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LONSDALE - Lonsdale Papers
A - Biographical
B - University College London
C - Research
D - 'International tables for crystal structure determination'
E - Publications, lectures and broadcasts
F - Visits and conferences
G - Societies and organisations
1-8 - Arthur Stanley Eddington Memorial Trust
9 - Association for Science Education
10-15 - Atomic Scientists' Association
16-24 - Bedford College, University of London
25-34 - Bragg Lecture Fund
35-115 - British Association for the Advancement of Science
35-40 - General correspondence and papers
41-49 - General correspondence and papers
50-62 - General correspondence and papers
63-65 - 'Shortage of laboratory technicians'
66 - 'Appeals to Foundations, Gov't'
67 - 'BA Young Scientists'
68-69 - 'Presidential Address. Reorganisation and BA Group Meetings'
70 - 'Study Groups'
71 - 'Science Fairs'
72-73 - 'Membership Ctte. Agenda & minutes'
74 - 'Correspondence with General Officers'
75 - 'Members & Industry Appeal'
76-88 - 'Physics and Ageing', Presidential Address to Section A by Lonsdale, given at the Annual Meeting, Leeds, 30 August-6 September 1967
76-79 - Correspondence regarding preparation of the address
80 - Programmes
81 - Correspondence etc arising
82 - Draft summary of Presidential Address and abstract for Annual Meeting programme
83 - Copy of typescript draft of the Presidential Address with manuscript revisions; lists of slides etc
84 - 20pp revised typescript version and legends for figures, references etc.
85-86 - Photographic prints
87-88 - X-rays of human hair samples
116-149 - Bullwood Hall Borstal, Essex
150 - Chemical Physical Society
151-153 - Institute of Science Technology
154-324 - International Union of Crystallography
324A - Mineralogical Society
325-327 - National Reference Library of Science and Invention
328-342 - Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs
343-353 - Royal Institution
354-400 - Royal Society
401-404 - Royal Society of Arts
405 - Science for Peace
406-407 - Society for the Protection of Science and Learning Ltd.
408 - Society for Visiting Scientists
409-412 - Society of Friends
412A - Urberger Contakt-Centrum e.V (Germany)
413-414 - Women's Engineering Society
415-418 - Shorter correspondence and papers
H - Correspondence