Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse ME - Papers of David Medd (1917-2009) and Mary Medd (1907-2005)ME - Papers of David Medd (1917-2009) and Mary Medd (1907-2005)
Expand A - The Personal Papers of Mary Medd (nee Crowley)A - The Personal Papers of Mary Medd (nee Crowley)
Expand B - Biographical MaterialB - Biographical Material
Expand C - Personal Notebooks and Diaries of David MeddC - Personal Notebooks and Diaries of David Medd
Expand D - Early Herts and Post-War BuildingD - Early Herts and Post-War Building
Expand E - Ministry of Education Development ProjectsE - Ministry of Education Development Projects
Expand F - USAF - USA
Expand G - Overseas ProjectsG - Overseas Projects
Expand H - Schools Council Project on MusicH - Schools Council Project on Music
Expand I - School FurnitureI - School Furniture
Expand J - Colour in SchoolsJ - Colour in Schools
Expand K - School Lighting and EnvironmentK - School Lighting and Environment
Expand L - NurseriesL - Nurseries
Collapse M - School DesignM - School Design
Expand 1 - Building and Construction1 - Building and Construction
Expand 2 - School Visits and Plans2 - School Visits and Plans
Expand 3 - School Design Articles3 - School Design Articles
Expand 4 - School Design Lectures4 - School Design Lectures
Collapse 5 - Primary School Design5 - Primary School Design
Expand 6 - Secondary School Design6 - Secondary School Design
Expand 7 - Middle School Design7 - Middle School Design
Expand 8 - Village Colleges8 - Village Colleges
Expand 9 - York Discussion Group9 - York Discussion Group
Expand 10 - Drawing Registers10 - Drawing Registers
Expand N - Primary Education BasesN - Primary Education Bases
Expand O - Renovation of Bishops GrossetesteO - Renovation of Bishops Grosseteste
Expand P - Aga Khan Education Service(s) AKESP - Aga Khan Education Service(s) AKES
Expand Q - PeopleQ - People
Expand R - DES PublicationsR - DES Publications
Expand S - British Council CoursesS - British Council Courses
Expand T - Architects and Building Branch (A&B) PapersT - Architects and Building Branch (A&B) Papers
Expand U - Educational and School HistoryU - Educational and School History
Expand V - Contributions to Books/ProgrammesV - Contributions to Books/Programmes
Expand W - MicrofilmsW - Microfilms
Expand X - Other WorkX - Other Work
Expand Y - General PublicationsY - General Publications
Expand Z - MiscellaneousZ - Miscellaneous