK - Societies and Organisations
Collapse L - Visits and ConferencesL - Visits and Conferences
Expand 1-5 - 'Royal Aeronautical Society Symposium on Cheap Short-Range Air Transport', London, 4 May 19651-5 - 'Royal Aeronautical Society Symposium on Cheap Short-Range Air Transport', London, 4 May 1965
Expand 6-16 - Visit to the USSR, 11-28 June 19656-16 - Visit to the USSR, 11-28 June 1965
Expand 17-18 - Visit to Japan, September 196617-18 - Visit to Japan, September 1966
19 - Cambridge University Engineers Association Conference on Postgraduate Courses and Research in Engineering, 4 October 1969
20 - Royal Entomological Society of London Symposium on Insect Flight, Imperial College London, 20-21 September 1973
Expand 21-22 - Conference on Scaling Problems in Biology, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA, 24-27 September 197321-22 - Conference on Scaling Problems in Biology, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA, 24-27 September 1973
Expand 23-27 - Symposium on Swimming and Flying in Nature, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA, 8-12 July 197423-27 - Symposium on Swimming and Flying in Nature, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA, 8-12 July 1974
Expand 28-37 - IUPAB/IUTAM Conference on Biodynamics of Animal Locomotion, Cambridge, 1-5 September 197528-37 - IUPAB/IUTAM Conference on Biodynamics of Animal Locomotion, Cambridge, 1-5 September 1975
Expand 38-44 - Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Conference on Fisheries Mathematics, Aberdeen, 24-26 November 197538-44 - Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Conference on Fisheries Mathematics, Aberdeen, 24-26 November 1975
45 - Visit to California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA, April 1977
46 - Symposium on 'Vertebrate Locomotion', London, March 1980
47 - Dirac Memorial Meeting, Cambridge, 19 April 1985
Expand 48-54 - Royal Society / British Academy Discussion Meeting on Predictability in Science and Society, 20-21 March 198648-54 - Royal Society / British Academy Discussion Meeting on Predictability in Science and Society, 20-21 March 1986
Expand 55-57 - First National Conference on Mechanics, Athens, Greece, 25-27 June 198655-57 - First National Conference on Mechanics, Athens, Greece, 25-27 June 1986
Expand 58-59 - Visit to Lisbon, Portugal, 10-12 November 198658-59 - Visit to Lisbon, Portugal, 10-12 November 1986
Expand 60-65 - Visit to China, 27 June - 10 July 198760-65 - Visit to China, 27 June - 10 July 1987
66 - Scientific Annual Meeting of GAMM [Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik and Mechanik], Vienna, Austria, 5-8 April 1988
Collapse 67-68 - Fourth Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Hong Kong, 21-25 August 198967-68 - Fourth Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Hong Kong, 21-25 August 1989
Expand 69-72 - Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications conference on 'Chaos Applications in Engineering and Science', University College London, 15 June 199069-72 - Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications conference on 'Chaos Applications in Engineering and Science', University College London, 15 June 1990
73 - IUGG Symposium U4 `Non-Linear Dynamics and Predictability of Critical Geophysical Phenomena', 20 August 1991
Expand 74-75 - Second Caribbean Congress on Fluid Dynamics, University of the West Indies, St Augustine, Trinidad, 5-8 January 199274-75 - Second Caribbean Congress on Fluid Dynamics, University of the West Indies, St Augustine, Trinidad, 5-8 January 1992
Expand 76-77 - 34th British Theoretical Mechanics Colloquium, University of Keele, 30 March - 2 April 199276-77 - 34th British Theoretical Mechanics Colloquium, University of Keele, 30 March - 2 April 1992
Expand 78-80 - 12th Dundee Conference on the Theory of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, University of Dundee, 22-26 June 199278-80 - 12th Dundee Conference on the Theory of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, University of Dundee, 22-26 June 1992
Expand 81-84 - Visit to Calcutta, India, 15-22 November 199281-84 - Visit to Calcutta, India, 15-22 November 1992
85 - Symposium on Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics on the occasion of the 80th birthday of W.R. Sears, ?March 1993
86 - British Council / Accademia dei Lincei meeting on Large Explosive Eruptions, Rome, Italy, 24-25 May 1993
87 - Noise-93 International Noise and Vibration Control Conference, St Petersburg, Russia, 31 May - June 3 1993
Expand 88-105 - World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Third International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones, Huatulco, Mexico, 22 November - 1 December 199388-105 - World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Third International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones, Huatulco, Mexico, 22 November - 1 December 1993
106 - Society for Experimental Biology Symposium on Biological Fluid Dynamics', Leeds, 4-9 July 1994
107 - Visit to City College New York, USA, February 1997
108 - Fifth International Congress on Sound Adelaide, South Australia, 15-18 December 1997
109 - Fourth International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones, Hainan, China, 21-30 April 1998
Expand M - CorrespondenceM - Correspondence
Expand N - Non-Textual MaterialN - Non-Textual Material