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PEARSON - Karl Pearson Papers
1 - Personal and Family Papers
2 - Lectures and Lecture Notes
3 - Literary and Scientific Work
4 - History of the Department of Applied Statistics
5 - Weldon Papers
6 - Department of Statistics and Colleagues' Papers
7 - Biometrika Papers
8 - The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton
9 - Galton Laboratory Wartime Research Papers
10 - Acquired Papers
11 - General Correspondence
1 - Letters mainly addressed to Karl Pearson
1 - Correspondence: Abbe to Aveling
2 - Correspondence: Bachelier to Byrne
3 - Correspondence: Cable to Cyriak
4 - Correspondence: D Appleton & Co. to Dyson
5 - Correspondence: Eagleston to Ewing
6 - Correspondence: Falk to Furze
7 - Correspondence: Gabriel to Guy
8 - Correspondence: Hacker to Huxley
9 - Correspondence: Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News to Isserlis
10 - Correspondence: J and A Churchill to J Russell & Sons
11 - Correspondence: Kahn to Kyrke
12 - Correspondence: La Chapelle to Lynch
13 - Correspondence: Ma to Myres
14 - Correspondence: Nalder to Nutt
15 - Correspondence: O'Bolger to Oxford University Press
16 - Correspondence: Paddington, London Borough of, to Pycraft
17 - Correspondence: Queen Charlotte's Lying-In Hospital, London, to Ryley
18 - Correspondence: St.Andrews University to Symes
1 - St. Andrews University
2 - St. Bartholomew's Hospital
3 - St. Venant, R., Comte de
4 - Sampson, Ralph Allen
5 - Sanders, Cora B
6 - Sanders, F
7 - Sanderson, Alice E
8 - Sanderson, R E
9 - Sanger, Charles Perry
10 - Sarton, George
11 -
Saturday Review, The
12 - Saunders, Charles E
13 - Savile Club
14 - Savur, S R
15 - Scaber, Louie H
16 - Scatcherd, Alice Cliff
17 - Schafer, Sir Edward Albert Sharpey
18 - Schaffer, David N
19 - Scharlieb, Dame Mary Ann Dacomb (Mrs W M Scharlieb, ne Bird)
20 - Scherman, W H A Elink
21 - Schreiner, Olive Emilie Albertina to Elisabeth Cobb
22 - Schreiner, O E A to Henry Havelock Ellis
23 - Schreiner, O E A to Robert John Parker
24 - Schreiner, O E A
25 - Schreiner, O E A to M S Pearson
26 - Schreiner, O E A, Letters about her from Various Correspondents
27 - Schreiner, O E A, Poems, Reviews, her Annotated Bible, an Obituary and Description of her Burial
1 - Annotated Bible
2 - Press Cuttings and Obituary Notices
3 - Olive Schreiner's Writings
28 - Schuster, Sir Arthur
29 - Schuster, Edgar Hermann Joseph
30 - Schuster, Gwen
31 - Schwalbe, G
32 - Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift
33 - Science Progress, Secretary
34 - Scott, Dunkinfield Henry
35 - Scott, Hugh A
36 - Scott, Sir Robert Forsyth
37 - Searle and Watson, Brokers
38 - Sedgwick, Adam
39 - Segundo, E C de
40 - Seidel, E
41 - Selby, Frank J
42 - Seligman, Charles Gabriel
43 - Sellew, George T
44 - Sellew, Isabella Murray to M S Pearson
45 - Selwyn, Edward Carus
46 - Seton, Sir Malcolm Cotter Cariston
47 - Shaen, Margaret J
48 - Shafei, A M N
49 - Sharp, Clifford
50 - Sharpe, Alice (Mrs Henry Sharpe) to M S Pearson
51 - Sharpe, Alys Radford (Mrs D R Sharpe)
52 - Sharpe Catherine
53 - Sharpe, Daniel Radford
54 - Sharpe, George R
55 - Sharpe, Julia to H S Hacker (ne Pearson)
56 - Sharpe, Julia
57 - Sharpe, Julia to M V Pearson
58 - Sharpe, Julia to M S Pearson
59 - Sharpe, Loetitia to F Pearson
60 - Sharpe, Loetitia
61 - Sharpe, Loetita to M S Pearson
62 - Sharpe, Loetitia to S L S Pearson
63 - Sharpe, Lucy
64 - Sharpe, Lucy to M S Pearson
65 - Sharpe, Mary Evelyn (Mrs W A Sharpe)
66 - Sharpe, Mary Evelyn (Mrs W A Sharpe) to M S Pearson
67 - Sharpe, Mary Catharine
68 - Sharpe, Mary Catharine to M V Pearson
69 - Sharpe, Mary Catharine to M S Pearson
70 - Sharpe, Matilda
71 - Sharpe, Reginald L
72 - Sharpe, Richard Bowdler
73 - Sharpe, S Maud (Mrs D Radford Sharpe) to M S Pearson
74 - Sharpe, William Arthur
75 - Sharpe, Pritchard & Co.
