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Collapse LONSDALE - Lonsdale PapersLONSDALE - Lonsdale Papers
Expand A - BiographicalA - Biographical
Expand B - University College LondonB - University College London
Expand C - ResearchC - Research
Collapse D - 'International tables for crystal structure determination'D - 'International tables for crystal structure determination'
1 - Letters to Lonsdale from W.T. Astbury and C. Hermann re preparation of the International Tables
2 - Manuscript notes mostly by Lonsdale on preparation of the International Tables or the paper 'Tabulated data for the examination of the 230 space groups by homogeneous X-rays'
3 - Re-print of an article by Lonsdale, 1957; printed obituaries of W.T. Astbury by Lonsdale, 1961.
4 - Letter to Lonsdale regarding the papers of J.D. Bernal
5-7 - 'Early letters'
8-9 - 'Printed matter'
10-15 - 'Papers, letters etc from A.L. Patterson regarding International Tables'
16 - Letters to Lonsdale from George S. Parry and related manuscript calculations by Lonsdale
17-19 - 'Dictionary IT Vol. I'
20-21 - 'Suggestions re Vol. I'
22-23 - 'Early papers - discussion and correspondence regarding tables of contents'
24-30 - 'Vol. I'
31-32 - 'Publisher'
33-35 - Correspondence regarding suggestions for the financing of production
36-42 - 'Kynoch Press'
43 - 'Structure Reports'
44-46 - 'German-English-Russian Glossary of Crystallography'
47-55 - 'λ values standard spacings'.
56-60 - 'Original typescript of Volume 1 (Space Groups)'
61-71 - Correspondence and papers regarding the preparation of Volumes 1 to 3
72-76 - 'Editors and letters from Editorial Commission'
77-80 - Correspondende regarding various matters relating to preparation of the International Tables
81-87 - 'IT Finance'
88-97 - Correspondence and papers regarding the distribution and marketing
98-99 - 'Vol. I Supplement'
100-101 - 'Space-Group Theory - MS not used for Vol I., IT'
102-106 - 'Space-Group Theory - derivation of cubic symmetry elements'
107-108 - 'Volume III - Orientation of crystals'
109 - 'Volume III and other recent IT letters'
110-112 - 'Dumond & Cohen - Fundamental Constants'
113-132 - Correspondence and papers regarding preparation, production and sales of the International Tables
133-154 - Correspondence and papers regarding preparation, production and sales of the International Tables
155-160 - Series of paperback notebooks
161-164 - Series of paperback notebooks containing manuscript formulae and data on structures
165-171 - Draft and manuscript copy of 'Simplified Structure Factor and Electron Density Forumale for the 230 Space Groups of Mathematical Crystallography', by Lonsdale.
172 - Paperback notebook inscribed 'International Tables - instructions to printers'
173 - Paperback notebook inscribed 'Vol. III'
174 - Paperback note containing notes on the redistribution of International Tables
175-186 - 'Errata I.U. Cryst' correspondence and papers
187-188 - Reviews of International Tables
189-198 - Notes and drafts connected with the publications of the International Tables
199 - Sample copy of Volume I of the International Tables
200-201 - Glossary in English
202-203 - Glossary in German
204-205 - 'NFMH [Norman F.M. Henry] book'
Expand E - Publications, lectures and broadcastsE - Publications, lectures and broadcasts
Expand F - Visits and conferencesF - Visits and conferences
Expand G - Societies and organisationsG - Societies and organisations
Expand H - CorrespondenceH - Correspondence