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PEARSON - Karl Pearson Papers
1 - Personal and Family Papers
2 - Lectures and Lecture Notes
3 - Literary and Scientific Work
4 - History of the Department of Applied Statistics
5 - Weldon Papers
6 - Department of Statistics and Colleagues' Papers
7 - Biometrika Papers
8 - The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton
9 - Galton Laboratory Wartime Research Papers
10 - Acquired Papers
11 - General Correspondence
1 - Letters mainly addressed to Karl Pearson
1 - Correspondence: Abbe to Aveling
2 - Correspondence: Bachelier to Byrne
3 - Correspondence: Cable to Cyriak
1 - Cable, J A
2 - University of California, College of Agriculture
3 - Cambridge Antiquarian Society
4 - Cambridge Instrument Company Ltd
5 -
Cambridge Review
6 - Cambridge University Faculty Board of Mathematics
7 - Cambridge University Local Examinations and Lectures Syndic
8 - Cambridge University Registry
9 - Cambridge University Union Society
10 - Cambridge University Press
11 - Camerer, Cuss & Co
12 - Camp, Burton H
13 - Camp, Rachael Rice
14 - Campbell, Agnes
15 - Campbell, N P
16 - Candolle, Casimir de
17 - Capes, Jennie
18 - Carey, W
19 - Carey, L de M
20 - Carnegie, Andrew
21 - Carnegie Institution
22 - Carpenter, Edward
23 - Carpenter, William Boyd
24 - Carr, Frank G
25 - Carus, Paul
26 - Case, A J
27 - Cassel, E
28 - Castella, C de
29 - Castor, R H
30 - Cathcart, Helen
31 - Cattell, James McKeen
32 - Cave, Beatrice M
33 - Cave, F E
34 - Cave, George
35 - Cayley, Arthur
36 - Cazalet, Jessie
37 - Central Committee for National Patriotic Organizations
38 - Central Dispensary for Tuberculosis
39 - Central Medical War Committee
40 - The Central Tuberculosis Institute
41 - Chadwick Trust
42 - Chalmers, Archibald Kerr
43 - Chamberlain, Walter
44 - Chambers, Raymond Wilson
45 - Chancellor, Frederick
46 - Chaplin, Arnold
47 - Chapman, Beatrice
48 - Chapman, John
49 - Chapman, S J
50 - Charity Organisation Society
51 - Charity Organization Society, New York
52 - Charles & Edwin Layton & Co.
53 - Charlier, Carl V Ludwig
54 - Charterhouse Science and Art Society
55 - Charrington, Charles
56 - Chawner, George
57 - Child, Agnes O
58 - Child Study Society
59 - Chree, Charles
60 -
Christian Socialist
61 - Christie, May
62 - Chrystal, George
63 - Church, Frederick John
64 - City Surveyor, Guildhall
65 - Civil Service Commission
66 - Clack, Albert E
67 - Claparède, Ed
68 - Claremont, C A
69 - Clarendon Press
70 - Clark, Alan Maxwell
71 - Clarke, H T
72 - Clarke, J A
73 - Clarkson, Thomas
74 - Clayton, W R
75 - Clemes, Isabella J
76 - Clifford, Lucy [née Lane]
77 - Close, Ellinor C L
78 - Clough, James Samuel
79 - Cobb, Elisabeth [ne Sharpe]
80 - Cobb, J A
81 - Cobb, Lucy Margaret
82 - Cobb, W Graham
83 - Cock, F William
84 - Cohen, G
85 - Cohen, J B Brunel
86 - Coit, Stanton
87 - Coker, E G
88 - Colbert-Laplace, A de, Comte
89 - Coldhabour Miniature Rifle Club
90 - Collet, Edith S
91 - Collin, Th.
92 - Collins, Frederick Howard
93 - Collins, William F
94 - Colt, Frederick Hoare
95 - Colvin, Sir Sidney
96 - Common, Thomas
97 - Comrie, Leslie John
98 - Connor, F
99 - Conway, Ellen D
100 - Conway, Moncure Daniel
101 - Conway, William Martin, Baron Conway of Allington
102 - Cook, Sir Edward Tyas
103 - Coolidge, Reverend William Augustus Breevort
104 - Coombes, D
105 - Coradi, G
106 -
Über Coradi's Kugelplanimeter
107 - Corbett, Margery I
108 - Corfield, William Henry
109 - Cory, R F P
110 - Cottam, E
111 - Courtauld, Catherine
112 - Courtauld, Samuel
113 - Courtauld, Sarah Lucy [née Sharpe]
114 - Courtauld, Sydney
115 - Courtauld, Sydney Renée
116 - Coutts, F B Monay
117 - Crackenthorpe, Montague Hughes
118 - Cracroft, Beatrice E [née Parker]
119 - Cragg, Brian
120 - Craig, Anna
121 - Craig, F Barry
122 - Craig, J I
123 - Crellin, Sarah
124 - Crewdson, Wilson
125 - Crewe-Milnes, Robert O A, Marquess of Crewe
126 - Crichton-Browne, James
127 - Croft, W B
128 - Crofton, W M
129 - Crook, Arthur
130 - Cullis, Cuthbert Edward
131 - Cunard Steamship Company Ltd.
132 - Cunningham, Mary
133 - Cust, Nina [ne Welby]
134 - Cyriak, Hilda
4 - Correspondence: D Appleton & Co. to Dyson
5 - Correspondence: Eagleston to Ewing
6 - Correspondence: Falk to Furze
7 - Correspondence: Gabriel to Guy
8 - Correspondence: Hacker to Huxley
9 - Correspondence: Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News to Isserlis
10 - Correspondence: J and A Churchill to J Russell & Sons
11 - Correspondence: Kahn to Kyrke
12 - Correspondence: La Chapelle to Lynch
13 - Correspondence: Ma to Myres
14 - Correspondence: Nalder to Nutt
15 - Correspondence: O'Bolger to Oxford University Press
16 - Correspondence: Paddington, London Borough of, to Pycraft
17 - Correspondence: Queen Charlotte's Lying-In Hospital, London, to Ryley
18 - Correspondence: St.Andrews University to Symes
19 - Correspondence: Tansley to Tyneside Sunday Lecture Society
20 - Correspondence: Udny to Usher
21 - Correspondence: Van Haaften to Voysey
22 - Correspondence: W A Mansell and Co. Photographers to Wyllie
23 - Correspondence: Yamaga to Yule
24 - Correpondence: Zaiman to Zoological Survey of India, Indian Museum
2 - General Correspondence: Letters from Karl Pearson
3 - Letters from unidentifiable correspondents