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Collapse LONSDALE - Lonsdale PapersLONSDALE - Lonsdale Papers
Expand A - BiographicalA - Biographical
Expand B - University College LondonB - University College London
Expand C - ResearchC - Research
Expand D - 'International tables for crystal structure determination'D - 'International tables for crystal structure determination'
Expand E - Publications, lectures and broadcastsE - Publications, lectures and broadcasts
Collapse F - Visits and conferencesF - Visits and conferences
1 - Second Institute of Physics Conference on X-Ray Analysis in Industry, Cambridge, 9-10 April 1943
2-3 - Colloquium on the Structure of Crystals and their X-Ray Diffraction Patterns, Institute for Advanced Studies, Dublin, 14-27 July 1943
4 - Conference on X-Ray Analysis during the War Years, Institute of Physics X-Ray Analysis Group, July 1946
5 - Special Research Fellowship, National Institure of Health, Maryland, US, Jan-Jul 1947
6 - Visit to Scandinavia, September 1948
7-9 - Conference on the Biological Hazards of Atomic Energy, Royal Institution, London, 20-21 October 1950
10-12 - Papers relating to Lonsdale's World Tour, August-October 1954
13 - Invitations to visit Chile during the 1955 Summer vacation
Expand 14-27 - Visit to China, August-September 195514-27 - Visit to China, August-September 1955
Expand 28-31 - Joint Conference on Low Temperature Crystallography, Oxford, 12-13 April 195628-31 - Joint Conference on Low Temperature Crystallography, Oxford, 12-13 April 1956
32 - International Conference on Current Problems in Crystal Physics, Cambridge, Massachusetts, US, 1-5 July 1957
33 - Symposium on Science and Society, University of London, 19 March 1958
34 - Visit to Norway, Sweden and Denmark, March-April 1958
35 - Conference on Science in Schools, London, 17-18 April 1958
36 - Second United Nations International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, Switzerland, 1-13 September 1958
Expand 37-43 - Visit to the University of Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, 30 November -  6 December 195837-43 - Visit to the University of Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, 30 November - 6 December 1958
44 - Plaistow Grammar School Speech Day, London, March 1960
45 - Photograph of Lonsdale at a prizegiving ceremony at Kynaston School
Expand 46-56 - Visit to Egypt, March-April 196146-56 - Visit to Egypt, March-April 1961
57-67 - Visits to Egypt and India, December 1961 - January 1962
Expand 93-125 - World Tour, July - September 196593-125 - World Tour, July - September 1965
125A - International Congress of Crystallographers, Moscow, 12-21 July 1966
126 - Conference on Science and Human Potentiality, St George's House, Windsor Castle, 9-11 December 1967
Expand 127-133 - Visit to the United States, December 1967-January 1968127-133 - Visit to the United States, December 1967-January 1968
Expand 134-136 - Conference on Science and Human Personality, St George's House, Windsor Castle, 6-7 December 1968134-136 - Conference on Science and Human Personality, St George's House, Windsor Castle, 6-7 December 1968
Expand 137-139  - Visit to the United States, August-December 1969137-139 - Visit to the United States, August-December 1969
Expand 140-141 - Conference on 'Old Theology and the New World', St George's House Windsor Castle, 5-7 December 1969140-141 - Conference on 'Old Theology and the New World', St George's House Windsor Castle, 5-7 December 1969
Expand 142-144 - Visit to the United States, May-June 1970142-144 - Visit to the United States, May-June 1970
Expand 145-147 - Conference on 'Aggression in Man', St George's House, Windsor Castle, 1-3 January 1971145-147 - Conference on 'Aggression in Man', St George's House, Windsor Castle, 1-3 January 1971
148 - Meeting of British and American scientists on issues relating to atomic energy and weapons
149 - Visit to Woodford County High School, Essex
Expand G - Societies and organisationsG - Societies and organisations
Expand H - CorrespondenceH - Correspondence