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PEARSON - Karl Pearson Papers
1 - Personal and Family Papers
2 - Lectures and Lecture Notes
3 - Literary and Scientific Work
4 - History of the Department of Applied Statistics
5 - Weldon Papers
6 - Department of Statistics and Colleagues' Papers
7 - Biometrika Papers
8 - The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton
9 - Galton Laboratory Wartime Research Papers
10 - Acquired Papers
1 - Letter from Charles Darwin to Daniel Sharpe
2 - Manuscript Folio from On the Origin of Species, in Holograph
3 - Manuscript Folios for
The Descent of Man
4 - Autograph Signatures of Charles Babbage and Michael Faraday
5 - Letter of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
6 - Letter of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker
7 - Letter of Sir Joesph Hume
8 - Letter from Thomas Henry Huxley to Fanny Hertz
9 - Letter of Lambert Adolphe Quételet
10 - Papers Relating to an Enquiry Led by Florence Nightingale
1 - Circulars, Forms and Notes Regarding Florence Nightingale's Enquiry
2 - Carey, Eliza to Florence Nightingale
3 - Gower, S to Florence Nightingale
4 - Heywood, James to Florence Nightingale
5 - Rogers, Frederic to Florence Nightingale
6 - Weekes, Henry to Florence Nightingale
7 - Enquiry Papers: Australia
8 - Enquiry Papers: Canada
9 - Enquiry Papers: Ceylon
1 - Copy Dispatch and Hospital Returns
2 - Copy Dispatch and Enclosed Report on Borella Asylum
3 - Copy Dispatch and Circular Regarding School Returns
4 - "Sickness and Mortality in Schools Attended by Native Children"
5 - Copy Dispatches and School Returns
10 - Enquiry Papers: Cape Colony
11 - Enquiry Papers: Mauritius
12 - Enquiry Papers: Colony of Natal
13 - Enquiry Papers: New Zealand
14 - Enquiry Papers: Cape Colony
15 - Dispatches from Various Colonies
11 - Draft Chapters of
A History of the Theory of Elasticity
11 - General Correspondence