Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse MS PHILl - Phillipps ManuscriptsMS PHILl - Phillipps Manuscripts
1 - Bremen Statute
2 - Financial Manuscript (German and Latin, 18th century)
3 - Geneva Documents
Expand 4 - Peace Treaties and Other Texts4 - Peace Treaties and Other Texts
5 - Bern Citizens' Issues
6 - Citizens' Issues (1764)
7 - Swiss Towns Statistics
8 - 'Instruction fr meine Hoch- und Wohlgehrte Herren der Rochen Commission'
9 - Diarium Seu Rosche Kreiss Buch
10 - Bern Statute
11 - Bern Hospital
12 - Notary's Art Manuscript
13 - Citizens' Issues (1783)
14 - Citizens' Issues (1770)
15 - Zurich Regiment
16 - Bern Signatures (16th century)
17 - 'Ohmgelt Kammer Ordnungen'
18 - Bern Pedigrees
19 - Chronicle (German)
20 - Bern Signatures (18th century)
21 - Bern Signatures (15th century)
22 - Bern Confederation Book
23 - Vaud Franchises
24 - Zurich Statutes
25 - German Towns Statistics
26 - Material Register (18th century)
27 - Material Register (1778)
28 - Red Book (German, 18th century)
29 - Interlaken Land Statute
30 - Eydtgenossbndt
31 - Bern Parishes
32 - Vaud Customs
33 - Red Books Register (German, 18th century)
34 - Echallens Franchises
35 - Red Books Register (German, late 18th century)
36 - Citizens' Issues (18th century)
37 - Bern Council
38 - Citizens' Issues (1702)
39 - Bern Signatures and Statutes
40 - Wilhelm Manuscript
41 - Orders on Election (French, 17th century)
42 - Schwarzenburg Manuscript
43 - Register of debtors and taxes (German, 18th century)
Expand 44 - Swiss Texts (17th-18th century)44 - Swiss Texts (17th-18th century)
Expand 45 - Swiss Historical Texts45 - Swiss Historical Texts
46 - Fribourg Documents
47 - Allgemeine Fragen
Expand 48 - Swiss Confederation48 - Swiss Confederation
Expand 49 - Bern Conference49 - Bern Conference
50 - Monetary System (German, 1755)
51 - Monetary System (German, 1756)
52 - School Opinion (German, 18th or 19th century)
Expand 53 - German Texts (18th century)53 - German Texts (18th century)
Expand 54 - Swiss Government and Other Texts54 - Swiss Government and Other Texts
Expand 55 - Swiss Catholic Cantons and Other Texts55 - Swiss Catholic Cantons and Other Texts
Expand 56 - Swiss Government Texts56 - Swiss Government Texts
Expand 57 - Swiss Political and Religious Texts57 - Swiss Political and Religious Texts
Expand 58 - Swiss Texts (16th-18th century)58 - Swiss Texts (16th-18th century)
Expand 59 - Swiss Political, Religious and Military Texts59 - Swiss Political, Religious and Military Texts
60 - Swiss Peasants War, 1653
61-64 - Geneva Revolution
Expand 65 - Religious Texts (18th century)65 - Religious Texts (18th century)
66 - Agricultural and Other Texts
67 - Salt Works (German)
68 - Reflections on a pamphlet on grains (French)
69 - Saltpetre Treatise
70 - Forestry Manuscript
71-72 - Potatoes Manuscripts
73 - Engel's History of the Samaritans
74-76 - Engel Essay on Population
Expand 77 - Historical, literary and scientific texts (18th century)77 - Historical, literary and scientific texts (18th century)
78 - Poem on the Campaign of 1712 (French)
79 - Extracts on the War between the English and the French 1754
80 - Astrological Manuscript (German)
81 - Bern History
82 - Bern Benefice
83 - Register concerning government (German, 1786)
84 - Genealogical Register (German)
85 - Swiss Castles
86 - Creilsheim Divorce Manuscript
87 - Hofstade Rental
88 - Polish Monarchy
89 - Rosicrucian Text
90 - Dutch States' Resolutions
91 - Coats of Arms (German)
92 - Bern Conspiracy
93 - Jesuits Letter
94 - Lenzburg Manuscript
95 - Geneva Manuscript
96 - Bern Lodgers
97 - Financial Documents (German and Latin, 15th-16th century)
98 - De Luu Family Heraldic Roll
99 - Material Register (1790)