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Collapse ORWELL - Orwell PapersORWELL - Orwell Papers
Expand A - Manuscripts and typescriptsA - Manuscripts and typescripts
Expand B - Orwell Papers: literary notebooksB - Orwell Papers: literary notebooks
Expand C - Orwell Papers: Spanish Civil War materialC - Orwell Papers: Spanish Civil War material
Expand D - Orwell Papers: general notebooksD - Orwell Papers: general notebooks
Expand E - Orwell Papers: political diariesE - Orwell Papers: political diaries
Expand F - Orwell Papers: domestic diariesF - Orwell Papers: domestic diaries
Expand G - Orwell Papers: letters from OrwellG - Orwell Papers: letters from Orwell
Expand H - Orwell Papers: letters to OrwellH - Orwell Papers: letters to Orwell
Expand I - Orwell Papers: associated papersI - Orwell Papers: associated papers
Expand J - Orwell Papers: personaliaJ - Orwell Papers: personalia
Expand K - Orwell Papers: Eileen Blair papers (née O'Shaughnessy)K - Orwell Papers: Eileen Blair papers (née O'Shaughnessy)
Expand L - Orwell Papers: family papersL - Orwell Papers: family papers
Collapse M - Orwell Papers: posthumous materialM - Orwell Papers: posthumous material
1 - Entry on Orwell for the 'Oxford Dictionary of National Biography'
2 - Letter from Arthur Koestler to David Astor
3 - 'A Writer's Life', by T R Fyvel
Expand 4 - Roger Senhouse material4 - Roger Senhouse material
5 - Extracts from two letters from John Middleton Murry
6 - Letter from Avril Dunn
7 - Notes from manuscript of 'Knees of My Heart'
8 - 'George Orwell: Dark Side Out', by Tom Hopkinson
Expand 9 - Letters to Malcolm Muggeridge9 - Letters to Malcolm Muggeridge
10 - Letters to Sir Richard Rees
11 - Letter from Stevie Smith
12 - Letters to Tosco R Fyvel and Mrs Fyvel
Expand 13 - Howard Fink material13 - Howard Fink material
14 - 'College Days with George Orwell', by Denys King-Farlow
15 - Letter from John Bush, at Victor Gollancz Ltd
Collapse 16 - Buddicom family material16 - Buddicom family material
17 - 'Memories of George Orwell', by Michael Meyer
18 - 'Orwell', by Malcolm Muggeridge.
19 - Typescript draft and proof of review by John Lehmann of ' The Unknown Orwell'
20 - 'A Boy's View of George Orwell' by R S Peters
21 - Introduction to Folio Society edition of 'Homage to Catalonia' by Bob Edwards
22 - 'Eileen Blair', by Lettice Cooper
23 - Memoirs of Miranda Christen, Including Reminiscences of Orwell's flat in Canonbury Square
24 - 'Homage to Orwell-as I knew Him in Catalonia', by Charles Orr
26 - Letter from Jennie Lee to Miss Margaret Goalby
27 - Letter from T R Fyvel to Miss Goalby
28 - Letter from Sonia Pitt-Rivers to Neville Braybrooke
Expand N - Orwell Papers: proofsN - Orwell Papers: proofs
Expand O - Orwell Papers: radio scriptsO - Orwell Papers: radio scripts
Expand P - Orwell Papers: adaptation scripts and screenplaysP - Orwell Papers: adaptation scripts and screenplays
Expand Q - Orwell Papers: documentary scriptsQ - Orwell Papers: documentary scripts
Expand R - Orwell Papers: audio-visual materialR - Orwell Papers: audio-visual material
Expand S - Orwell Papers: Sonia Orwell (Blair) papersS - Orwell Papers: Sonia Orwell (Blair) papers
Expand T - Orwell Papers: PhotographsT - Orwell Papers: Photographs