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MVH - Maida Vale Hospital
A - Maida Vale administrative records
ALM - Almoner's Department
CN - Maida Vale Case notes
EF - Events and fund-raising
1 - Register of contributors
2 - Legacies: correspondence
3 - Appeal Committee: minutes
4 - Fund-raising: correspondence
1 - Fund-raising: correspondence
2 - Fund-raising: correspondence
3 - Fund-raising: correspondence
5 - Annual meeting, 1943: correspondence
6 - Fund-raising: correspondence
7 - 50th Anniverary of first successful operation to remove a brain tumour: collected papers and items
8 - Opening of completed Hospital by Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll: order of ceremony
9 - Proposed memorial to Dr Julius Althaus: correspondence
F - Maida Vale Financial records
H - Maida Vale Health records
HIST - Historical records
LG - Ladies' Guild
N - Maida Vale Nursing records
PC - Press cuttings
PROP - Maida Vale Property records
S - Maida Vale Staff records