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Collapse LONSDALE - Lonsdale PapersLONSDALE - Lonsdale Papers
Expand A - BiographicalA - Biographical
Expand B - University College LondonB - University College London
Expand C - ResearchC - Research
Expand D - 'International tables for crystal structure determination'D - 'International tables for crystal structure determination'
Collapse E - Publications, lectures and broadcastsE - Publications, lectures and broadcasts
Expand 1-66 - "Early papers"1-66 - "Early papers"
Collapse 67-409 - Publications67-409 - Publications
Collapse 67-301 - Draft articles and books67-301 - Draft articles and books
67-68 - 'Experimental study of X-ray scattering in relation to crystal dynamics', Reports on Progress in Physics 9 (1943)
69-70 - Articles on 'X-rays', 'X-rays and crystal structure', 'Structure of solides', 'C.G. Barkla' and 'M. von Laue' for Chambers Encyclopaedia
71-77 - Crystals and X-rays (G. Bell and Sons Ltd, London, 1949)
78-81 - X-ray Crystallographic Technology by A. Guinier, English translation by T.L. Tippell, edited by Kathleen Lonsdale, (Hilger and Watts, 1952)
82-83 - 'The ionic state of LiH' with J.M. Bijvoet, Philisophical Magazine 44, pp 204-207 (February 1953)
84 - 'The training of modern crystallographers', Acta Crystallographica 6, p. 874 (November 1953)
85 - 'Moral responsibility', Scientific Worker 9 (May 1954)
86 - 'Determination of absolute configuration by Laue photographs' with H.J. Grenville-Wells, Nature 173 (12 June 1954)
87-89 - 'Sign determination in crystal structure analysis' with H.J. Grenville-Wells, Acta Crystallographica 7 (July 1954)
90-91 - 'Neutron and atom patterns in cyrstals', Science News 37, pp 25-42 (August 1955)
92 - 'Present trends in the Department of Chemical Crystallography, UCL', Journal of the Chemical and Physical Society, University College London (Michaelmas Term 1955)
93 - 'Temperature dependence of the diamagnetic anisotrophy of benzil' with M Leela, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (India) XXV (1956)
94 - 'Large increase of light sensitivity at low temperatures for certain types of X-ray filn' with H J Grenville-Wells, British Journal of Applied Physics 7, p380 (October 1956)
95 - 'Recent advances in crystal physics'
96 - 'Is 'super-refinement' legitimate in X-ray crystal analysis', Nature 179, pp 856-859
97-101 - 'Is Peace Possible?' (Penguin Books)
102 - 'Disarmament', New Scientist (28 November 1957)
103 - 'Crystallography: a borderline science', The Centenniel Review 2 (Summer 1958)
104 - 'What shall this man do?' article for a magazine propsed by the Fellowship of Reconcilliation
105 - 'International Tables for X-ray crystallography'. Contribution to a 'Dictionary of Physics'
106 - 'Experimental studies of atomic vibrations in crystals and of their relationship to thermal expansion', Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 112 (1959)
410-611 - Lectures
612-625 - Broadcasts
626-686 - Offprints
Expand F - Visits and conferencesF - Visits and conferences
Expand G - Societies and organisationsG - Societies and organisations
Expand H - CorrespondenceH - Correspondence