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Collapse PEARSON - Karl Pearson PapersPEARSON - Karl Pearson Papers
Collapse 1 - Personal and Family Papers1 - Personal and Family Papers
Expand 1 - Photographs and Genealogy1 - Photographs and Genealogy
Expand 2 - William and Fanny Pearson, Karl Pearson's Father and Mother2 - William and Fanny Pearson, Karl Pearson's Father and Mother
Expand 3 - Arthur Beilby Pearson-Gee, Karl Pearson's Brother3 - Arthur Beilby Pearson-Gee, Karl Pearson's Brother
Expand 4 - Maria Sharpe Pearson, Karl Pearson's Wife4 - Maria Sharpe Pearson, Karl Pearson's Wife
Collapse 5 - The Men and Women's Club Records5 - The Men and Women's Club Records
Collapse 1 - Men and Women's Club: Attendance Book and Other Papers1 - Men and Women's Club: Attendance Book and Other Papers
Expand 2 - <i>The Woman's Question</i> by Karl Pearson2 - The Woman's Question by Karl Pearson
Expand 3 - "The Other Side of the Question" by Henrietta Mller3 - "The Other Side of the Question" by Henrietta Mller
4 - "Sexual Relations Among the Greeks of the Periclean Era" by Robert J Parker
Expand 5 - "Women in Old Russia" by N W Tchaykovsky5 - "Women in Old Russia" by N W Tchaykovsky
6 - "Sketch of sexual relations in Rome" by Lina Eckenstein
Expand 7 - Papers Read at Meeting on 11 October 1886  7 - Papers Read at Meeting on 11 October 1886
Expand 8 - Papers Read at the Meeting on 13 December 18868 - Papers Read at the Meeting on 13 December 1886
9 - Abstract of Annie Besant's "The State and Sexual Relations"
10 - "Modern Indian Women" by Gulam Mohamed Munshee
Expand 11 - Abstract of "Limitations of the Family" by Henrietta Müller11 - Abstract of "Limitations of the Family" by Henrietta Müller
Expand 12 - "Notes on Laws and Regulations Dealing with Prostitution in Western Europe from 800 AD to 1500 AD and from 1500 to 1800" by Maria Sharpe12 - "Notes on Laws and Regulations Dealing with Prostitution in Western Europe from 800 AD to 1500 AD and from 1500 to 1800" by Maria Sharpe
Expand 13 - "The Contagious Diseases Act" by Robert  J Parker13 - "The Contagious Diseases Act" by Robert J Parker
Expand 14 - "Some Social Aspects of the Regulation of Prostitution" by Ralph Thicknesse14 - "Some Social Aspects of the Regulation of Prostitution" by Ralph Thicknesse
15 - "The Position of Women among the Hebrews" by Hume C Pinsent
Expand 16 - Abstract of "The Emancipation of Women" by Florence Balgarnie16 - Abstract of "The Emancipation of Women" by Florence Balgarnie
17 - Abstract of Ethel M William's "The Physiological Basis of Heredity"
Expand 18 - "Parent and Child in Literature" by Lina Eckenstein18 - "Parent and Child in Literature" by Lina Eckenstein
Expand 19 - "On the Laws of Inheritance According to Galton" by Karl Pearson19 - "On the Laws of Inheritance According to Galton" by Karl Pearson
Expand 20 - "Henrik Ibsen and his Men and Women" by Maria Sharpe20 - "Henrik Ibsen and his Men and Women" by Maria Sharpe
21 - Paper on the Work of the Men and Women's Club by Robert Parker
Expand 6 - The Men and Women's Club Correspondence6 - The Men and Women's Club Correspondence
Expand 7 - Karl Pearson's Education and Early Life7 - Karl Pearson's Education and Early Life
Expand 8 - Karl Pearson's Academic Appointments8 - Karl Pearson's Academic Appointments
Expand 9 - Association for Promoting a Professorial University for London and Other Material9 - Association for Promoting a Professorial University for London and Other Material
Expand 10 - Karl Pearson's Honours and Degrees10 - Karl Pearson's Honours and Degrees
Expand 11 - Karl Pearson's Speeches at Dinners and Clubs11 - Karl Pearson's Speeches at Dinners and Clubs
Expand 12 - Karl Pearson's Retirement, Commemoration Fund and Death12 - Karl Pearson's Retirement, Commemoration Fund and Death
Expand 2 - Lectures and Lecture Notes2 - Lectures and Lecture Notes
Expand 3 - Literary and Scientific Work3 - Literary and Scientific Work
Expand 4 - History of the Department of Applied Statistics4 - History of the Department of Applied Statistics
Expand 5 - Weldon Papers5 - Weldon Papers
Expand 6 - Department of Statistics and Colleagues' Papers6 - Department of Statistics and Colleagues' Papers
Expand 7 - Biometrika Papers7 - Biometrika Papers
Expand 8 - The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton8 - The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton
Expand 9 - Galton Laboratory Wartime Research Papers9 - Galton Laboratory Wartime Research Papers
Expand 10 - Acquired Papers10 - Acquired Papers
Expand 11 - General Correspondence11 - General Correspondence