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Collapse MS ADD 386 - D M S Watson PapersMS ADD 386 - D M S Watson Papers
Collapse A - BiographicalA - Biographical
Expand 1-6 - Biographical and bibliographical1-6 - Biographical and bibliographical
Collapse 7-50 - Career, honours and awards7-50 - Career, honours and awards
7 - Birth certificate
8 - Lecture course by Watson on 'The Morphogenesis of the Mammalia from a Palaeontological Standpoint', UCL
9 - First World War navy travel warrant, and other material
10 - Jodrell Chair of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy, UCL. Letters of congratulation
11 - Election to the Fellowship of the Royal Society
12-13 - Election to the Fellowship of the Royal Society
14 - 'A S Woodwards comments on Helga Pearson's thesis.'
15 - Romanes Lecturer, Oxford University
16 - Honorary Degree, University of Cape Town, and other material
17 - Erzherzog Rainer Medal of the Zoological and Botanical Society of Vienna
18 - Membership of Agricultural Research Council, and also the Corporation of Bermuda Biological Station for Research
19 - Fellowship of USSR Academy of Sciences, and other material
20 - Corresponding Membership of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, and other material
21 - Directorship of the British Museum (Natural History)
22 - Membership of Poultry Technical Committee, and other material
23 - Honorary Membership of Indian Academy of Sciences, and other material
24-25 - Darwin Medal, and other material
26 - Corresponding Membership, American Museum of Natural History, and other material
27 - 220th Anniversary of USSR Academy of Sciences, and other material
28 - Associe Etranger, Societe Geologique de France, and other material
29 - Associe, Academie Royale de Bezique, and other material
30 - Vice Presidency, Socit Gologique de Franc, and other material
31 - Hooker Lecturer, Linnean Society of London, and other material
32 - Honorary degree, University of the Witswatersrand, and other material
33 - Geological Society of America, and other material
34-35 - 65th birthday
36 - 65th birthday
37 - Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology, Harvard, and other papers
38 - Presentation of Festschrift volume Studies on fossil vertebrates presented to David Meredith Seares Watson
39 - Darwin-Wallace commemorative medal, Linnean Society of London, and other material
40 - Wollaston Medal, Geological Society
41-42 - Correspondence and papers
43 - Correspondence and papers
44 - Correspondence re: earlier archival deposits
45-46 - Manuscript notes, lists of specimens, drawings
47 - Eightieth birthday
48 - Fiftieth anniversary of election to Fellowship of the Royal Society, and other papers
49 - Letters of condolence on Watson's death
50 - Press-cuttings
Expand 51-52 - Business and financial51-52 - Business and financial
Expand 53-57 - Non-scientific interests53-57 - Non-scientific interests
Expand 58-87 - Family and personal58-87 - Family and personal
Expand 88-92 - Certificates88-92 - Certificates
Expand B - Scientific correspondenceB - Scientific correspondence
Expand C - PhotographsC - Photographs