Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse ME - Papers of David Medd (1917-2009) and Mary Medd (1907-2005)ME - Papers of David Medd (1917-2009) and Mary Medd (1907-2005)
Expand A - The Personal Papers of Mary Medd (nee Crowley)A - The Personal Papers of Mary Medd (nee Crowley)
Expand B - Biographical MaterialB - Biographical Material
Expand C - Personal Notebooks and Diaries of David MeddC - Personal Notebooks and Diaries of David Medd
Expand D - Early Herts and Post-War BuildingD - Early Herts and Post-War Building
Expand E - Ministry of Education Development ProjectsE - Ministry of Education Development Projects
Expand F - USAF - USA
Expand G - Overseas ProjectsG - Overseas Projects
Expand H - Schools Council Project on MusicH - Schools Council Project on Music
Collapse I - School FurnitureI - School Furniture
Expand 1 - Trade Catalogues1 - Trade Catalogues
Expand 2 - Furniture History2 - Furniture History
Expand 3 - FIRA Publications3 - FIRA Publications
Expand 4 - 'Furnishing a School' - Film4 - 'Furnishing a School' - Film
Expand 5 - School Furniture Articles5 - School Furniture Articles
Expand 6 - Foreign Publications on School Furniture6 - Foreign Publications on School Furniture
Expand 7 - School Furniture Plans7 - School Furniture Plans
Collapse 8 - Ergonomics8 - Ergonomics
1 - 'Study of Dimensions re Equipment in Housing for Old Persons' - National Swedish Institute for Building Research Paper
2 - FIRA Dynamic Ergonomic Measurement Photographs
3 - 'In Designing for the Elderly (Based on Anthropometric and Ergonomic Considerations (Metric Units))' - Draft British Standard Dimensional Recommendations
4 - Eltham Green School - Fitting Trial Photographs
5 - 'Anthropometry of British Women: Data on Five Body Measurements Taken on British Women Between the Ages of 18 and 80 Years' by D. Thompson et al
6 - Seating Postures and Back Pain - Papers and Articles (Dr Aage Chresten Mandal )
7 - 'Basic Dimensions and Items in a Proposed Range of School Furniture' - Report
8 - 'Ergonomic Requirements for Building Components and Associated Operating Devices' - Building Research Establishment Current Paper
9 - 'Anthropometrics: An Introduction for Schools and Colleges' by ST Peasant
10 - Heights of Children, Problems of Bad Furniture and Growth of Boys - Papers
11 - Seating Postures and Back Pain - Papers and Articles (Dr Aage Chresten Mandal )
12 - Marks and Spencer Survey of Boys and Girls for Clothing
13 - Seating Postures and Back Pain - Papers and Articles
14 - Seating Postures and Back Pain - Papers and Articles
15 - 'Report to the DES on the Revision of BS 5873', by Levent Caglar
16 - Seating Postures and Back Pain - Papers and Articles
17 - 'The Guide to Good Office Seating' - Publication
18 - 'OPUS' Musicians' Chairs - Diagrams and Papers
19 - School Furniture Dimension Data
20 - 'Investigations into the Potential Use and Measurement of Alternative Ergonomic Workstations in UK Schools' - Report
21 - 'Mission Statement/Protocol' - National Back Pain Association Children's Working Party
22 - 'Furniture + Fitness = Healthy Attentive Pupils' by Jim Taylor
23 - Articles on 'Child Growth'
24 - 'Child Data: The Handbook of Child Measurements and Capabilities' - Publication
25 - 'Anthropometric Survey of School Children in England, 2001' by Levent Caglar
Expand 9 - Photographs9 - Photographs
Expand 10 - Furniture Standards - Papers10 - Furniture Standards - Papers
Expand 11 - Furniture Reports and Agreements11 - Furniture Reports and Agreements
Expand 12 - Furniture Lectures12 - Furniture Lectures
Expand 13 - Programme on Educational Building (PEB)13 - Programme on Educational Building (PEB)
Expand 14 - Sanitary Ware14 - Sanitary Ware
Expand 15 - Furniture Models 15 - Furniture Models
16 - School Furniture - General Correspondence and Papers
Expand J - Colour in SchoolsJ - Colour in Schools
Expand K - School Lighting and EnvironmentK - School Lighting and Environment
Expand L - NurseriesL - Nurseries
Expand M - School DesignM - School Design
Expand N - Primary Education BasesN - Primary Education Bases
Expand O - Renovation of Bishops GrossetesteO - Renovation of Bishops Grosseteste
Expand P - Aga Khan Education Service(s) AKESP - Aga Khan Education Service(s) AKES
Expand Q - PeopleQ - People
Expand R - DES PublicationsR - DES Publications
Expand S - British Council CoursesS - British Council Courses
Expand T - Architects and Building Branch (A&B) PapersT - Architects and Building Branch (A&B) Papers
Expand U - Educational and School HistoryU - Educational and School History
Expand V - Contributions to Books/ProgrammesV - Contributions to Books/Programmes
Expand W - MicrofilmsW - Microfilms
Expand X - Other WorkX - Other Work
Expand Y - General PublicationsY - General Publications
Expand Z - MiscellaneousZ - Miscellaneous