76 - Shaw, George Bernard
77 - Sheppard, William Fleetwood
78 - Sherrington, Sir Charles Scott
79 - Shipley, Sir Arthur Everett
80 - Shipping, Ministry of
81 - Srubsall, Frank Charles
82 - Shrull, George H
83 - Sidgwick, Eleanor Mildred (Mrs H Sidgwick, ne Balfour)
84 - Simmons, Thomas Charles
85 - Simon, G A, L'Abbé
86 - Simpkinson, C
87 - Simpson, J Y
88 - Simpson, Robert John Shaw
89 - Singarumba, M
90 - Sir Josiah Mason's Science College
91 - Skandinavisk Aktuarietidskrift
92 - Skeat, Walter William
93 - Slutsky, E
94 - Sly, Richard S
95 - Slye, Maud
96 - Smalley, Herbert
97 - Smallwood, Mabel
98 - Smith, Sir Grafton Elliot
99 - Smith, F
100 - Smith, Frank O
101 - Smith, George Adam
102 - Smith, J C
103 - Smith, James Wharton
104 - Smith, Kirstine
105 - Smith, Louisa to M S Pearson
106 - Smith, M Bentinck
107 - Smith, Reginald John
108 - Smith, Sydney, Principal Medico-Legal Expert, Cairo
109 - Smith, T Roger
110 - Smith, W B
111 - Smith, W Erlan
112 - Smithsonian Institution
113 - Snow, Ernest Charles
114 - Social and Political Education League
115 - Socialist League
116 - Social Welfare Committee
117 - Society of Friends
118 - Solly, Rebecca
119 - Somervell, Robert
120 - Soper, Herbert Edward
121 - Sorgi, Georg
122 - Sorokin, Piritim A
123 - South, E W
124 - Sowersby, George K
125 - Sparling, H Halliday
126 - Spectator, The
127 - Spink, W J
128 - Sprague, Ernest
129 - Staines, Edward
130 - Standard, The
131 - Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd.
132 - Stanton, Beatrice M
133 - Staples, Sir Nathaniel Alexander
134 - Starkey, J L
135 - State Charities Aid Association
136 - Stationers' Hall
137 - Stearn, Herbert Thomas
138 - Stebbing, Thomas Roscoe Rede
139 - Steffensen, J
140 - Steiger, A de
141 - Stephens, Arthur
142 - Stepniak, Sergius Dragomanoff
143 - Stevens, Catharine O
144 - Stevens, Charles
145 - Stevenson, James H to M S Pearson
146 - Stevenson, Paul H
147 - Stevenson, Thomas Henry Craig
148 - Stewart, D A
149 - Stocks, Percy
150 - Stoessiger, Brenda N
151 - Stokes, Sir George Gabriel
152 - Story, George F E
153 - Strachan, R
154 - Stratton, F J M
155 - Stromeyer, O G
156 - Strutt, John William, 3rd Baron Rayleigh
157 - Strutt, Robert John, 4th Baron Rayleigh
158 - Strutt, R J
159 - Stuart, James to W H Macauley
160 - Stuart-Menteath, Charles G
161 - Studdy, Lucy Elizabeth
162 - Sully, James
163 - Sunday Lecture Society
164 - Symes, Ronald
19 - Correspondence: Tansley to Tyneside Sunday Lecture Society
20 - Correspondence: Udny to Usher
21 - Correspondence: Van Haaften to Voysey
22 - Correspondence: W A Mansell and Co. Photographers to Wyllie
23 - Correspondence: Yamaga to Yule
24 - Correpondence: Zaiman to Zoological Survey of India, Indian Museum
2 - General Correspondence: Letters from Karl Pearson
3 - Letters from unidentifiable correspondents